10 THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD. SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1903. speech thoicat will be of intereit. No comment is i AMUsem*nTS. inarusland.
Ml as Alice Mr. Kcerer. Mr B. Hiber. Ura.
E. Temple Hmlih vV Sf M. Thomaoa. Mr. J.
PRrnri. VSi SHIPPING ARRTVAT.H Uu. THE DROUGHT. LORD MiYOB'S FCJKD. The fuud is contrelled bv a committee eihzeni.
'I he honorary treasurers are Messrs, George Maiden, runic unmiey, and d. Randal Carey, aud tho honorary secretaries are Messrs, Thomas Nesuitt (towp clerk) and H. C. Brierley, A.I.A.V. Com-munications addressed to the honorary secretaries, Vwkery-chamboci, 82 Pitt-street, will receive prompt attention.
The amounts rcceired ou account of this fuud to date are as follow Amount prcrioualy acknowledged 21,658 10 5 iuorura committee, nudiltonal, per John Fanmolt Frank HtulibinjrtoD, Is; a. Livitigxtone, a rrlciul, 2n T. K. Wf*cker, ahl. CulltcteJ by Mary Johnson, June Turner.
Kato Flynn. and Christina M'intouli, 4 tta 8 0 0 irurcrau ui concert onraniaca ana promoted by Mm. W. Uiuliu. Huretville tmnkicffinalliT Is Od) 0 5 0 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING.
A meetitl Of the executive pnmmitlnc nf tho T.nrH Mayors' Drought Relief fund wa held at the Town nan yesterday. Mr. .1. It. Uarey occupied tho chair, and there were also present Messrs.
George Maidcu, O. C. Beale, W. Martin, J. P.
Umy, Prank Griuilev, E. S. Vautin, XV. J. Donnellev, O.
W. Gillies, J. H. llnintnri, T)r. Rev.
E. Carruthcrs, aud H. C. Brierley (hon. secretary.
A communication was received from the council cieric or Wunuida, under direction ot the council, ui'kmg that 100 should ba zriiUd fur dinLibutiuii among tbe necessitous poor of the district, many of whom wero stated to bu in want of the necessaries of life. It was decided to vote the amount asked for, subject to a local committee being formed. A great oi was maao to meia on tne same condition. The Mayor of Kempeey wrote stating there were two or three cases there requiring relief. He wanted to know whether these could he, relieved from the money collected locallr for the fund a little over 10 or whether it would have to be forwarded to bydney.
Uhe secretary explained that hit had written hack that all moneys collected for the fund must he forwarded to the Sydney committee. This action was approved, und a sum waa voted to relieve the cases mentioned. Tho Young committee asked for 100. The executive voted .10, the remainder to be sent when tbo vouchers are forwarded. A luttor was received from Grong Grong complaining ot the timo und expense entailed in going iu to Knrruudern, and asking whether stores could not bo obtained locally.
It was decided to write to the Narruudera committee asking them to give orders on Grong tiro'ig storekeepers where possible. The Carin-Ja committee asked for 300, but a report was received stating that 100 would be sufficient to moot present requirements. Taking this into consideration, the committee ordered 00 to be sent at ouce, and another 60 when tho usual papers are returned. Nnrromine stated that the 200 previously granted had been exhausted, and reauested that an additioiinl bo sent. It was pointed out that this district in paiucuiur nceu oi neip.
Aiier some uis-cussiou 100 was ordered to be at once. wliilo the question of remitting the nalunco will be brought uu at the nest meeting of the committee. Tho secretary reported that Peak Hill had sent vouchers for thn 60 granted about three weeks ago, with request for nnother U0. The sum asked for was approved, as was 'M to Ameroo, near Moloug. ThoGunnednh committee stated that the 1 AO sent some weeks ago had been expanded very carefully, and naked for an additional 2o0.
It was decided to remit 150. The Mayor of N'arratidera forwarded a list triving pnrticulurs ue to how tho la.it vote of 200 hud been spent. Altogether 718 l-s 7d had been disbursed, or 18 I -a 7d more than had been voted. To the time of writing 181 cases comprising 1073 Demons had been relieved. A further application waa made for 200.
which was granted. Thu MosBgiel committee wusvotcd 100. Thn letter applying for this stated that the district was the mt drought-stricken one in tho State, nnd people living iu tlie rity amid fcave no idea of the fearful distress and privation dialing. A good idea ot the distress in and around Temora was contained in a letter from the local committee. It stated that a lot of pitiful oqbcs hod been dealt With, including sorerul families with nothing but starvation staring thein in the face.
The district had suiTcred considerably from the drought, as the wheat crops hint season were generally a failure. About 140 people had been relieved, and the opinion was eKjtrobsed that the winter would be a very hard one The maximum of relief granted was to the extent of 5, with an average uf about 3 10s. Grants a lot smaller thnn this had been made in mnny cases, as the committee wished to make the rote' serve os many as possible. It was decided to vote 100 at once, and an equal sum when vouchers for the tlrst grant are remitted. Bogan Gute committee forwrnded particulars its to how 160 had been expended, and an application for another similar sum was approved.
The treasurers were also instructed to forward 30 to Kildary. Owing to somo difficulty having arisen with rnferonco to relieving cases of distreia at Corao from Cudal, tho commiUee of the latter place is to be written to asking them to transfer a grant of 50 to Curgo. A financial statement was presented showing the receipts to be 2l.6j8 10s 5d, and the disbursem*nt S072 8s (id, leaving a credit balance of 13,686 10s 10. The secretarv reoortei that a larce number of per sonal applications had been received. Iu nil eases where the reports were favourable relief 'had been granted.
QUEANBEYAN, Friday. Eiohtv-seven persons iu tins district are beintr as sisted by the Lord Mayor's Brought Relief Fund. Ihe ul committee is applying for an additional graut uf 500, which they feel will bo fully required before the end of the winter. THE FEDERAL CAPITAL SITE. ORANGE, Friday.
Intimation has been recoivod hero that Sir John Forrest aud Mr. Austin Chapman, M.P., will reach hero ou Monday morning to inspect the federal cupitul site, leaving the same afternoon nt 2,15 for Bathurst, bo as 1 1 see the intervening couotry. Thoy will be requested to moke a longer stay in order to see moro of the Orange site, ALB OR Friday. The Federal Capital Commissioners arrived at Alhury last night, and leave foi Tumul to-night to make further investigations with regard to tbo water supply. Tukiug advantage ot the beautiful wer'her the commissioners drove this afternoon over the two sites in this district.
Tho chairman (Mr. Kirkpatrick) stated tnat tlie work ot tne commission was practically completed, all the sites hivimi been inspected. The "oommissioiiers are working night and day at their report, which they hope to complete by the end of May, or at the latest early in Tune, in time for the opening of the Federal Parliament. Referring to the commissioners visit to Melbourne tbe chairman stated that evidence of the utmost importance had been taken tnere. EXPLOSION ON A STEAMER.
MELBOURNE, Friday An accident which caused some ulsnn happened on the steamer Flinders to-day during her voyage from Melbourne to Wurruambool. When the steamer was two hours distant from Warinambool a loud report whb heard, and aftur the hatch covering was blown off an examination ehowod that an oil drum containing chemical was responsible for the explosion. When tho steamer was within a aula or two of port smoke commenced to issne from the hold. All the hatches wore promptly closed down and the pumps were got to ark. By this lime there was a great volumo of flame In the hold, but the water soon reached the heart ot the lire and estinguished it.
When the steamer reached the berth and tho cargo Imrl bnen removed it was found that one of three drums of what wns supposed to be carbide of calcium had nurse near some tin cases oi Kerosene, ana a quantity of coal and six cases of oil were destroyed. The coal was ignited, and the uudor portion of the floor of tho saloon was charred and the iron stanchions bent, NULMTY OF MAKRIAGE SUIT. APPLICATION DISMISSED. "BRISBANE. Friday.
In tlie Supreme Court lo.day the ftirther heeling nf tlie nullity ot ruarriase suit brought toy Surah Levy (otliurwiee Wunl.NoaJty) against George Wnril-Mamoy took nlaco. Eviilonoo waa Riven by Mm. Jane Iunc, that Ward'Massey tatrmluoort jMtitioner to Iter an his intended wife, and replying- to ono another they would eoy Yen, dnrhuK." When informed of the marnufre Snrah eaid to line not to toll mother. Wit-no believed netitionorn' action wan duo to tho influence of the parents, who believed thut the younj man to whom petitioner woe formerly ensuped had returned from South Africn with plenty ot money, while Ward. Mousey bad uat uny.
Amy Seymour, boanllng-noiue keeper, volunteered evidence. Sho tut Want-Massey boarded with her, and petitioner frequently viuted him, and remained with him for lenKthy jieriode. In rebuttal, Mr, Fewiuge toilled three witnnsaei. Petitioner denied that Ward.Moewy introduood her to Imace ae.hie wife, or that he showed a certificate to Mrs. Inaea.
She denied that tbore wi any In Mm Hminn1. Ill delivering judgment the Chief Juitlee mid it woe an ealruordlnery ciiee, eipooi.lly In the manner In which some of tho salient facU bad beon brought to the notice of the uourt ny tne intervention oi wis-heasee who eonre forward after seeing pre-Hs reports. He considotod the girl knew perlectly well whet she was doing when she merned, and sho had suppressed important He diemiared the application. RIFLE SHOOTING. MOl.OXft.
Krldsy. Following are the results ot the shoetlns tor the Jtino quitter el thn Molontf Rlflif Club 'J riMiper 3, Qiilnn, 15 pnlntn Trooper Thnman HsM, 4ti Bhoe-tDRvmith I'lle, 40 1 Farrler-terctABt Csdji aa, uecueu, simpiy me onugmg uelore the publio to-day I the actual promise made close on two years ago I 10. Another conwooeaoe of federation is that it has be-' come noevsrsry to reduce the Dumber of the State 1'irlia-nient, and to consider whether other chants ouRht not to be made in tbe Constitution with a view to iin mnre economical and etlieieat working. My adviser will accordinaly submit to you a measure for lbs reduction iu tbe number ul members uf Parliament und certain prononlB wtncli are dcrilgned to fuiU.er lessen theeoatof govorument, and to give the people an opportunity of detertnminR by meaas or an elected ounvention whatalteraUons in the Coastitution are desired. 1 CLAUDE LEPLASTHtER.
CHatewood, May 1. i Jtegard to a paragraph published in the 'Herald' respecting the tour of Mr. O'Kullitan in the North, which might produce tho impression that Mr. M'Laugfalin, who fonnorly represented Raleigh, was a supporter of tho policy of the present in to try, Mr. M'jjaugbhn has called and asked us to say that ulthough as a mutter of convenience he tru veiled by tlie same steamer as the Miuister for Works, he in no way identified lumBulf with the political views of that geutloman.
Moreover he IOOK occasion Uunno thH trm in thiI.1 io Tnym hiu disapproval ot the policy followed by the present Government. A mooting of the Wollongong Women's Liberal League was hell list week. Mrs. JUlomGeld, presi- tu kio cnair, oeverai aaareues were ue-livered. and dhicusaioii fc.Hi.wpH rin officers were elected President, Mrs.
H. A. ilbm-Held vice-president, Mesdames It. A. Irwin, A.
to. Clement, und Miss Woodward committee, Mesdames W. I. Little, W. (J.
Robertson, A. Campbell, ububuiw, luua iTiauuiBu necreiarr, jrs. W. (i. Thomas.
CASUALTIES AND FATALITIES. A NARROW ESCAPE. A man named Edward Byrnes, a recent arrival from Newcastle, had a narrow eacanft from a. mrinna accident yesterday. Byrnes was riding on a tram in George-street when he attempted to alight from ud nuiio nos iu luuuui.
as muu no was thrown against one of the hon uprights which hold the wires, and just escaped being run over by a tram proceeding in the opposite direction. A message was sent to tho Civil Ambulnnce Brigade, and the sufferer was taken to its head station close by. He was found to havo sustained injuries to several ribs, besides a number of abrasions, but after being attended to was nwuuiB ins journey, FOUND DEAD. Tli Truwln .1 rt -n early yesterday morning. 1 1 wassubsequeutlv identified at The Mansion, Bayswater-road It is stated that deceased had been suffering in health fur some time past aud was the Jiabit of out early for a Willie.
TllM mlvB l.J I VI WJW uu UUU removed it to the morgue. A WOMAN'S DEATH. The death Of a married Woman nnmrul RiiMnnnh Walters, 35, lately residing with her hueband at 19 Oipps-street, Newtown, was reported to the police yesterday. Her nunbuud stated thnt im wnt. in hi about 10 o'clock on Thursday night leaving his wifo naiking uji nuu uowu iae roum.
aihjue 3 u.m, no woke up, and saw her lvinir dead on the floor. An examination subsequently revealed a number of uruues uoout rue ncaa ana face. A report has been lurnatueu va iuc ajepuiy juy UOroiier. FATAL RIDING ACCIDENT. STAKED BY A SHAFT.
BOWRAL, Thursday. Mr. W. Lofllight, a well-known local horeuu'un, met with a serious accident at Wild'n Mmulnw Sunday afternoon by coming into collision with sulky. Tho shaft of the vchiclo penetrated mid dislocated his thigh aud inflicted other injuries.
He but died this morning from uuutc blood-poisoning. Friday. Mr. A. D.
Badzery, District Coroner, conducted ftn inauirv to-Jnv cotiennmiir hn rintlw.f I.m- ngiit.tnenoreeman wno died at the hospital yesterday as the result of au accident at Wilde's Meadow on Monday. The evidence showed deeaued wn rifling Jruuu nurse, wi'icu do 1 1 i wiui mm, ami ran mm against a sulky. The shaft of the vohicto pusscrt uuuijiimwjy lurougn nis inign, ana protruaeu uoont two feet on tho other sido. Tho verdict wns ac cording to tho medical testimony, that death renultod uvuiu utooo poisoning, consequent upon wounos accidentally received. TWO ARMS BROKEN UNLOADING A PIANO.
COROWA, Friday. Mr. David Grimmooe. carrier, met with a severe accident yesterday afternoon. Wuh the assistance ol cooiile of men be was unloading a piano from a lorry.
He was at one end, and the piano lurched over and pinuedhim ton verandah. Ho bad both arms broken, in addition to minor injuries to the body. RAILWAY GUARD CRUSHED. JUNEE, Thursday. A railway euard stationed at Juuee.
named Robert Hartup, was last night brought to the local hospital suffering ftom a crushed thigh. During the clay he had been engaged in shunting operations at Bringageo, und was caught between the tail rojie aud a ttuck. BURIED IN SLIPPING EARTH. A DREDGING FATALITY. i TINGHA, Friday.
A vountt married man named Charles Yule wns killed at 3 o'clock tin's utorning at Wilbcrforeo's dredge through a sup ot enrtn. JJecensett wus working with a yuune man mimed Buttereby on the mid-1 nicht to 8 a.m. Bhift, and was attending to tho race, Witu a very mtie warning a ternnie sup tooa place. Yule noticed it flrat, mid called to Uatlcrshy to clear, but beforo he cot away himself, ho irus caught aud buried. Hundreds of ton! of earth1 slipped.
Deceased had only been married about two mouths. SERIOUS MINING ACCIDENTS. ONE MAN KILLEDAND TWO INJURED. "kaLGOORLTE, Friday. An accident hannoncd yesterday at tho Zoorastnan mine, Burdoc, where a while looking down the shaft, was seriously injured by a descending car, His neaa was nauiy cracaea, cne eye oeiug kuqukcu ous.
H. iifit nYietd to reoiver. A mass of stone, weighing roughly 10 tons, last evening fell in the north slope, between the 21 Oft. and J(00f t. levels at the Luke View Consols mine.
'Thomas Lai ly, miner, wns killed, mid Michael Sollivun was seriously injured. The slope looked perfectly safe, and the stone without a crack or wanting fell from the -Aide, crusbine Lally to pulp. Sullivan wus struck by the edge of the mass, und his cries quickly brought issistance. He wns then extricated. His collarbone waa oroaen, two oi nis us were iracmreu, and thern was a doen dash on his head.
After re ceiving medical utteutiun, he was removed to the hospital. Lally was single, aged und a uative of Burra, South Australia, lie had been ovor nine years in this State, and during that time be did a lot OI prospecting xcsioruay wao ina uvw oiuib iu uk mine, though it is believed that he worked in it some years ago. Two of his brothers live at the Boulder. BROKEN HILL, Thursday. A man named John Elliott, working iu the Pro-nrinraxv mint last nisht at the 400ft.
level, fell down a pass about 20ft. and received nasty bruises and a BBVerU OUW. auuitu i CAMPBELLTOWN, Thursday. At the Cataract Dam to-day, two men wore employed in the sawmill, when one, Harry Pickering, whilst helping to raise a log lost his footing and fell across the saw. Hie left arm was severed between the elbow and the wrist, and tbo shoulder wns also lacerated.
Pickering was conveyed to tho Camden Hospital, where tho medical officer decided to am putate at tne eiuuw. 1 HILLGROVE, Friday. Mr Rnmiml Ktillinffs. landlord of the Com mercial Hotel, met with a seveid nccident yesterday evening. Ho fell from a stable loft and received eovero internal injuries.
1NVERKIL, Thursday. a wtn'miR accident occurred to Mrs. Haves and her son and daughter last night, near Elsmoro. A hcrse they were driviug In a sulky bolted, aud tho ocou-paiita were thrown out. Mrs.
Hayes had ouo leg badly broken, and received other sororo Injuries. Her non had one leg soverely cut but the daughter escaped unhurt. nr. nh.rlM Rtirrall. a tnoatur manner in charge of the keMl Fideet.
WM drownwt at Willinnutown to-day. HewM ibjiik tlie and aomirfrom the wharf into hie oralt when lie ovorhnUuced anil fell into the vater. TUMUEnUMBA, Tnmsfluy. A oriou accident, oauied by the otplosion of acetylene pae.occurreo inn niRut um uiiiuunuioi. Mr.
(i. Uloniley, lnndlonl, irent into a room to charge tho ffenerator, and whan Bttiking a match the Mr. Mott, of Downfalli Htimule, hud one of hi. I. fractured by a horn falling ou him.
He ftllO lUSUUD.u ovuer iiijuiioti PARRAMATTA DISTRICT. ST. ANDREWS CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW. At tne Hteqnanv suit If re. Harper, wife of Principal Harper, of 8t, Andrew's Uoiiega, Bjnnmj, opracu mp A DO Few rmaSJMirieUl Vliuiuu.
I ana at tne oonciuBion oi mi wreuy m. corded a vote of thanks, on the motion of the Mayor A y.m TTnilMwn. tAiaerroan nuivn icwuu The stalls wero under the tnanagement of the following ladles i- Fsnev. Mrs. A.
nmaerum ana SMistsnu, Work Stall. Mitt Ilirtiliion and anlatanle. Lolty girlsof the FellowshU end Blbl Class. derson, and Oupeland. FOULTBT ROW.
The tint aannai anow unnor inr qkjicc. yv mattaand Dlsttr ct rooiiry umo wns optneu rastta Town HU yesterdsy afternoon by Mr Joseph Dirdt from tho pttw ot molt of the Importnnt btxtders oi NEWCASTLE, ALLEGED CONSrf ItACV. NEWCASTLE, FilJay. At the Newcastle Polios Court ta-dsv. bofore Mr.
Lov. S.M., beorgs Lucas, aged 10, groom, Herbert Junes More aged 81, jockey, and James aged 31, hone-trainer, appeared on remand in answer to a charge of hnviog at Kewcatitle on or about April iiO unlawfully con-spued to cheat and defraud tho XwcoUo Jockey Club, Limited, of the sunt uf 2t. Mr. J. A.
Wiuderer mnxrd tr the iirosecation, aud Messrs. Drnye aud Cohen for the defendants, i Mr. Windoyer apiilied for a remand uuUl Thurwluy next. Mr. lirayo vaid that he bsd au ubjectiua to the remand provided un underUiking was given that no further reunada would bo nkcd for.
Mr. IVindeyer said thut he could not givu uu uudt-itakiug, but he had every itv teotion of guing on with tlie case on Thutsdsy. TUo de- leauanu were rcraantled luuordmsly, Moian und Kuigsley on tbo same bail before but in the caso of Lucas, who hurt been um.blo to procure bail, no upplicntion made on lus behalf to reduce tho amount to oils surety in 80, or THE SULPHIDE COBPORATION, The weekly smelting return ot the Sulphide Coroontion euvnaiiii.ivM wuiuiurnWcra proauciDir UU1" hoa and inatto containing iftuToz. of gold, 41.aSUj2. of silver, and 413 tuns nflefiu.
Tho uteaniLT Tarwtwii is expeeted to-morrow with 900 tons of (ire rum Wcjtern Autmlia for wmka, and the steamer Miolaru is now on tbe with 500 Ion of con- ivnimiee. 6UICIDK OF A The District Coroner, Mr. Martin, held a magir.tftlal laquiiy tliin nfternoou concerning; the doalli ot tailor tiained Charles La llnim-u, who was fauna thin niMillinir hnucina bv thu neck iu thu nuumi ti tdiih peutied irom tt uil in tho foicoastle of tho schooner fiaiuuUi Nicholwn. It uppeired from tho evidence that tht hni belonged to the IVench barque Emma Lanntna, now lying at Stockton, but was paid on' ut bis own request by the captain, on April 21. Demised wui subsequently set-ndi inking bout thu city, and was last seen alive at 10.30 lut night As hit clothes and hair were wet it is supposed that he swam to the Hannah Nicholson, which wus lying in the strewn, und while the crew were at work before breakfast he deliberately hxnged hirowlf.
A finding of suicide whs recorded. Deceased wns a native of I'rauce, ana joinea ue mma lnnns at Havre. HEVENTJE BETC0N8. NEWCASTLE, Thnrsday. iiio irvenae couecieo sc uie ijimonis Uepartment at Newcastle in April wuh Harbour and light dues, pilotage, 1181 Is (M: hsrboar removal 5s duty and excise, 12b 4d ad valorem duty, l-at i miaceUaueolis, 233 13a 3d.
The sis new hydrautio travelling cranes whicli have been reeled by thn Works Dejartment on tno inner bsnin wero transferred to the Uailwuy liepartmont. Very nevtro tints were applied, nit tho cranes boiiijr workea in uninon." iu addition to 10 of tho ccunea oa thu dvlcu Hide. The power availublc was Tumid In be unipln for all icquirvmcnte, and tho tots wero considcml highly wtinfmitorf. Amonp those prvnent wero Mr. W.
I. Millncr (district enginciTl and Mr. C. W.King (asair-tanl ciiiiiccr tn bcha.lt uf tlie Work Deparffricnt). Mr.
W. U. Kitchmg (district W. S. Tilfunl (for tbo Itnilwav Sirtmeut).
Knowlcs (bcrtliing ronstcr, Mr. W. rvtt (ooal ovcineer). Captain If-vcr (iitjintunt berthing Cptwii Nerillo (nf tho Wairimooj, Ciptunt Moresby (of tbo Uonnh). tlio oIQcers and cnginron of Ih? sUnmcr Melhntirnn, and tifiirH of vmioua vessels ir.
port, besidctj other it tcicsWa Mpeclatois. The rnuies, which will bo uvwilable for iae from todav, will materially relievo the cmmmtliim which has ltiteiv existed in thu demand for lulling bi'tlhw and has led to eerious detentions of uteamcru ennnged in tho intcrtute trade. For the present tho liarbuunnantcr has limited the navigation of tho cliunuel in tho inner tmmii to vefwola drriwiiiR tint moro than Suft. at high water. Annthur cngiuois boiii(f eroclcd at tho iKiweiMioitw, which will in-ereasotlio present availahlt eueitfy by one-third, and the motive iowcr for moving tlie crum.ii i to bo supplemcuUid with electricity.
After the cranes had been transferred to the Railway Drpattincnt Csplnin Kuowlcs pluced the Wcnmurc Ht No. 1 berth to load WaUscnd co-U HtilT-uing. nod the Win dale at No. '2 betth ts ntiffea with Urdu coal. THE COAL EXPORT TRADE.
The ship Anaurun tlcntcd at the Cobtoms for Valparaiso to-day with 1W60 Umnut Mnwra. J. und A. Ilrown'a coal tho French banjue Leon Dureiiu, for Shu l'Taneiseo, with 'WHS tons of Pacillo Co-opmtivo co.il tin four-masted American schooner l'uiiko, for Honolulu, with 1073 ton uf Heahtita cuul tho four-iuHMtert barque Marion Lihtboily, for Han Fraiicisco, with ffifffJ tons of Wullseud vual the bnqucntinc Handa We, for (Auckland, with Sol tans of coal and the steamer Cloncurry, fur Melbourne, with 3350 ton of coal. The btauuer Moira silled to-day for Brisbanp, via Sydney, with 800 Oms of co.il.
47 cowb bfwuiOi, and quantity of flouvj UiBstruiner Watrimoo, for. Wellington, vis Rydnev. With 13-20 tens of coal. 454 hues uf onke. and sundries and the American ship Jabeit Ilowm, for Ifuni iiuu, wiiu wns oi Annnero hxtcnae-l cotil also tne bmreuc Cloch, for Van Francisco, with 331 tons of Stan-fora-Mcrthyr coal.
Current freights mm quoted Pan Francisco, 12s 6d San Dicgu, 13s Pottland, Id Fonnluhi, l'Js (id Manila, 12a Singapore, Java, Us MauntiiiB, inn Valparaiso, f.u.,10s; Matutlnn, 13h; Ouuvmss, Manziiiiillo, 12s 0d Acapulco, 13s Panama, lis; AlffiwiTU-, 7nt. Wallace's Circular, lsaed this cveniiig, statc.i Con-QrminR my circular ad view of the 3rd ultimo, I have to re- eirt a continuance, of ti stints lor San t'rtmuisco and oiioluln. the freight1, baring latterly udviinwd to lii od, at which tonhxge would bo accepted. Thr enrgo-i inenta for both pnrta are heavy, and ensure a full ox port for some mooths to come. Tbe trade w.tli the Wrst Conct tS.A.)nhowdi-crente, having been coiioidcntbly alfected lytbe lmpmved businew in otaer dircctious, und ship owneni appear unwiltmg at the moment to charter in thin direction.
This, however, will eventually be an advantage, as there Is a largo bnrplus of coal on the coast to be UiH posed of. With the exception of tho ndruoce ro-f erred to there is no material alteration in fmt'hU. A fair demand prevails for steam lonnago to Manila, nnd several cngagemcntx uie noted. Loudiug operations have I been somewhat hampered during the month tliroiitrh want of nuUicieut acommodHtiun for discharging ballaet, and ulno for lack of loading berths owing to several of tho cranes being under retnir. Ths latter dilllcultv has in a mcaxuro been overcome by the starting of the clones in the4 inner ookio.
nc wmi'n, ior uie picHeiit, ine ugnier utalt vessetfl can toad, There is, however, great ncceityfor! improved condition In regard to bHllant berths, and is matter which, fur the sake of the Rood name of tbe port, should havo the Immediate attention id the aulhuntira. The tonnago in poit is very heavy, and nt itvt-ral of the collieries the turn fur loading cannot bo considered good," THE ARBITRATION COURT. The Arbitration Court resinned the hearing to-day of the dispute between the Colliery Employees' Federation (claim-ants i and Andrew Sneddon (Northern Extended Colliery) aud William Laidley and Limited (ItbonldaJ. renpon-dentsw The sitting wan occupied hearing thn evidence of Artnnr Digars, a miner employed ntllhondda, who wuh called in further support nf tho claimants' case. The Court adjourned until Tuesday next.
THE EAST GRETA CASE. In connection with Uie award In the East Greta case given by tbe Arbitration Court on Fnday last, Mr. tt. Smith, one of tne members of tho Court, has handed the Iitom a copy of his remark mode on the award, none of the reporters haring been a Die tu bear him at tbe time he delivered them. Mr.
Smith said I differ from my colleagues eraccrning the basic chum mode by tbe claimant uniou, that a bowing rate for miners at the East Grot Colliery be determined at per ton of coal hewn and weighed in the growi, I consider that tbe evidence of the witnesses for tbo claimants and renpondenta warrant me in favouring the payment by weight, which waa not oeriouoly contested by the respondents' witnesses, their objections being to thu Croposed rate per ton of coal. The hewing rates asked for the claimants aro reasonable if regulated bv tbe actual i Kclling price of coal. The extra rate per ton asked for whoromurethanoncslilftof mineni worked in the wmo place, also the wheeling rates, oonld have been equitably adjusted without impairing the profits of the company, who would have been ompessated by tho lesser rate for pillars and tops which will not now operate, as the miners aro only required to till or hew 13 skips, irrespective of whether they work tn bord, pillars, or tops. Apart from tho payment by weight, I hope the conditions embodied in tho award will ive mutual satisfiction to the employers and employees. FATAL ACCIDENT AT A COLUERY.i An Inquest was held yesterday by the deputy-coroner at Wallsend into the death of a lad named Thomas Walker Hhfel.
17. who died in the Walbcnd Uostiital from injuries canned through having been run over by a truck in one of mown coutcrics at aiinmi. veruiei oi accidental death was returned. The total ouantltv of wool received at the nort to date this season amounts to 28.744 bales, against 45,377 bales received at the cortesponding period la.it year. EARTH TREMORS IN THE WEST.
BROKEN HILL, Friday. Last night's earth tremor did but little damage iu the town beyond causing slight cracks in a loir houses. mines escaped without injury It trunxpircs that the movement underground in tho mines is not ftlt much below the 400ft, level. Tho disturbance, however! was severely felt at Silverton, wheiu the walls of the old Raul wero severely straiucd und eracked. It is reported that a slight shock was noticed at theTinuaclce about an hour later than tbe tremor was 'felt here.
RUSHCUTTER BAY PARK. PROPOSED SALE OF LAND. A meeting of the Uoshctitter Bay Progress Association, to protest against the Hulling of land nt Nw South Uoad-road. wits held ut Soholes' Hotel on Thursday night, Mr. J.
J. Meulia bums the, ntillir ipe onmnnau nuving ezpmmuu tuu uojeuo of tho meeting, Mr. J. Brown, moved tho following resolution That this meoting protests against the proposed sale on the following grounds Aa beads of families consider ourselves trustees fur our successors, and, haviup a vested interest in the land iu question, we wish to hand down the sumo to oar children in terms of the dedication, without any The motion was seconded by Mr. Scqui and carried.
Mr. T. Joyner moved, "That this resolution be forwarded to tbe Minister! for Lands, stating that this la a protest of tbe residents in tho Immediate neighbourhood of tbe land in question." 'iho motion was seconded by Mr, J. Mahoney and earned, It was also resolved to send the resolutions to tho TVoollahra and Padding ton Councils. BELM0IU3 COUHSING CLUB.
The full owing I the draw for to-day's meeting at the Bclmure Club's enclosure May Alboged Rtakra. Kcvtwttre v. Bradhvw, Lancashire v. THnc Kin if. Itadieal v.
Hot her 'Km. IMmnrn Class Htakca. Rodney Iliighenden, Trifle of Kewcastlo llapldity, J. M. Dnouorc, Manna v.
Better XjUCK. rmprfptarv Mnlden fttakM. Txiwl Tnrngn v. Rrmln, Irevolrer v. Broeklefsh, Cladvaot (bite HuflUl V.
Kruky, ThvQiftT. Una. THE MAILS. THIS DAY. 6ouU.
Victoria. Overland 1 9.00 p.m. UiioeiwUnd. Overliind ValnuraiiLO. via NuwcaKtlc-Itivsralde.
8 a.m. Lord Howe, Norfolk, Near Hebrides, tJolomoD, and StnU Brisbane. WarrcKO. 11 a.m. Monte Video, Buenos Ayres, Chili, and Oio Janeiro, trom eiunirion.
i uraicina, i p.m. Riehnund River. Tomki.il p.m. Clarence River. Kyogle.
8 p.m. Maclcay Hiver. 0 p.m. Struban, Zeebun. and West Coast ot Tasmania, via Melbourne.
Kawatiri, 11.30 p.m. Tasmania, via Melbourne. Hon, 0.80 p.m. Caektuwu, Thursday Island, BriUnh New Guinea, and Oidf ports, via Drisbane. Maranoa, 9.30 p.m.
Western Australia, via Adelaide. Uurrumbeet, 0.80 p.m. MONDAY. Auoktnnfl, ft N.H., Navigators' Irinnds, Fanning Tsluni, Honolulu. United 8tiitoHir America.
Canada. Central America, Went Indies, United Kingdom, und Continent oi iiuiopo. uceinto uieamsain ventura, ii a.ta, O.P.O., which may be posted for inclusion iu the maii up lo ti, uu a.m. wimout taie roe. Cluli and Peru, via baa Francisco.
Ooeutfc stesmship Ventura, 11 a.m. Kden. Eden, 1 n.m. Twrnunia, via Melbourne. Coogee, 5.80 p.m.
Manning Biver. Klectra, 0 p.m. TUESDAY. Fiji, via Newcastle. Fiuua, a.m.
Porr. Macquarie and Utllinjjer Ueadi. Hoseiale, 8a.m. Itichmnncl Hiver, ltaraorme, 1 p.m. Unitott Kingdom, Continent af ijurose, rndia, and Blaur! tiun.tiveilandu Adelaide, una thence per R.
M.S. Himalaya. 4. IX) p.m. It.Si.S.
Illiintlnyu (IclUint addre ei-d le persons on board). Overland to Adelaide. 4.R0 p.m.' Dnnedia, N.Z., and Hebart, via Melbourne. Talnne, fi.aOp.m. Natal, rsp-fni, and Albany (V7.A.J, via Molbourae.
A uslralasian, 6.80 p.m. PARCEL MAIL. Paimln arldrMuwA tnth TTniliwI 1T.Bvi.nM V.rwnt Clnn. India, Malta, Hongkong, via the United Kmpiom, will be received at thcParcelit Uttice, 131 Caatiereagh-atrect, for trans-raisaion per P. and O.
Company's steamer Himalaya, up to 0.90 a.m. TUTd DAY. May 2. ParceU addroaed tu Fiji and Canada will be received at the Parcels CasUe-reaRh-street, fur transinusioo per C.A. steamer Moans up to 10.30 a.m.
un MONDAY, May 18. Parcels addressed toGcr- many win ne reoeivea at uie rarceis UBicc, 131 uastiercagn-street, for traiwmiiunon per Qenaan steamer Uldeiiburr, up to 11 a.m. lit IS DAY, Mar Parcels addreared France will be received nt the Pamela Office, 1A1 for tranatniHuinn per M.M. steamer Dmnbea, CoHtlereagh -street, for tninwniBnionper Aberdeen steamer Australasian, up to p.m. on TUESDAY, May i THE DKINlfc BILL OF NEW SOUTH WALES FOR 1UUA TO THE EDITOR OF THE HERALD.
Sir, I desire to hi iug bofore your readers for tho twentieth year the sum Bpunt on intoxicating liquors in tbe State. It is a matter that touches the social condition of the peoplo in au important way. Tlie prices of the drinks nre thorn to Uie consumer. and generally nvuraged, Iu the metropolis they are threepence, except in privute bars, where they nre iisuany sixpence up ino country tno prico is commonly thu latter. The quantities ore from Customhouse and other returns.
Uhe total Bum can necessarily only bo approximate. Unfortunately. I can only believe the total as much under than over the actual sum spout. There are, of cmiriu, no llgures to ahow the quantity of liquor from illicit otills; nor, acuiu, the uuouhty of doctored liquor and that niudo from essences. I nut some liquor, to uso an old-time joke, warranted to kill nt 40 yards Adulteration is, uo doubt, frequtnt.
Nor can ecu tuu quantity or water that publicans aud ufttr the liquor pissra the Customs, and for which peonle nav. Each of these noiuts is important but. retail tig exaggeration, I leave them alone. I give uif mu us snown oy ine oinctai returns oi tne quati titles, ubotit which there am he no dispute. The amount spent in I'JOl! was us follows RplntM, lJPn.tt'Atral.
nt Wines, nrwrltlii.t:, at 40s S4.9M Wines, 11. nt 30s .14,07:1 WilicM, colonial, at7s 2JB.SB7 Hccru, impoitt-d in wood, at 5s IteiTu, impurttHl in tint lie. at tS 231,075 Been, colonial, ia.383,I17gul. at thl Total This shows un expenditure of 3 9s 2d ner bead on the mean population ot 1,02.875, orl) As Hd fr etich family of five penons. As the thousands of children und adult total abstainers must be romcm-bered, it leaves the sum per head verv high indeed for tho rest.
The pleasing feature is that there is a decrease on tho previous year oi 200,09, or of 4s 3d per held. The lessened speudititfpowerof the people through the dreuelit partly accounts for tins. The coiitiini4 able kitd persevenuff work of temperance societies has been a factor. I estimate that Sydney's share of tbe hill would be roundly allowing for a population of a half-millicu. This is a larger aura per head than in the country, but tha prices having been lower the quantities must huve been much greater.
The numerous id cm uns ior Dtiynur liquor una tbe many sudors and travellers who visit the port would account for this. Nearly hulf of the 20.000 convictions for drunkenness usual each year this State are iu the metro pons. Probably over three-fifths of the bill come from Thn 1 unrest business is ou Saturday nights. It would be a happy thing for thousands of psur wivesanrl littlo children it the bars were closed at 7 p.m., as iu Canada. The extravagance of Saturday nifrhts with wages in tbo pocket often causes a family to pinch and starve all the following week nnd tho landlord lo be minus his rent on Monday.
The convictions for Saturday drunkenness with aud without riotous ht-liaviour are often as Treat as any other two dan uf the week t- gcther, odd probably most arc due to the last hours of the tmlTicv A drought on Saturday evenings, not as to rain but as to liquor, would do untold good. Thu present poverty and dismal want aroomr so many in this city is largely due to waste iu drink, Tho money goes to the publican instead of to the Savings Bank. I wish all heads or labour organisations here wiiuld. like John Burns iu England. vigorously raise their inices against the cause of so mucn A woricmau nas uo greater enemy than drink.
The tiuanciol crisis was early in 1803, and it it in-tereslinir to note how much has been arwnt niiiM. and for what at host is commonly a mere luxury. Tbe years directly succeeding were almost of uuparul-IMcd depression. The ten years totalled tho gigantic sum of Who will say that this does not. snow rccaiess una wiiu waste 1 would remind you that political economists regard thu money sncnt in intoxicants, less the dutv nuid tha Customs, which would bo about a fifth, us lost.
It represents unproductive labour." Place tne capital useu in most other business channels and work would soon be found for thousands of extra hands. Professor Kirk, of Edinburgh, in dealing with this economic aspect, said In every pound, the wage-earner expends on drink he only gives his oiotncr worcman sixpence, wiuiai ior every pound he exnends uuou other classes of umducta of a utn and neceuary character he gives his brother work man ou au average 8s tid," ne comparuons oi some former years should be useful Per Head. d. 1831 5 4 5 JBS8 4.717,168 4 0 0 IRK! 4 5 8 18'RI 4,775.0.1 4 0 10 liSl m. 8 5 8 ISM 0 8 10 1993 8 4 it 1000 n.
4.744,221 3 9 8 1001 H. IS 6 lOOi 8 0S In the two decades a genuine reduction appears There was a great fall dirsctly after tbe tiunucial crisiH through the diminished spending power of tho people. They have not returned to the high tiguies. A comparison with other countries is interesting. Last year it was per head in England 4 10a 2d, in Scotland 'i Via 2d, in Ireland 3 4s jid, or for tho United Kingdom 1 bn 6d.
This is very high, but in 1876 it waa 5 Is thl. In Now Zen laud for 1U01 it was 3 lis. The United States trade returns would probably indicate a consumption of about half tli of Great Britain, and those of Canada about a fourth only. I think that this overorown bill nt mm nt snouin anxiously concern every citi2en, especially in view of the manifold evils connected therewith. There should be an all-rouud, warm sympathy by those who hate drunkenness with the tempcrtuce movement.
Action are moro oloqueut than words Happily, matteie are movinir forward. As tn thnl uiiMuicu, rar. crcy una maun ifliciling on on this question in our Public schools effective, and thus far hus fallen in line with Cuuada and the States. Thn hundreds of juvenile temperance societies are all enforcing mora or lens tho duugeis of ulcohol. The clause iu the proposed now linuor hill prohibiting sales of drink for consumption, or as messengers, to any ono uuder 18 is a very valuable stop.
Shall we not care for our young people The trend, again, of legislation all over the English-speaking world is unmistukably towards restriction. Iho new Licousing Act jt a Conservative British Ministry an instance, It was thought that the Liberals had a monopoly as to licensing roforms, but Mr. Balfour's hand hus been forced, aud partly ho has dished the Whitrs." In Liverpool, Birmingham, Glasgow, and other largo cities hundreds of licenses have been refused renewal. What a bless, ing it would bo for the crowded and poor parts of Svdney if a similar courso were followed, But other places are far iti ndvanco, New Zealand nppeara tu bo within mensmable distance of prohibition, Tho Dominion of Canada is the same, Iti both distinct majorities are on thut side, and they are increasing. In the States, Kansas hy an ovorwhelmiug majority lately decided to keep its prohibitory law while in most uf tbe others, apart from those wholly under prohibition, haudreds of counties, cities, and towns have voted nn license, I Whue, therefore, we still face here an enormous drink bill, there is much encouragement in this tbo ffreatest of all social questions.
Thn action in other ands, the promisod inatilmetit* in the new liquor bill here, in the inclusion of a thorough reform in tho Liberal and Iteform programme, and the expected vote of the majority of the enfranchised women should all cheer and rouse people to more earnest elTort. Thn women's vote, aa they are ts-jiecially the sufTorers through drink, should be a great factor. The minority ef 47 men in Parliament relumed in favour of local and State option will, I am conlldent, bo converted at the next general eleo tion into a good majority. wnat is now needed ny every patriot who desires this drink nrohlnm settled, and it orowd of attendant uvils cast out of our land, are seal, self. sacrifice, and courage, witn tneae wo snail soon nave a unnK niu very wonnenuuy renncra, ami, consequently, a groat improvement In the social condition of the people.
lam, B. JQQYCti, tit, Paul's, Sydney, April S17. STATE POLITICS. IIBEBAL AND REFORM ASSOCIATION, PUOGRESS OP THE WORK, THE PKEMLERfJ' AGEEENTENT. A meeting of the members of the above association waa held lust night at the Elite Hull, Queen Victoria.
Market. Mr. J. H. Carruthen, M.L.A., octm- pied the chair, aod there was a fair attendance of members.
Mr. J. J. Cohen, M.L.A., movei an amendment of rule 4 bo as to make it read." The council aboil consist of (he following viz. Presi dent, four vice-president, two hon.
treamirera, two non. secretaries, aim is inemuera 01 uie association, of whom '2i shall be elected by the association from the malt members, und 24 from the female membera and the other 24 shall be elected by the Liberal aud tteiorm party rar.iami'ut," Alter a snore uib cuwion the motion was nzreed to. The chairniuu said that tho ussooiation purposed to have open discussion by members oil various publio questions bo that they would have an opportunity ot interchanging their ideas upon the details of the reforms which the association was pledged to promote. Tho work done since the last meeting mi oi. id os a nun naa oecn oi a aenuite ana anus factory character, showing that the movement and orciujication hud been llraiichea had bceu or were in process of formation throughout the countr and tho sinews of war wero coiuiiif; freelv.
Tho manifesto of the nssocistion too had, he bcliuved, hud hearty reception, aud 100,000 copies or i oat aocumcnt wouia do circulated throughout tho slu*te Uunue tho next few weeks. He also desiied to meutioit that there was a possibility of tho littlo difficulty which existed rmr.wn.Mi another niwnrtflrion and the Liberal and Keform Association being adjusted in such a manner as to remove any friction which might have been noticeable intbopust. He then intra duced for discussion tho subject of the agreement arrived at at the conference of State Premiers in regard to the River Murray, and said that whatever alteration bad been made was in the interests of South Australia. The agreement was not in the interests of irrigation, but would maioly assist those who desired to truffio in produce on New South Wales waters. It would bo far better in the interests of the whole of tho States of Australia if every drop of water in the riverB could be used to sustain nmmal life, to promote vegetation, and encourage settle ment on tho soil rather than to use the riverB for the purpose of truding in the products of the interior, which must necessarily be on a very small scale iu the absence of water.
Then he found that a commission was to be appointed to carry out this wretched ogreemeut, and no doubt they would have a mgiiiy.naiu coicmisnonor. Mr. J. iionue. M.L.A...
said hn endorsed everv thing that had been said by the chairman. Tho agreement was undoubtedly inimical to tho interests of New South Wales, hut fortunately it was subject to ratification oy rariiametit, ana ne couia not Delicto tout Purliument would latifv such a monstrous proposal. Sir John See nppeunsd to have attached far muro iinuortuiice to navigation than to irrigation, air' in dciiiig so ha had nut protected the right of New South wales to tho water that Sowed within her boundaries. (Hear, bear.) Mr. John Wright said that if the Government was going to make irrigation subservient to navigation it would bt! butter to allow a considerable portion of tho country to go aiiogoiner.
Mr. 'Turner said he waa of opinion that the Pre mier of New South Wales hud placed a heavy batidj-' can upon tin's couutiv. und bad come to an agree ment which would conserve tho interests of South AuBtralm and deprive tho people resident in tho in tcdor of Hew South Wales of tbe benefit ol the rivers. No resolution was moved, and the meeting closed, For the purpose of forminc a bran ah of tho Liberal and Reform-Association a mealing of tho residents of uaiiitigtoii was nma on iiiursuay evening, ana was attended by upwards of 60 gentlemen, Alderman Cover, J.l'., presided. A letter was read from the central executive authorising the formation of tho brauch, aud copies uf the rulee and manifesto were submitted.
It was uu deoided (hut a brauch bu lormeu iu tne electorate or uariuifrtou. (Towards of 41) names were banded iu for member ship. The meeting apr-oiutod a committee of three to arrange ior me nomine; oi a puouo nemonsira tion. at which it was hoped Mr. Carm there.
M.L.A.. and other Liberal nud Reform leaders would be preterit to deliver addresses. A most enthusiastic meeting wan brought to a conclusion by those present tinging tne jsauuiiui Atiinem. PEOPLE'S KEFORM. LEAGUE.
THE CONSTITUTION ADOPTED, ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Tbe first meeting of the Amalgamated People's Beforn Leugue was held at Vickery's-cbamhers, Pitt street, last night. There was a large and representative gatnenug prcaiuea over oy air. a. a.
Badserv. The chairman, in his opening add i ess, said tho country was jnoKing to their league as toe reiorm rnrtv. frno from politic. Ho had ris irood an o)prluiiityatmost people of knowing tho feelings of the people uf the country. They required that soma alteration hid n-'t uo ninao bo mac tne country constituencies should he aiked to select their own candidates, who would huve no interests to serve beyond tho benefit of the country.
They had met pleasantly, and ho hoped that the business would be conducted in auch a way that would conduce to their strength. He might ezplain'tbut he had been asked to become tho first president of tiio amalgamated league. He recognised that whocvor tilled the position would of necessity have to give a very lame amount of time aud lubour to the league. There would be rough times ahead, find the electors would not rest satwHed until I hoy ohtuitied a better Parliament than they bad. (A.p;.'uusc.) lie tegretted that he could not give tho time nfccsjury, and would be most happy to serve the league in another cajiacity.
The election of olSce-hearers resulted as follows President, blr. John Stiitsoii vice-piesidents, Mensrs. U. 8. Uudgcry, A.
Alucarthur Onslow, and J. H. Cnrdew F. N. Yarwoud secretary, Mr.
W. Alison organising secretary, Mr. VVe'g Home executive committee, Messrs. A. W.
Gillie, T. Ueulev, F. W. Landau, J. W.
Maond, J. -M. Pringle, It. Simpson, Onldanl, Johu Alexander Uarkcll, Critchley Parker, Felix Handle, and H. W.
Wnnht Mr. F. Wegg Home reijuested that he should be allowed until ine next meeting ot tne league to con-eider his I'osition, This was agreed to. Tho constitutii'U of the leugue was submitted and uoreed to. The nl at form iimvided for serurinir a reduction of members of the State Parliament, to promote economy in Government expenditure, und to advocate the urinciule of Joeal erovernment.
One of the pnocijiles is to oppose undue interference by the Government with private enterprise. The membership is opeu to every elector of the State of New Ssuth Wales ucgu iavmcut of an annual suhscrin- tion ot Is. Tho provisional council to be formed is to concise ci mcmoera irom ino xaxpayers' union and like number trom tne reopie uelorm league Tne central ofQou is to be situated in Sydney, and provision is also made for the formation of branches throughout the State, ltegulatioiis are providca lor tbe conduce and tnanugemeut of such branches. An advisory board, to bu formed in the electorates (oubndo the metro-rjohtnit ureal is Given considerable power. This noaru will coasut of the presidents of the various branches, or in tne aosence or ino presiaenr sucn other penou as tho hranch may appoint.
The president aud other officers returned thanks oa tceir election. MK. EOSE AT CHOOJtWELL. ATTACK ON THE GOVERNMENT. "cilOOKWELL.
Fiiflay. Mr. T. Rose. M.L.A..
addressed a crowded meet ing tit Orookwcfi this evening. He said it was amusing to hear the Miuiateriul whine about member cBsortiiig them, seeinir that the Lyne-See Ministry came into power partly by tho defection of freetraders Two of their piesoiit colleagues were once tho bitterest enemies of tbo Protectionist party. When Sir John See formed his Ministry ha ottered to eociiuce tli ret colleagues, anu sougnc a coaiiuou witn Mr. Cinuthcrs beluud his supporters' backs. The detection from tne see auiirsiry Dcgun a years ago, when 1U supporters left to form a country party.
Alter dcuvinir the existence of tho ncneral drousht. the Ministry now Warned tho drought for the short una in the revenue. They never proclaimed what they were making out of tbe drought. The revenue from Customs this yonr promisod to he half a million iu exuess of last year's, This would moro than eomneiisatn for tho railway losses. The 1 rcasurer would have this year the largest revenue ever known in the Despite the drought the harvest of nnd lliu'2 returned 30 million bushfls of wheat.
The drought caused more labour in cuttiugscmband distributing fodderthouwould be employed iu good seasons. The Treasurer's advocacy of retrenchment was the strongest indictment agaiust tbe Ministry, It was an admission or pait extrava-nnm unrl immnuLtorv economy. Wheu tlie effect of the drought was most acuta, white the Government had known that the harvest last year would he a failure with great losses ot stocr, tney positively tn raejmt the Kstimates. In 1803 the EU- loates wore taken back and reduced by 1,000,000 uuder worso conditions thnn at present. Allowing for saviniu, tha deiicit mis yeur wouia ne uHU i Hi tim AMtinintd ruvenue realised the noil- i tiou would tiompel them to out down the expenditure from the oonsolidatol revenue next yeur by 1,000,000, Tho Baving etfocted by reducing the Civil Servants would be swallowed up in ft few day-labour jobs, In four years taxation had been increased by CO per cent, the publio indebtedness by 26 per with a great re-nf thn tuntnral hub tii and an unfavourable money markot.
They should have no supply bUU next session and the flnaucial statement should be! made in July. He favoured tbe legal limitation of borrowing. The new art of tatasmsnship waa to Biirtmon the unemployed from oil parte to Hydner by the bugle blast of day labour telief works. Ho lelt sure war tne rroiwuuu way the substanna of reform for the shadow of constitutional principles under the Nee Government. Mr.
Jiow met with a good reception, Amotion was carried that he still has tho confidence of Iho lecton. Arrangomeuu were maue io iunu a nnni und reloitu league, UKDUCTIOW OL7 MEMBEUS. Tun TcinTTnn OP THE HERALD. that the leprinting Irm actual clautes tho Governor's speooh on the la a rnnnrlltia In fall ttlfl DOVO BUnject ironi juui maun -f opeiiujg of thonrwent PariiMnentanflthe Governor i Dcejrdea. Mr.
J. IJownea. Mr A 1 aVuS' u4 T. -Jameson, Mr. J.
Joyce. Mr. C. Ket Mr" I Lowia a. Mathews Mr.
and Mrs. luh "ft li. Hi! str- Mr. and Mrs. bloott Ur 11 1 T' btr oi punsouttrs Ior lm.r-sl.le ports.
BALE OFTHK 8UAMEOCK. pnTal.tn.tr Ik. iwk of the he now lie. off Ul. ettT of til.
Co. nimti at UU1 tonrthn with htr rrsof on bebolf of a wwtwa TOLRORAPHIO BHIPPING NEWS. front Now Uuinen. nrwik'Tnifv BydlloV: WMI1. from at.jr 1, AlUnSs, HriJi Myl.Eurin,bU, from Brisbme; Uildo, from BydneT.
Deft: Jt.V 1 for BriMMnt. 7 LltlbUANB. Ajt. Mar 1, Tirana, from B. Bambjol, fro.1, J.M.U, fTom Kr.ln.r (in Moreton Ot).
1J.T: MaVl' Iwamlb; KonoowHm. for "Sdn i IVEED il.y 1, Durob.r..,'i.t 10.0 cfc HKAUS. Arr. Way 1, luy b.lll 11.1a., from Hiebuuma Ilivi. 1 i.whL a I.
stewarr at 7 a a fore tai w.rjlup at 10..0 smidl temrr with bllck NAMBUCCA nKADS. Mavl HimW bt-h M.jr 1, Ariel, at 10 10 11.40 V.in. 1 tmMr. TACKING Uay at notr "uthi II a 3 SI'S 5 SrWr fiSy Arr' Apr" 10 from mt 1. Vt kh-.
JHciou JUoore, lttch. Pasi-ed NUWCASTIiG. Air. Mar Aliw. v--( the north Wollumliin irom tMr narbour.
Don. April 30 Katano fS lV Amennin ahin, for Honolulu' lWiwui Walkrod, lJfBlMlft for Tort Stcpbcn. May, 1, Woy Woy, at 10.55 a.m from Sydney. WOLIXl-JOONp -Arr. thy 1.
Palmerrton, at 7.r a.m.. Mntint Kt-mbla, at 5.30 p.m., Allowrie, at 5.M cjunuy. ucp. I'almenton, at I 'M AlloriB. at 7.U0 p.tn., for Eden Mayl, Kioma, iily, from Ncw- 10 am noMh wneri in light trim, at May 1, Sophia, at ll.ld wt'- P.m.,lUnd at p.io.'aU WILSON'S rROMtlN PnBsed inward May owiiiHra at u.u a.m n.4u a.m., and 4,110 a.m., Sydney, at 11 a.m.
Pnteed outward May 1, Tyriau a. at a.SOa.in..alarjrtiateiimtjratH.60p.m. May Medic, from Livet- nuiim jiiwennon, irom llorneo, via Sydney; Chinfftu, from Kobe, via uoit Umballti. f.n. caatio Sydney, fmm HyduoT.
tlep May 1, Patcina, far Lamiceton Flora, for Burnie and port New Ouinea. Eei 8.. and Wyralloh, all for Hydney ilium it. for CUNNINOHAMB May 1, Wrrallna. nt n.m..
mt. ay i. victoria, from Melbourne ii ir P-: Way 1. Tulune, t4.t5p.in..forMelbininie. Way wakatipu, from Syd-DVwetVnMy at 5 p.m..
for Mellmum DlAOlVPOI.T.-Arr. April .10, Uhhlmne, from MwlVw.a.'lta'Tratit*pX aiKAUA.N.-liep. May 1, Kawatiri. at 4 p.m., for Mclbourno. nui.iiiii.i-ftiT.
aiay woimwra, from Melbourne Ulf BoU'niR' forMel- LBANY. Passed May 1, a Royal Moll alcainer, KItETAKTI.KA 4. nuuriujfB, ai.OB.in., 1 ilbarra, at 0 p.m., both from tho eastern States. NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING. May 1, Karamea, 8 for London.
BRITISH AND FOREIGN SHIPPING. LON UON, Friday. Arrivals, At Ixindon Alliance, ftom Kington (sailed Deo. 0) Mimiro (Tyiver linej, fmm New Zealand imits (awiled from Wfltinfiton Match 15) Loch Garry, from Melbourne (hailed Jan. 30) Sterna, from Albany (sailed 4).
At iSoutbjmptyn Bremen, German mail steamer CNnrd-dt-utschcr Lloyu line), from Sydney, via porta sailed March At Rotterdam: Boosact, frcm Sydney (sailed Jan. 6). At Hamburg Alton, t. (German-Australian S.S. Company), from Adelaide, via prt.
sailed Jon. IS. Departure. For Sydney Aberdeen, a. (Aberdeen line), from London Wilcaania, (Lund'a Blue Anchor line), front funlon Vursin, s.
(Gerrann-Auatralian 8.S. Company' fiom Antwerp; Puld, s. For ML-tboume Ataux Kitifr. from London, For Fremantle Josefa, Uurmau from Hamburg Hcsperides, th.t from London. SIETEOROLOGICAL REPORTS.
Observatory, Friday. Avtrase isEafsU for it years, 49671. Aversire 1 sinfull from January 1 to April SO, 19 0M Rainfall from Januarr I. S'H'6. Teinpersture Muximmn, GO' minimum, 65'5.
Humidity: At fl a.m., 53 at .1 p.m., 63. BAROMETER BIDDINGS. Eocla, Streaky Buy. DO'38 Robe. 80-80 port land, W.i; Molbournw, ao-34 Wilmu's Promontory, OO'ffli Oabo Island, Cajw St.
Gcortje, XfSl 6yd-uev, Sil'31 Nowcaslle, Purt Macciaurie, 801 Cliirenco Beadr. Brisbane, 30-20 Bockhampton, 30-15 Mackuy, 30'14 Cookttwu, U0 Q7. RAINFALL. The rainfall records for tbo 24 hoara ended at Oo.ra. will be fouud elsewhere.
SYNOPSIS AT 9 A.M. New Sooth Wales (for hours ended 9 a.m.). Generally fine and cool, liffftt aud scattered ahuneraoa the coast and btf hlsnds "outb of Newcastle. Viciona. jcsltered clouds on the coast, clttr inland.
South Auclralia. Fino and clear to tine but cloudy fa the north, dull to shuwiry in tbe Bontb. Tasmania. Fine tbrou-raout. tiuceusland.
Fino but cloudy to flne and clear tena-rallv. North Australia. Fine throughout, villi scattered cloud m. New Zealand. Dull to raining In tho north, clear in tha south.
COASTAL REPORTS AT 8 P.M. Tweed Heuds, fresh, cloudy, ses heaw ou bar; Byroa Bay, S.H liffht, oluudy, era moderate Bullinu, cloudy, sea smooth Clarence Bends, tt fresli, oloiidy, sea amoolb WoolRoolgu. liffbt, cloudy, sea smmth; Bellinger Heads. light, clouay, sea ninderatt; lleiidf, line, sea inodetate foil Mucqunhe, light, cloudy, sea i-iigtit Manning Heads, H.W., Uvb, showery, sea moderate; Seal Hoelts, S.E fresh, cloudy, sea nnsterate Port Stephens, freh, litrht ram, sea modi-mto Newcastle, S.W., fiesh, fine, sea sm Hith; Iako Mncipiarie Heads, fresh, i-lnuay, rr moderate; Mill l'ay. Itesh, clouay, aca mrdcnio liar-rsnjoey, tbie, N-a inodr-taU-; Stmlli Bt-uil, S.K., modeiate.
clnudy, ski sIikIiV S. bftht. tlno, son smoth Kiuma, K.W., freh, flue, sea smooth Cmok haveu Heiuts, S.U., light, floe, wa smooth; Bay, liirht. Hue. srasindotb: Ullndulla.
nolm. tine, sea sin (Kith lutein itu'M Hay, culm, lino, sea smuntb Almuva, K.N, HKni, ime, seu stnorjin mhh, o.i'j., iiK'H. vinuay, sea smooth Green Cnpe, S.W., Uftht, cloudy, nea aliyUt Oabo Island, mndeiate, filouily, nea slight, FO RECASTS AT 0 P.M. New Soutb Wales. A coastal si 1 wor or two.
otherwise flno and cool; ionic nitfht toga W. to S. winds. H. C.
IIUSSCII. H-inth Amtralla. Continued ctoudv and fair weather. with some slijtht altered showeia, strain chiefly In south p.irts; calms nnd light vanablo winds smooth sea, -C. vininWu Vinn Inlimrl.
'hut bcsasfonsIW clondr. with coastal showers lipht variable winds, chiefly westerly asiiani. 1: jwraccm. WMt. AtiNiralia.
HtJll fine fresh weather tbrouahout for the present, and oold at nlffht. W. E. Cooke. BRISBANE BUREAU FOllKUABT run ruun jjaxo.
ist. Nnnih Wnlm. Moatlv flno. with scattered cloud. especially In thenortbem districts and far south-east 1 some showers along the coast, with fresh southerUe uool Western Australia.
Blattered cloud, but fine and cold throiiRhmit, with E. and N.E. wiada some showers aliiug-the north coast, Northern Territory and Central Australia. Ooudy oa coast diitricU, but line and moitly clear elsewhere cool tbffcmtbAtitralla. Somewhat cloody thronthoiit, and especially aloof the cvaat, where name psasinir showera ate probable; cool renerolty atmth to ao-ittreut and east winds smooth to modemto seas.
im coast districts, with a few paa olnir ahoweia, ehiefly north from the tropic also some what cloudy in southern half (tenerally, bnt One other wise 1 south-east to east winds and cool generally. unri Tunnnla. With tha exeantion of eiona along the coasts, whero a few nnlmnortant showers are DrODSDie, nna wcavurr nm pic i mi, niws nKuii hi south-woat winds, foggy in the Straits, smooth modemta WNew Kealand. Fine with seattered clouds for (he pre-n( hitfcihs disturbance Hastie wlU later causa un settled weather la the S-mth Island, with fresh nurlherliea and rata. I.
1jru Hows aau nonoia isianai. oioro or less cioany, with passing showers. NVwCaledonia and adjacent Islands. Clondy to showery and cool, with east and south-writ winds, ASTRONOMICAL MEMORANDA FOR MAY J. Sun rises nt set at 5.14; Moon, ll.Ra.m.(9.'2t p.m.
Mercnrv. B.fi a.m,, 0 fi p.m. Venus, 0.28 a.m., 7.W p.m.; Mara, fl.Upm., fl.lBa.m. 1 Jupiter, 8.9 a.m., p.m.; Saturn, U.B p.m., Li! p.m. Full moon, May 11 new moon, Mav 37.
Hfgb water at Fort Denlson, II a.m., Ja, THE MABK HAMUOUHO CONCEHTS, Mr. Mark Hambounr. who made his oarlv sucoeaaea iu this country, teappoara at tho Town Hull this evening, after au absence of nearly six years. Ills career justifies the belief that he has returned here a great artist. At this opening concert, which will ho in tho presence of tho Uoveruor-Ueueral, Lady Tmuiysou, and suite, the Hussion pianist will play tho Appassionato Sonata." His other pieces will include three by Chopin, Volkslicd setting of his own, und the List sotting of Meodehwohn's music to Midsummer Night'a Dream." Mr.
Boris Humbourg will nrnku his debut, juining with the star in ltubiusteiu's Suunta- iu X) Major for violoncello nud piano, und also rendering three solor. Mr. oh ii Lemmone will piny a Coucertstuck for llute by Kraut, and three aouge will he rendered hy Miss Mubel ilutrhulor. Mr. Ocorge F.
Boyle will be accompanist. The renervu ot soats at Vuliug's is lMO(traiuK rupmiy. i nero win no coucerw ou i lies' day and Uoumduy evonings aud AVudaesday after-noon, TUEATEE ROYAL. The final matiuee of Dick Whittington will be given at tbe Theatre Koyal to-day, when there sure to he a great atteudnuce of ohildien. The last six nights ot Messrs.
Williamson and nlusgrove's spectaculur paiitoraimo will thou follow, and tho -umpuiiy, jot wiuon artisui navo oeen recruited from EnglanJ, Ainericu, nud Australia, will hu disbanded. Thu hoautiful hiiulscnne viow from HifrhuuLe Hill. with tho fairy ballot amidst tho wheat, thegorgeous pnluce ballet nt Morocco, mid Iho humours of Dame wuh. inir. Jiuwaia l.owis) niul tier cat (Littlo (lullivei) form elements lit the success of Dick Mr.
H. H. Vincaiit hot invited the members of the Blind Association tor Mondav. Tlmv worn ni-AvntitHfl from going to tbe matinee to-day by a previous cngagemsnt to attend a football 'match," nn ex planation which considerably astonished the actor inauuger. "THE CIKCUS GIRL" SEASON.
Mr. J. Williamson's Musical Comedy Company will open hero next Saturday for a short season at tho Theatre ltoyul with The Circus Girl." This Eicce, tho music of which is by Ivan OarrH and ioucl Moncktou, run for two entire years at the London Gaiety Theatre, and has proved popular i.ov oniy lueinoume. out auo tlirougnout tno long tour of Mr. Williamson's Company in New Zealand.
Mr. JolmOordon huaimiuted new Bcencry, Mr.Ueorgo Hull will conduct the orchestia and chorus, and Mr. Fred. Graham will direct the sttige. New billcte will bo feature, and all tho members of the old company, and somo new oues, will be included in the cast.
The plan will opeu at Paling a on Tuesday, PALACE THEATRE. Crowded houses continue to mark the course of Are You a Muson nt the Palace Theatre, where Mr. J. C. Williamson's company will give their customary matinee of the mirthful piece ou Wednesday next.
Mr. Georgo Giddeus, and tho other membera of the Anglo-Austral-American combination, now plav Are You a Muson with such iucreased vpoed, clearness, and point, that play- nuers who oiuy saw ineuormaii jarce on tne opening night will tind themselves well u-ptid by a second viaii. ui uie rnincB jncairo. Aro iou a mason evidoutlv destined tu cniov a. ana His Excellency Jie Uovuruor, Lady Rawson, and suite Imvo siguifietl thcr iuteutiou of witucssiug -are tills ovening.
CRITERION THEATRE. Pmero's bright and touching comedy 14 Sweet Lavender will bo revived ot Uie Ciitericm Tlieatre to-night, thus enabling; Mr. Frank Thornton to appear onco more in a favorite nart as tho eccentric. weak, but kind-heaited Dick Phenyl. Tho new cast supporting i'TutiK iiiornton will include tho following: Mm, Gilfilhaii, Mn, Walter Hill Minnie, Miss Leonio Norbury Ruth Itolt, Miss Vera Fonlycp Lavender, Miss Poiirl Hellmnch Geoffrey.
Wolderhuni, Mr Joieph Wilson Clement tiuie, air. Alexander uruuiey Ur. jJclaiicy, Air. Fred. Caiiihounio Horace llreani, Mr.
Galwoy Herbert Mr. Muw, Mr. Ernest Cardeu Mr, Bulcer. Mr. John Deuton.
Charlev'a Auut ehod last nirrbt to a crowded audience, which iucluded his Excellency the uuveruor, uiuy xtawson. anu suite. LYCEUM THEATRE. A vVomnn of Pleasure is probably drawing lownrus tnn euu ur its run at cue ijjcoum ineatcu, for ulthoQch the suectaculur melodrumu is still draw ing splendidly, yiit Mr. Willium Anderson has nu immunso repertoire of piwes iu ruadiueu, aud has no ambition to unnecessarily extend tho appearance of any particular piece in his programme.
A Woman of Pleasure," with its scenes iu Devonshire und tho irunRVuai, aim us sensational spectacle oi tbe bias-l up troopship, will be ulaved for 12 more nizhta. after which tho new detective drama, A Face at tne Window, will be elaborately staged. T1VOLI THEATRE. Thi nfternocn and evenimr at the Tivdi Theatre Mr. Harry Itickards will introduce a new tur attraction, thu Boisett Company of 11 artists iu their now pantomime, The Wild West." The cast will be as follows Chinese eroifftuut, Mr.
Albert uitiseic novel iintr musician. Mr. uurrv lloltou a Muxicnu, Mr. Lou Roma; Mr. Mr.
narry Dipps his wife, Muster Prank Boisett; his daughter. Miss Lilho Uoisett railway conductors, Mersrs. Fred Elon und Fred Monti coloured waiter, Mr, Don Mathows; Iudiun chief, Mr. Bert Wall und Mr. (Smvthers.
Mr. Frank Doisott, Mm Molly Bentlov (contralto! mikes her debut, and Ssoloy and West and many other artists are mciuued in the new programme QUEEN'S HALL "POPS." To-night an entirely new programme will signalise tho popular entertain jictit rthich has been so hap uilv inaucurated at the Queen's Hall. The interest in; animated pictures of I'Our Navy and "Syd ney iMy ny uay" will no reiainea in tno perior-mance. while a uutnbcr of new artistes will contri bute to what should prove an attractive evening's enroi tainmeDt. MISS ROBINSON'S CONCERT.
On Thursday evenine next Miss Marv Robinson will give a concert at the Victoria Hall, Manly. This well-known pianist will bo autstca ny tne Aliases iiauco*ck. iieatnce rjngiisn, unu uenruae oyn-deu, and Messrs. Albert Orau, W. A.
Rcbyns, J. Crubtree, uud W. H. Whiddou, With the co-operation of, theeo artisbi, Mis Mary Robinson has pro-pared au excellent programme of music. MISS JULIA DAVIS CONCERT.
On Wednesday afternoon Lady Harris will nresid at a meeting at the Hotel Australia to further a send-off concert in honour of Miss Julia Davis. The young soprano proposes to study for grand opera at Milan, and the many amateurs of music who have followed' her career with interest will doubtless be glad to forward the concert movement by attending at Wednesday's meeting. Miss Maua Watkiusis, uon, secretary ox tne una uavis couccrt. MR. A.
B. FLOHU'S RECITAL. Mr. A. Bertram Flohm'e recital will enable the elocutionist to introduce some of Stanley Hawley's attractive examples of The Dual Art (elocution with music) which are popular in England and America.
Tho recital will be given at tbe Centenary Hall on Tuesday May 26, the date which was formerly announced havinff boeu found unsuitable to a number oi students interested. FITZGERALD BROTHERS CIRCUS. Messrs, Fitzgerald Brothers Circus, with its many attractions, has been drawing crowded audiences during the week. The change of programme, which has greatly strengthened tho entertainment, has met with popular favour. A matiueo will be giveu this ttttenioon, THE CYC LOR AM A.
Thfl realistic representation of tbe Bottle of Gettysburg at the Cvelorama has attraoted larce numbers of sightseers to that popular place of amusem*nt niiniio ine wee a. i no jituaiuno unu ibu.u.c wuicii are given at frequont intervals have proved very popular. RIFLE CLUB'S UNION. ANNUAL MEETING. Tho annual moating of the N.S.W.
Rifle Club's Union wai held last night at the N.R.A. rooms, O'Conncll-atreet, Lieutenant Colonel Oldershsw (uresident) occupied the chair, and there wis a good attendance. The report, road by Mr. H. U4BIII oiuh.
DBViv.nij'i i nut, iun a. uuiiu. erode comnetitious had been successfully conducted ami had dune much to improve the quality of team hootina. The senior competition was won by the St. Leonards Club with (I wins and 1 defeat, with the Police runners up with Ct wins and 2 defeats.
Lieutenant Y. G. Lindemau (Naval Brigade) won thn gold medal for the highest individual aggregate, The averages of the clubs in tho which wus held at 800 nnd POD yards, wre St. Leonard, fiOu points Pnrramutta, 4N(t: Naval Brieudo. 482: Police.
474 Western Suburbs, 40 Sydney, 401 2nd Regiment, 43H and Alexandria. 421. In tho tirade com- petitiou. held at and 600 yards, the winning team was the Australian Rifles with eight wins and one defoat, National Guard being the runnert-up witn seven wins ami two aeieau. private Edgar.
(National Guard) won the gold uednl for the highest individual aggregate. The averages of the clnbs taking part were: Australian Kiflrti, 67l points St. Leonards 670 national uuord, oub; naval Brigade Aod; ttandwick and Cootee. 641 Irish Rifles. 618: Artil.i lory, 617 Bt.
George's Ride, 614'; and Army Service Corps, 402, The report ami balance-sheet were adopted. the teams and silver medals to the run. neisoup in each grade. Lieutenant-Colonel Oldershaw was rn president, Mr. Da kin hon, sscretury, and Mr.
Mathison hon, treasurer, whilst Sergeant J. J. Wallace (Police) wis appointed nsststaiit hon. secretary. It was decided that three grades aud 009 formed for tha ensuing reason's competitions, and that the regulations to govern siine be referred to a general meeting of two delegates fiomeach club, For Bronchial Cbnghjl lakfl fooda; Qm Popptnnlat, VUIV, 10 AUTH Zeal india, 7771 tons.
Captain W. J. Wtllie. l'as- nicMiaines rrecmBn, uugum, uonneiiy. itoberts, Curtwriffht and chilr, aliwes Ferey.
Weiinatb, Connelly, Moudon, Wbeatley (2), Junes (if). Yhorne, Hcuvtiley, Mwars. Baxter. Cameron, Guthrie, Brown (2), Hughes. M'Mahon, Van Cooth, Warrinirton-Laue.
BUck, Mordauut, BddV. IlfWro. RailftV. Pun I lUnml. IVKfU.
Peone, Keitli, Tlifton, Aston, Lawlo'rd, Medway, tlantcra vuucb uuuuin raraer wjtnpauyi agents. Doi-ripo, S03 tout, Captain Colvin, from Byron Bar. O. W. Nicoll, aicent.
Thistle. 04 tout, Captain CaUngban, from CapeHawke. F. Buckle, axent. 891 tons, Captain M'Lanhtin, from Trial Bay and Hadeay.
Nurtli H.N. Company. ujrrnlH. Leuru, 11UK tons, Captain Kllif, from Townnville, via ports. in the oaloon and 54 in tbe Sternum.
IIurnlKRiitfa ftinminv. I.imitMt. mrrfDim oroka. 170 tuna. Caittain Bui four, from Moaning Biver.
North Coast 8.V. Cvmpnny, agents. lVterburouxh, 159 tuns, Captain Wilson, from Bate-mun's Bay. J. Aubiu, agent.
Newcastle, 1251 ton, Captain Thorapsnn, from Newcastle. Newcaxtle uud Hunter ttiver Company, agents. Moira, 2184 tons, Cuutain J. T. Bimpsou, frn Brisbane, via Newcastle.
Burns, Philp, and Limited, Warriraoo. 8330 tons, Captain Neville, from New- cctle. V. W. Jackitmi.
avrnt. Gulf of Oenss.a., 344R tons, Captain 8wn, from Fre- mnuiin uuu A.uany. iv. ana a. ai anuur, iatuea, ajenta.
VRPARTCltES. May J. Anstralosisn. far Iyiudon, via Capetown and porta, Kanteni, fjr SK-lbourne, -Ooimii, h.i for Hoburt. Olrnlui, for (i nam.
via 'Jiircoula, fur 1'jcuidntle, via KcwcasUe and Melbourne. Cintni, for Melbourne. PllO.TKOTRr TlEPARTUREB. May 2. Tt.M.8.
imalu-a, for Loudon, via Muraeillra aud ports G.M.8. Oldenburg, for Bremeu, via porta; Warrisat, for London, via the Cape and ports Titus, fr New Hebrides, Banks Group, rta Lord Howe and Norfolk Ishinda Wurrunoo, for Wellineton and ports War-rvffo, fur Uueenaland porta Moira. for Queensland porta Tynan, for Queensland porta Jnra, for Melbourne Barrawong, for Macteay River and Trial Bay: Eurolfa, for Maclcay and Belliocer ltivers; Tomlri, for RIcbrnond Biver; Wollumbin, fur Tweed River Electro, for Manning Hiver Myee, for Narabucca River: Kyogle, for Clarence River Thistle, for Capa Hawkej Newcastle Compsny's oteauier for Newcastle. CLEARANCES. -May 1.
Australasian, SG32 tuns, Cuptaia A. Walker, for Loudon, via tho Cape and prts, with passengers as published yesterday. Tarcoola. UWB torn, Captaia J. Lawrence, for Frc-uuutle, via Ncwcastlo and Melbourne, with through cargo for Newcastle.
Minnie A. Cuine, four-masted 770 toai, Captain J. Oleen, for Honolulu, via Newcastle, vritli Umber, through cargo for Newawtle. Passengers Mm. Ulnen and Mm.
C. Uausor. Gh-nlui. tuna. n.intin tt.
Frnlt fnr Oil am. win. Ncwciittlc, with 10,575 nackH wheat, through cargo for ii.rasui-. lanariitrcr Jim, COtl. Katcrn, 330t tons.
Captain W. EIIi, for Melbourne, with through cargo and uaMcugcm. llyon, Uunnaii lObO teas. Captain J. Uohrscbladt, for Ltvenioul.
Samuel riimsoll, sh 1450 tons, Captain J. Fawcett, for uraiciu nueumui, via nuncosuc, inaaiiast. IMPOIlTSMay 1. Leura. from Townsville and porta: 104 cases fruit, 42 bags oyhUt, it packages doors and sanbes, 11 packages jrjnal ettVtn, 3422 buuehes bananus.
'id cases suit aonp. IS boxes bullion (20.1701, 4 bugnhark, 578 baa ore, et'J bles wool, GO pumpains, 1) bugs hides, 21 hidi-s, 1 cak tallow, 4 rolls rnberoid, 10 bogx t-ugur, 75 pioors pini, hiH bums, casra boo: topping, 61 cuses fnut pulp, 30 CUc-i jam, IS bags '2 hom-j, aud quantity sumliies. Warrrao. ftom MtJbourne 00 hairs bark. 80 boxes prunm, 41 hwxea Mwrhp, 44 mrv hw 16 quarter casks wine, IB Imlm linnwrno ttkins, 242 hides, 217 bags onions, 05 caes fruit, Oie caaes fniit, tU pienm timber, 20 Cisos njipiwi, if pacKHKcs ooiuew, luooHwa wniRay, tm rmpty oil caakti, UfUS eubrs, 225 ns'M proKCIved fruit, 4C cusch join, 644 bags chaff, 42 eaaw cheese.
III cohch tobaceo, 20 boxen butter, and cargo for (Jneenxlnud ports. Barruwong, from Mnolwty lliver 1480 bugs nutae, 21 bags numukfns, 0 balca kins. VI castw eggf, (t ottH-a Ubh, 4 orwjpM poultry, 4 bides, tl bugs hides, 210 boxet butter, J2 pigx, 24 fUudriiM, licalnndin, fmm Auckland 52 sacks froren lonfnio S6 rastai frozen llsli. 41 empty roHkt, 1(J bales wool 31 bam hem l). 153 tacka 154 ivirlcn rouu 37 wicks hides, 11 ciwch kauri gum.
2 wicks linneed, 105 sacks broken glas, 175 k- pitlt beef, 150 coses fruit. UU nngs 01c, 13'J lioxtM uuter, f8 bag lard, 71 pieces timber, 20 tmcks gluepicow, 322 sacks pujiice, 20 bug3 mosa, and aundricn. Uuiimto, from Timani 400 Micks barley, 417 forks okci, auciis disd, 01 aaciu waeut, and quantity huu-drics. May 2. Oriental.
from via no rta 500 coses milk. SI cases rivets, 5 cases risb, 100 coslk salt, 10 tuns Limalite pigiron, 55 pnrkagtM booki and periodicalx, 20 packages de-vcloperti, 120 packages cartarras, 200 tons pigirun, 075 packugea steel railn, SOP rackageii tea, 160 paukuges ironware, 5 packages paint, 620 tinolatea, 157 outs galvanised iron. 72 juickuguabolbi and nuto, 467 packages leud. 42 puckagCH inetoJ. 31 pnekagea oil, 4tt packageti nuiln.
11815 bars and buudles iron, 11 packages uiedicinea, 10 puckairea hump seed, 20 packages inagneaia, ana carso for tiaasbip-ment, Ewex. from New Yotk, via norls: 168 packages tobacco. 72Hcawii machinery, 26S5 cases oil, 51 cultivatunt, 20 grain bozea, 42 packages Urd, 19 owes shoe, Ul cufej musical ituiiruineuta, 55 ouhcs blue, 21 Oaga seeds, lis packages colour, 29 packages eantingM, 1C caws woollen ruoos, ivxi mcki noui bi jocKugea miuvui, as pat-Kagcs blue. 35 macs drumriBta' pikmIh. cane woodenware and hardware, 02 ounm oartndgea, 2'jOO meat, 00 cases handles, 252 ckHgcii ntmculiural implt-mt-nbi.
10 eases drapery, 0 canes axes, 168 iaes uiueage cang, 84 caiwa vyfranuieia, ono noalers, aw pacKageH pantuin, zi cawa cotton goods, 33 cuae rubber buots, 1187 packages paper, and sundries, EXPORTS. May 1. Aovtralnsian, for J-ondon. via Capetown and ports 2814 Han ore. 30 bnlos farvkins.
52 huk-s leather. 50(H) bars lead, 145B ingots tin, 1107 bags cobalt ore. 755 ingoUi 1WJ dt copjier, atw wuea wuui, iw raHen iioit, iu ooses aoTrrvipns 4 boxes Bptcie t-26l, and anndrin. Hyon, for Liverpool 1173 ions and 1597 bags copra. Onrtom-house.
Entered outwards May 1, Haoroto, fur 11 vii. vi N'l-wCHKtie. The Dint Rnltea will tvday be moved from the stream to Darling Island, The bq. I riirtix will to-day be moved from Darling Islsnil to Pyrtnont Wharf. The bq.
Manurewa vaa removed yesterday from Garden Ialnndto Bluet wattle Bay Thn Wanviru. which arrived here at midnisht nn Thurs day from Melbourne, bnmgbt SO halcon and 44 steerage paweQgera in addition to 11 through piofngerr hound for Uueenxland ports. Captain King states that bne weather couditiona ruli-d during the trip. Tbe Uniau Cowiauy's Maimer Hanroto, which left Tim -rn at 7 p.m. on Monday last, arrivrd at Sydney aUl p.m.
yesterday. Ciplaia l'aimer atatea that light variable winds prevailed tVmghrut the passage. Tbo Leura, from Townsville, iia port, arrind at Sydney yetrday looming with 76 poawnzers and a Inure cm go. Captain W. Kllin reporta having esierienccd fr.tli to strong southerly windn.
squally weather, and moderate seas unnng tno run irom unsoane. Tlie A.U.S.N. Comi-imy's caiao steamer' Moira, fmm Briitbme. via Newcastle, was amonir veaterdav's oirivaln. Fine wpather and light variable windt were met with na far aa newcasue, nuu irom mere 10 oyuney iresa souuiony winds and modf rate neaa.
The Zealandis, from New Zealand, arrived nt Bydnev at one o'clock yesterday morning. rhe left Auckland Ht5.Hfl p.m. on 27th ultimo, and cleared the North Cuon at 7.. u.m. on the 2Mb.
Moderate N.E and northerly winds anl calm sea were tnconntrred until noon un tnev.in ultimj, when ot'ong B.W. and southerly wind, with heavy tiin squalb were met with, moderating lo arrival. THE NEW bTEAMER CROKI. A cable mow ge was received onTliurvlaybyMctraiv-. Allen Taylor and Co.
from their repreeentativea at Southampton, stating that the defect in the steering gear of the tteaiucr Croki bad been repaired, and that it waa expected that she woum resume ncr voyage yeswrony. joe uroai 1a a new Mteanndiin built for the North Coaet trade of A Hun Taylor and and was on her way from Glurgow to Bjdney when her steering gear broke down. She put in at Qouinampiuu 10 rcmeuy cne ueiecc. MOVEMENTS OF MAIL STEAMERS. The Jt.M.S.
Orieatsl, from I.oadna, via the usual ports of call, Is due at Sydaey early this morn in. She paused Oabo Island at 11.60 a.m. yesterday, and Green ('ape it p.m. The II. M.N.
Himalaya will be despatched from tha P. and O. Coinuanya wharf oa the eastern side the Circular (juoy at noon today for London, via tho unu a I noria of call. Tha il'iinur will m.i pall at Ilohart. Thji O.M.S.
Oldenburg will silt at 1.30 p.m. today from the wharf ot thn Kond-deui setter Lloyd, on mo w(wrro Rian 01 ine nrcuiar wuy. ior Jiremea aad Southampton, via ports. PASSENGERS BY TI1R R.M.8. HIMALAYA.
Appended Is a Hat of llio paHsruxcn bv the R.M.S Uniiitlaya, wbkb wilt ha dispatched fiom hydney at noon to-day for London, via the uaaal porta of coll (omitting Ilohart) For Colombo, Indian porta, Brindiai, Marnelllrs, nnd London Mr, GeortrH Anderson, Mrs. Nelll, Mr. A. ThomiWin, Mr. Hamilton Fleutlnir, Mr.
Philip Tsaurl, Mr. F. A. llawley, Mr. O.
IVbili-luw, Mr. A. Dnwlfnir, H.N., Mm. Williams, Miss Williams, llesj.ru. Williams Mr.
and Mrs. J. II. Allen. Miw Johnson, Miss Klsio King, Mims Hay, Mr.
W. Wark, Mia. A. Campbell and maid. Mr.
F. (). Scott, Mr. M. J.
Mtirnamarj, Mr. A. HaiikinMin, Licittenunt J. Kindle. R.N., Mr.
and Mrs. 1a Roche, Mrs. UlasRuw, Miss OIiK-tfuw, Miss Ooddiirrl, Mr. James Maxwell, U.N., Mr. H.
R. floe. Miiwes KcImi King: Mm. H. O.
Jeffnnuin '1 "h.Mreu and maid, Mr. W. 11 Read. Mr. J.
J. Madden, Mr. A. M. T.
While, Miss E.O'Mara,Mr. W. H. Form.in, Mr. A.
Morrison, Mr Jacobs, Mr. Jamea Ducker, Mr, W. Gill, Miss Driver, Miss nemnlcy, Mr. Kax, Mr. DiVHiport Ledwords, Miss Eisex, Miss Hilton, Mrs.
Hankln Brown, Mr. E. Unrris, Mr. II. U.
Aston, Mr. neniy Keir, Mr, H. Macfarlum, Mr. C. Whitnfoiil.
Xle. it V. Atitlll. lli.v. H.
Mnl, kearns, Mr. nnd Mis. J. A' Campbell, Mr. Colin Campbell, in i.
ij. iu lunjsTi, mr. i. it. nauiner, sir.
unu iiiia. Bernard, Ur. Leslie Bray, Mr. 13. U'Connnll, Mr.
and Mis. A. Aral a und child, Mr. II. T.
Smith, Mr. M. C. Smith, Mr. and Mm.
H. W. Stilt-. Mr. Jumta Dunlon.
Mr. W. Meadwity, Mr. and Mrs. II.
II. Moure, Mr. and: Mra.K.Moota and ohild, Miss Invert, Mrs. MicUtxxl, Mm. NutherUnil, Mr.
and Mrs. Vnmsck. Mr. nud Mrs. W.
eaineripy, aiikh we.vrn.iley. Mr. A. Wllsou, Mr. Wilwn, Mrs.
Thamlry, MfMesThorn1ey ()), Mr and Mn. I Boyd Child ami nunu-. Mr. Kliarne. Mr.
R. flutltm Mrwn. Mr. R. Whyte, Graves Santos, Mrs, Kirkland, Miss LeUhman, Miwt A.
lirumi. Mr. nnd Mrs. M'liride, Mr. V.
rut, Mr. W. Kdffar, Mr. Isaac Aarons, Mr, V. i mr.ii, uniirni'.
Air, tionn L'lniayson, sir. J.l. r. iiiiviiuuiu, iui. Tuwiuuru, air, ti.
a. ftawvon, oir, and Mrs, J. A. CnrshrnuB, MissStiow, Mrs. Cowan, M1ss; lAWllior, Mr.
aud Mrs, Weiss, Mr. M. Alston, H. II. Btrerton.
Mr. and Mn. 1iirulii Vm. i.nrl ohildran, Master Condren, Mr. and Mm.
BsJdock aud child. jviw. ltawilns, Mr. Bertin Barr Umltli, Miss Cobb, Mr. li.
Stanley Hawker, Mis Out horlnrt llnwkcr, Miss iaUer.09 uawaer unu nurse. Air. anu Mrs, w. I. MortiooK, Mr.
Arthur Cbnpronn, Mr. David Wait), Mr. Stewart, Mn. HUeV and child. Misa Itiler.
Mr. A. Ultiell. and a aaraber of paiaenffers for intor-atato ports. PASSENGERS BY TUB WARMGAL; Tha f.tllnwlfiir la Hal at Iha liv tha Lund Ihvv Wnrriiral, whleh will ba drapatcaed from the Central Wharf at noon tn-'lay for London, via noma iirica raemiarnrs wrrrinir, usirn, i.cynoioa, MlH.tfs Salisbury Wilton, M.
Wlltoi, Jonis, C'alrnle, l(nlcrtBan, MeiBra. Yoans, Werritijt, Lrmco, Itlokarils. Dnln. Onden. CsitIm.
nilihs. Katun. Grit- fen, Turner, O'Connor, Wilton, Rets, Warbrlfk, Boyle, Parker, Robertson, Dwyer, (lormao, M'l'hpr-aon, F. Mornn, K. Murgta, lluchnnsn, Fenn, M'ticaa, Mnatsm II.
11. il. ton. or Wilton. G.
Wilton. J. llobertson. BV THE OLTKNRUR(l. Annemled la a Hal ot the aasaentera bv the Gar- man mull Mtenmer OltlPiihiirn, ahirh will be des- pa i earn from hyiiney ai 1..111 p.m.
lo-dav for nre-men nnd Hniithninptos, vin purls (lev. J. II. Bradbury, Mrs. Rradbtirr, Uasler Bradbury, Mr.
A. .1. W. Bunt. Mr.
Ann. Dr. Feranaon. Mr. J.
Harris, Mrs. .1, Drrris and Infant, Master Misa Vesta ltnrey, Nr. Kllen. Mr. L.
C. I.UJa, 0. Uorley, Slsaor A. Pirandello, Miss A. a.
1'iani, mr, Kiiwru u. I'ornin, uonn Pochin, Mr, F. L. Price, Miss Pnttmann, Mr. T.
JUoMUBn, Mrs, llamsltad and lnlant, Mill Flora.