The Road To Crystal Tokyo - Chapter 8 - MoonFireTiaraSoulAction - Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (2024)

Chapter Text

A few months ago the events of the other day would have left Rei with little desire to immediately get up as early as she had to in order to perform her daily duties at the shrine. But the young woman honestly could not remember waking up with more joy of life, even in spite of knowing with certainty what was coming.

She prepared breakfast for the three residents of the Hikawa shrine and merrily greeted her grandfather when he came to eat.

They discussed the events of the previous day and what would happen in the coming days.
When both had finished and Yuuichirio still hadn't come she couldn't help getting impatient, however.

"He went to bed the same time you did last night didn't he? Last night was eventful for everyone, but he has no excuse for this behavior," She stated while she cleaned the plates.

"Aah, but this kind of thing can happen to everyone, and he has been taking your duties with his these last weeks. I don't mind if he sleeps it off for once," Her grandfather excused.

"What are you talking about?" Rei turned around with a smirk. "I used to do all of that work on my own for years! You are getting soft on him grandpa."

She moved past the startled old man.

"I'll get him up and about," She said.

Really Rei, I wouldn't bother! It's going to be a slow day in any case. We can handle things on our own for a few hours!"

Grandpa's protestations fell on deaf ears. The miko was already near her colleague's door by the time those last words were spoken.

"Yuuichirio! Get out of bed! It's time to start work. You can get a quick breakfast if you come now!"

She heard some confused movements and then a muffled voice, clearly not Yuichirio's.

Rei sighed.

"Your little friend is more than welcome to share your meal. There is no reason to act so sneakily," She smiled like a devil.

The door opened slowly and Yuuichirio came peeping out, then stepped into the hall and closed the door behind him.

"Oh Hi Rei-chan!" He sweated while scratching the back of his head. "What are you talking about? There's nobody with me."

The suspicions noises coming from the room belied his words.

"You're not a teenager Yuuichirio. And I'm not your mom. There's no need for secrecy," Rei smiled teasingly.

She ruthlessly opened the door and was shocked to find a hastily dressed Makoto behind it. Blood drained from the brunette's open-mouthed face.

"H... Hi, Rei-chan," She stuttered.


Rei's friend cautiously slipped by her into the hall while the miko turned around, confronting the sheepish pair.

To their horror, after a silence that seemed to last an eternity to them, she choked them both in her loving embrace.

"This is just wonderful! I was wondering whether the two of you were falling in love since you've gotten so close lately!" She exclaimed in rapture.

Mako and Yuuichirio turned beet-red.

"You are such a cute couple. Don't worry if you join us for work a little later! Grandpa and I have everything covered," The miko gushed.

They recoiled in fear as she came closer one last time with her maniacal smile.

"I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll leave you to enjoy this beautiful morning together," She concluded.

She practically danced outside. Makoto thought she saw her doing a pirouette before she left the hallway.

The pair looked dumbfounded for a minute.

"She seems to have high hopes huh?" Mako smiled bitterly.

"Yeah," Yuuichirio grinned bashfully.

The brunette awkwardly shook hands with the male miko who had been passionately kissing her not ten minutes ago ... and from about half-past twelve to two the evening before.

It had started naturally.
After talking over what had happened at Miyajima, what had been told them by the officials and the dramatic back and forths during the Sailor Senshi meeting she had been so overcome by his compassion and understanding that after stroking his cheek while dreamily looking him in the eyes she couldn't help herself anymore and just kissed him.

He hadn't stopped her. It's as if he had been waiting for her.
He just kissed her back and before she knew how it had all started he was inside of her, whispering for her not to wrap her legs around him so tightly while their hands were moving all over each other.

But Makoto knew that could only have been the heat of the moment. Desire and the feeling of being close to someone who had just bared their soul to you. That was all it had been. Poor Yuuichirio was still in love with Rei and always would be. That's why he and Megumi had broken up after all. Everyone knew that.

She looked him in the eyes and braved him with a smile.

"Well, thank you for last night, Yuuichirio-kun. I really needed to talk about those things with someone who isn't a Sailor Senshi. I know we can trust you to keep everything to yourself."

"Yeah. You don't have to worry about that," He said comfortingly. "I saw how worked up you were. I was glad I could listen."

They shared an uncertain smile.

Last night he had shared his futon with the compassionate, brave, kind and incredibly sexy woman who now stood before him. Yuuichirio had fantasized about that moment since long before he had been able to gather the courage to tell Megumi he didn't love her the way she loved him.

It had been gutwrenching. But eventually, he had to confront that he would never be able to give her what she wanted. And deep down they had both been aware of that for a while.

But after their separation, he was constantly going back and forth. No matter how close Matoko came, she always seemed to treat him like a friend and it seemed like that was the only way she cared about him.

He pondered about how to approach her for months, without knowing how she would react. Agonizing whether after all, she might just not care about him in the same way.

And then Makoto totally took him by surprise.

Maybe that was only natural. It had been Megumi who had confessed to him too.
He supposed Rei had simply taken the courage out of him.

He hoped she wasn't going to leave right away. Maybe they could talk later on, while he swept the floor.

"Well, anyway. What happened afterward was... unexpected," The brunette continued. He couldn't help glancing at her beautiful muscular long legs. He wished she would show them off more.

I'm not going to pretend I didn't want it, and it was exactly as I had hoped it would be," Her hand lingered in his.

Something felt wrong suddenly...

"But we both know who your heart belongs to, so don't worry. I'll tell her nothing is going to come from this. I'll tell her not to bother you about it."

Incredibly wrong.

Makoto silenced her aching heart and turned in the direction Rei had disappeared in, but something clung to her hand.
She looked back at the embarrassed young man behind her.

"I think... I might deserve it if you smothered any budding feelings you might have had from the start..." The male miko stammered, clearly upset.
"I guess seven years really is a ridiculously long time for a clearly unrequited love."

He looked at her with fearful eyes.

"Please don't give up on me Mako-chan. Because I like you very much. I don't want to lose the chance to... I don't want to lose you. I want you in my life. I want to see you every day. I have been in love with you for so long."

Makoto smiled like an idiot. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.
Yuichirio love her?

"Really?" She fondled his warm hand with both of hers.

He came closer, looking as bashful as a schoolboy.

"You make me happy," Yuuichirio smiled.

His other hand went to her shoulder, then it played with her still loose hairs.

"You make me smile. You thrill me. You make me feel like even with everything that lurks in the shadows the world is a beautiful place."


Makoto didn't know how to believe in a world where the kindest, most compassionate man in existence loved her back.
Maybe he was right. Maybe this world was very beautiful. A world worth protecting.

"But you loved Rei-chan?" She frowned.

"I did. But I haven't for a while now. I thought I was in love with Megumi-chan, but while I was with her the two of us had gotten so close. I always wanted to be near you. I convinced her to buy your perfume. I made excuses to dine at the restaurant you worked in."

"You are in love with me?" The brunette asked with a big grin on her face.

"I guess I like intense women," Yuuichirio smiled back at her.

She kissed him.

"I am not that intense," She blushed.

"Yes, you are," He kissed her back.

"You are intense..." Kiss.

"And caring..." Kiss.

"And extremely beautiful." Kiss.

"Well you are all those things yourself Yuuichirio-kun," Makoto winked before she embraced him.

"I guess we are just two of a kind then," He grinned.

They gazed into each other's eyes with vigorous hope, feeling that this was the person that loved them back in equal measure. That their love was finally being returned.

"I love you too Yuuichirio-kun. Kind, cute, wonderful Yuuichirio-kun."

She kissed him with vigor.

Yuuichirio showed up for work an hour and a half later, but Rei gave him a cheerful smile and a hug when he did.

Since Makoto was only starting next week in the restaurant her previous boss had recommended her to, she had time to help her lover, which made them both - and Rei - very happy.

In contrast to the joy reigning in Hikawa shrine, Yori Maki was very much down in the dumps, lazily eating lunch at home while writing his rapport on his PC and awaiting news from the joint staff.

Two concerns were conflicting in his mind: Minako Aino and the mission to lead the Sailor Senshi inside the overrun site in China.

Yori Maki wasn't easily scared, but having come face to face with one of the creatures the Senshi were going to have to fight and realizing he did not have any real combat experience, he started to doubt he would be of much use to the woman he loved while leading her and her friends on site.

He was rudely interrupted in his thoughts when the doorbell rang, so he got up and opened it to the startling image of a Sailor V cosplay.

Only he was well aware that he was looking at the real thing.

"I am Sailor V and I heard you hurt a good friend of mine, so I am here to punish you!"

Minako pointed a finger right at him.

"Are... Are you serious?!" He stammered, shrinking back slightly.

The blonde took off her mask to reveal a pained and tearful face. Her mouth was twitching.

"Minako-chan. I'm sorry. I hated doing it. I know I have no excuse..." Yori stammered.

"How could you think this was a good idea!" She cried. "Did you think I had it coming because I like to party?!"

"No! Of course not! It was nothing like that!" He exclaimed, upset that she might think something like that.
His heart stabbed him, seeing the woman he had long admired so hurt.

"Please... Come inside. I'll get you something to drink," He quietly muttered while holding out a hand.

She walked past him into the apartment but refused to sit down, standing next to his desk while he made them tea.

Yori looked at Minako's sad face and put their cups down on the desk.

There was only one chair. She hadn't sat down, but she might want to sit down after all. Maybe he should have sat down on the sofa, so she had a place to sit too. He should ask her again.

"How did you even think you might function as our liaison after what you did?" Minako asked in a small voice.
She still didn't look at him. Standing there with her arms crossed and her eyes on the teacup.

"I know it will be difficult. I expected it would be, though evidently, it will be more difficult than I imagined..."

"How could you think of such a disgusting plan?! Picking me up at a party so you could introduce your bosses to us! How sleazy can you get?!
Did your bosses ever consider I might really like you?! Did you?!" The blonde yelled.

Now Yori bowed his head. Bowed it in shame.

"You could have just approached us with the truth, instead of this cold war spy nonsense! You could have told me the truth! Couldn't you tell I liked you?! Couldn't you tell I'd get hurt if you waited for me to discover the truth in front of everyone?!"

Minako caught her breath and grimaced before sobbing heartily for a few minutes.

Yori wanted to comfort her but didn't feel he had the right.

"Of course my friends could have told me too. I know they wanted to give you a chance. I guess things might not have gone the way they did had they told me, so I don't know how I feel about that yet. But I trusted you…
You could have just told me... instead of acting like a damned martyr while keeping me in the dark!" The blonde spat.

He deserved this. He was scum. He certainly had never felt so low before. Not even when Saschi had divorced him.

He had deceived and hurt a woman who put her life on the line to save innocent people from terrible monsters on a daily basis.

"Stop just sitting there like that! Why don't you defend yourself?!" The blonde wept.

"I have nothing to defend myself with."

She hated that gloomy voice. It was the same voice he had used in Hiroshima whenever she felt him slip away from her.

"It was a stupid plan. I should have fought it. I should have come up with a better plan. I just didn't want anybody else to do it. I'm sorry. I know I hurt you. I know what I did..." Yori murmured.

"You don't know anything!" Minako cried. "Men don't understand a thing! You are so stupid."

Yori looked up for the first time since she had started to scold him. He saw the look in her eyes. The pain on her face. Then he remembered something. Sachi had looked that way too. That hurt expression. Those desperate tears...

It seemed to him now that that was not the look of a woman who had given up on him.
Even then. Sachi had started life on her own, without him. He had always assumed she had just come over that last time to make it clear to him how much he had hurt her.
It had never occurred to him that she had still hoped he might reach for her at the last moment. He could have spared them both the pain of heartbreak, had he realized what he now did.

Maybe men just needed time.

"You... You still want to be with me?" He stammered.

"I'm in your home!" Minako wept.

Yori seemed to hear a sprinkle of hope enter her voice.
He got up.

"Why didn't you stay and talk to me after the presentation yesterday? Why didn't you come to me as soon as you woke up this morning?" The young woman in front of him asked with a hurt voice.

"I'm sorry. I hadn't expected... I had convinced myself that what I was doing was unforgivable."

"I'm a Sailor Senshi," Minako muttered. "Giving people a second chance is our thing."

"That's true..."

He took her hand in his own after she used it to wipe her eyes.

"Sailor Venus was always my favorite. Even before I knew she was the same person as Ai No Shojo," Yori smiled kindly.

"You stupid fanboy," The blonde giggled and sniffed.

"But I never expected I would fall so hard for Minako Aino-chan.
I was always dazzled by your glamorous alter ego's, but I never considered that the person doing all those amazing things you do, the person I admired so much, was just an ordinary woman. An ordinary woman who talks nonsense and drinks too much and giggles when she gets nervous and is very kind. An ordinary woman who gets hurt, but who takes that risk because she loves people."

He kissed her hand, held it to his lips for a moment and looked at her earnestly.

"I didn't respect the risks you take. I was doing my job, knowing that I was doing something really low.
But I did it anyway, feeling very low about it, but not having fought the decision to do so when I had the chance.
I'm sorry I hurt you Minako-chan, I'm sorry I let you down. But if you really can forgive me, I will always come to you.
I will never let go of you again."

This guy... This guy was so...

Minako couldn't pull her eyes from his.

"You are such a smooth-talking man," She sniffed bashfully.

"I'm not trying to be," He smiled. "But I don't want to disappoint you again. I already hurt one person I loved like that. I just realized how I did that. I don't want to do that to you too."

This was a risk. She knew why it was a risk, but that was also why she loved him.
That kind, humble man who lived to protect. A man with a sense of duty that was perhaps a little too strong.
A man that could get a little arrogant at times.
A man that cultivated an aura of seriousness and an air of cool, but who was, in fact, a buffoon.
A calculating man who was good at keeping his strong emotions in check... most of the time.
A handsome man with a gorgeous body, kind intense eyes, and shiny black hair.

Before she had time to make her decision her body leaned forward on its own and kissed that man.

"I know there's not really something I can do to make up for deceiving you, Minako-chan. But I'm certainly going to spoil you when we get back from the mission," Yori hugged her fiercely.

As he said those words the ringtone of his cellphone made his heart skip.

Makoto finished her last abb-crunch and sat on the edge of the shrine lodging's terrace to watch her boyfriend sweep the grounds.

Just like her, he got a big stupid grin on his face whenever he looked around and met her eyes.

He waved enthusiastically and the brunette felt her heart jump. She had never thought it possible that kind, stuffy, heroic Yuichirio would return her love for him. Just looking at him now, grinning broadly, she wanted to cuddle him and rub his goofy curls.

They had spent all of the last hours together. Breakfast. Praying. Tending to customers.
Shopping, after Yori had dropped Minako off with the news that their demands had been met and they would have war room later in the day. And finally preparing the food for the meeting.
It had been the best time she had had in a long while. And they were soon going to face an invasion force from another planet.
If this was what love felt like, things could only get better.

"I heard you got your guy," She heard behind her.

Minako sat down next to her and kicked her legs like a teen.

"Between being together with Usagi-chan and discovering your relationship Rei-chan seems like she's on drugs," The blonde chuckled. "She told me all about your sleeping together and flirting during work at the shrine's shop."

"She's going off the rails! I'm going to talk to her," The brunette growled, getting on her feet. "Our love-life is not a tall tale for the world to hear."

"Let her be," Minako said while she pulled on the arm of her friend and gave her a pleading look.

"Hey, stay here with me. Let her be on her high for a bit. We'll be going to hell in a while. Let's savor this time," she softly entreated.

"Ugh! Alright," Makoto sat down with a sigh. "But I still think they should tell Mamoru-kun the truth. This is not right."

"I know... But actually, I think he already knows," Minako smiled doubtfully.

"He does?!"

"I don't know. It was just the way he looked and then smiled at me when you were confronting them," The blonde explained.

Makoto watched her friend's face.

"But if he knows, why doesn't he...?
Aah!" She sighed. "It's their business after all. I don't want anyone getting hurt, but I'm not going to get involved anymore. I'll be happy for Rei-chan in any case if things work out for her."

She stretched and looked at her friend earnestly.

"So how did things work out for you?" The brunette grinned.

Her friend leaned on her hands an threw her head back, enjoying a good laugh at herself and relieved at the outcome of her situation.

"I yelled at him and called him all kinds of names. And he just sat there with a vacant stare and took it all without a word. But then he looked at me and he seemed suddenly to understand what I wanted from him."

"I hope you didn't forgive him too easily," Makoto raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think I need to punish him any more than he is already planning to do himself," Minako smiled dreamily. "From what he told me, I expect my most selfish desires to come true when we get back from China. I'll have a personal slave for a long time if I want to."

"Hi there."

"Hey. Hallo."

Michiru and Haruka greeted them breezily, walking towards them.

"Everybody not here yet?" The latter asked, putting a hand through her short, wavy hair.

"Rei-chan and Usagi-chan are getting Luna and Artemis from Usagi-chan's home.
Yori-kun is gone with Mamoru-kun to get Ami-chan and Ryo-kun and bring the three of them to meet with that Chinese scientist at the embassy so he can fill them in on everything we need to know about the site and the technology involved.
After that, he's taking them back here to talk strategy with us," Minako summarized.

"That leaves Hotaru-chan," Makoto looked expectantly at the couple.

"Rei-chan called her on her cell phone. She's on her way," Michiru dryly stated.

"How are the two of you doing?" Haruka asked.

"Trying not to think of the future too much," Minako sighed.

Makoto's eyes wandered to Yuuichirio, smiling absently while the others went silent and pondered gloomy thoughts.

"I guess Rei-chan and Usagi-chan maybe right about this," She said quietly.

Her friends looked at the serious brunette.

"Michiru-chan, Haruka-chan. You haven't fought these creatures yet, but I assure you they are no common enemy.
There is no way we are going to put a stop to an invasion force counting millions of those things.
Things are different this time. We aren't dealing with a group seeking the destruction of our world in one great blow. This is an army capable of prolonged strategic warfare.
But that may be a good thing too. Because before, we always dealt with an all or nothing conflict. If we had ever lost we would have lost for good..."

The brunette returned the intrigued looks of her friends and sat up.

"However, even if we won't be able to save everyone, I am fully resolved to fight for every life on earth every time we are sent to oppose those creatures," She growled with a hard stare.

Haruka's eyes and those of her lover sparkled again at those words.

"We can't afford to do things on our own terms anymore. I understand that.
And it's a good thing that we have the government of our countries helping us to deal with this threat. I guess such a coöperation will greatly enhance the results of our efforts.
But I will never stop being a Guardian Senshi," Makoto stated adamantly.

"I am glad of that," She heard to her far right.

Usagi clapped in her hands, visibly moved by her friend's fervor.

The heads of the young women gathered at the entrance to the shrine's living quarters turned towards the approaching future royal couple, flanked by Luna and Artemis, who were still ignorant of the change in the relationship between the two women amidst them.

Haruka's eyes went towards Rei first.

"I get that this is the way forward," She said, looking seriously at the young woman she liked to tease but also felt a distant sort of admiration for. "I get that. But the part where we accept that we cannot win this without even trying..."

"Only, we have tried," Rei interrupted.

"I have seen us try countless times in my fire readings. I have seen you and Michiru-chan die against these creatures several times, trying to take them on alone. Mako-chan died with you on a few of those occasions.
Just like the enemy is far more powerful and far better organized this time, so do we have to resort to stratagem this time and seek allies in order to fight them."

"This was never even our war, to begin with," Minako piped up.

"This is humanity's battle. The enemy never sought to build up their power for the climactic attack in the shadows.
From the start, they have made their presence known without scruple.
Like Mako-chan said: this is no small group trying to bring sudden destruction. This is a war of two worlds.
And we, as always, will defend humanity to our fullest. But how we do that cannot be left solely to our decision. We owe it to the people we live with to place our powers at their disposal."

"But we do not owe them our powers to do with as they please," Usagi corrected.

Makoto and Rei nodded.

"Well said," Luna agreed.

"Governments are subject to the fickle opinion of the mob and internal power-struggles. I will never surrender our independence to decide who we fight, how we fight and when we fight completely to their decision. And I don't intend for us to remain the shadowy special operations force of the Japanese government," The blonde stated with staunch determination.

She blushed slightly when an admiring Rei took her hand.

"Once we have closed the portal I intend to push the government to make our presence and the existence of the enemy known to the UN. If humanity is going to be forced to fight for its survival it needs to fight unitedly."

Haruka whistled.

"That's some ambition you got there. Are you sure they're just going to listen to what you have to say?" She raised an eyebrow at her leader.

"I agree, Usagi-chan. You might gain yourself a lot of enemies instead of friends if you follow that path," Artemis frowned.

"There are two speeds in politics," Rei interjected. "Very slow and very fast.
Our governments will realize very soon that they cannot keep this threat a secret. That alone will force them to seek the help of the Americans and the UN before long.
As to bringing our existence to the attention of the world... I have caught wind that will soon enough happen without any effort on our part anyway."

Haruka stared dryly at the miko's smug grin. Then she shook her head.

"I've heard how sleazy you can look after you've been satisfied Rei-chan, and I've seen that smirk of yours a lot of times, but seeing you so amused from pulling the wool over the eyes of the government is on another level entirely," The blonde chuckled.

"Huh?! Don't insinuate stuff!" Rei's exclaimed. Her eyes nearly bulged out in shock, giving the others a hearty laugh.

"Hey, you all," Hotaru smiled suavely as she came near with Yuishirio in attendance, sportily dressed in a brown knee-length skirt and a beige bomber jacket over a white shirt.

"What are you laughing at? I was expecting everyone with grim faces like yesterday, not this kind of scene," The black bobbed stoic remarked dryly.

Makoto took the hand of the shrine's male miko and smiled mischievously, leading him inside.

"I have no idea, but judging from the innuendo I've heard recently I'm guessing Rei-chan's sordid past is going to catch up with her," She laughed.

The woman in question glared at the brunette.

"I never expected of you what I'm starting to suspect, but I suppose it's only natural. Don't look so angry Rei-chan. You'll be relieved when the truth comes out," Minako giggled as she got up and joined the couple.

Hotaru looked at her older friend with a quizzical expression. Then she looked at the fuming woman holding Rei's hand.

"I see. I doubt you'll be that relieved. But I'm afraid it's practically inevitable by now from the looks of it. Better to get these things over with nee-san. Think of it like pulling off a band-aid," She smiled sympathetically and followed the others inside.

"Come Artemis! You too Luna!" The black bobbed girl called. "I was told the other have great news for us. Rei's secrets sadly are for a select few's ears only."

The two confused cats looked at the four women left outside.

"Something tells me it would be better for my nerves if I didn't hear this," Luna glared at the two younger ones.
She went inside with a huff, followed by a sighing Artemis, who threw a last concerned look behind him.

Rei hesitantly looked towards her left, expecting a furious Usagi.

It was worse. It was so much worse.

"So Rei-chan!" The blonde smiled threateningly. "What was Haruka-chan talking about last night before I interrupted your punching her in the face?! She keeps making these cryptic remarks. Not that I'm curious mind you."

"Hahaha! What was Haruka-chan talking about? What were you talking about Haruka-chan? I don't really know myself," Rei sweated.

"I believe it's something that was supposed to remain a secret?" The tall blonde smiled heartily.

"What secret?! I don't have secrets from Usagi! Hahaha!"

Rei watched her lover's grin grow increasingly tense.

"Oh come on Rei-chan," Michiru teased. "You don't expect your girlfriend to believe you're still a virgin, surely?"

The blackette hung her head.

"Haha," She laughed without amusem*nt. "Why would you say that? In front of her?"

"Don't worry Rei-chan. I don't mind your pretending I was your first."

Haruka snickered at Usagi's words.

"After all... All that experience must have come from somewhere," The pig-tailed young woman continued.

"I'm just naturally good at making love though," Rei smiled sheepishly.

"Yes, that's what Chizuko-chan told me. And Sumiko-chan" Haruka casually dropped.

Rei glared at the tall blonde.

"I only tried to save your life. I'm sorry for almost punching you," She hissed.

"Consider us even," Her older friend smiled amiably.

"Only two girls. That's alright Rei-chan. You made me think I was the only girl for you, but I can understand your getting a little lonely," Usagi smiled crookedly.

Michiru couldn't hold herself and burst into laughter.

"Two girls! Hahaha!"

"You guys are terrible. You know how she gets when she's jealous," Rei complained.

"I think it's time we left the two of you to prepare for later," Haruka and Michiru went out.

"We are definitely even now," The miko fumed.

"How many girls were there Rei?" Her lover growled threateningly.

"Well, you had Mamoru-kun all that time! I don't see what you have to complain about!" Rei got in her face with an equal passion.

"I thought you were sad and alone for seven years!"

"I WAS sad and alone!"

"You were in heat! How many girls Rei?!"

Suddenly they fell silent.

"Mamo-kun," Usagi remembered.

She cast her eyes down and hugged herself. Rei rubbed her lover's shoulder with a guilty look in her eyes.

"I should tell him already. I owe him."

"It's not your fault," The miko comforted while she took Usagi's hand. The blonde looked up into her compassionate lover's eyes.

"Yes. It is. Because I fell in love with someone else. And that makes me hurt him. And especially because that's the way I want it to be," Usagi's eyes filled up.

Rei hugged her.

"If I could do this for you I would," She said.

"Don't you think you've been doing too much for me lately? You're going to spoil me. That's not why I fell in love with you." The blonde smiled while wiping her eyes.

"Then why did you fall in love with me?" Rei inquired with an amused expression.

"Because you get on my nerves."

"Likewise, Noodlehead."

They smiled, and with Rei caressing the blonde's hair and cheeks they started to kiss.

"Ugh!" Usagi moaned after a few minutes of lovemaking.

"For God's sake! We were worried about Mamo-kun just a few moments ago!"

"That's just the irresistible Hino-charm and beauty messing with your heart," Rei flipped her hair back. "Don't feel bad about it."

"Oh yeah? Maybe it's the legendary Tsukino-charm and beauty." Usagi posed in a mock imitation of her lover, making them both burst out in laughter.

"I'm going to have to be the bad girl here though," The miko said while her friend was still laughing. "Not that I want too, but I think it would be best not to tell him until after we went on our mission and closed the gate."

"I know," Usagi sobered up.

"I'm really sorry. I know you never wanted to have secrets from him, and neither do I... But we can't allow anything to endanger what we are about to do," Rei said compassionately.

Usagi sighed.

"I'm sorry," Her lover added.

"I know you're right. I was afraid to tell him at first. Now I just want to get it over with and I have to wait. But I know you're right. Both of us will be devastated when I tell him..." The blonde murmured.

"So will I."

Usagi smiled sadly at the blackette.

"I know," She said while holding her girlfriend's hand.

"I know you'd feel for me and you'd want to ease his pain as much as I would. All three of us would be sad and confused while we should be focussed on the task at hand. So unloading our consciousness and confessing our feelings to Mamo-kun will have to wait."

Rei caressed her lover's cheek, seeing the depressed look on her face and then gave her a fierce hug.

Usagi hugged her back and smiled.

"Don't be sad for my sake, or for his. It'll be alright, This is just a broken heart we are talking about. Those heal in time. There will be much more irreparably painfull things ahead of us," She continued sadly.

Makoto was looking at the big screen Yori Maki had installed in the living room of Hikawa shrine's private lodgings. On it, pictures and maps of the scientific research complex they were going to try to enter in a few hours were projected.

Minako's boyfriend sat at a table with a projector in front of them while Mamoru stood next to the screen.

To Makoto's left sat Yuuichirio, his right hand around her shoulder.

He didn't need to be here, they had always wanted to shield their loved ones from their double life. Civilians shouldn't get involved in warfare anyway. But Yuuichirio had insisted he get more involved in their struggle. He wanted to be able to contribute, no matter how little.
They shouldn't think Grandpa and him, or Usagi's parents, or Ami's mother and Ryo, or Minako and Makoto's parents, or Michiru and Haruka's family and Hotaru's father didn't know they fought with them in mind every day. That's what Yuuichirio had said.
Makoto blushed.
His eloquence had silenced them all.
Yuuichirio wanted to contribute and now he sat in the Sailor Senshi's war-room next to his new girlfriend.

The brunette turned to her left and smiled at the goofy concentrated look on her boyfriends face.
She couldn't stop herself and rubbed his curls after all.

"Hey!" He started, but when he saw her smile and felt her pull him closer he just smiled back and gave her a kiss.

He might lose her forever in a few hours, but for now, they were closer than they had ever been. He felt like he had finally found what he had been looking for ever since he woke up on the stairs of Hikawa shrine.
He had finally found a home for himself.

"The Chinese believe that these creatures are in command of all the others. The Silent Ones, they call them."

Yori brought a fuzzy picture on the screen of three tall cloaked vaguely humanoid creatures with birdlike faces.

"Why do they believe that?" Haruka asked.

Mamoru scraped his throat. He nodded to Yori and pointed at the screen as various other pictures followed each other.

"Verbal communication has never been observed between any of the creatures, but several large troop movements during engagement have been noticed to have been preceded by non-verbal communication between members of this group.
It is guessed at that they use a form of telepathy to communicate between themselves and the other creatures."

"And they are the only ones who wear garments of any kind," Ami added dryly.

The two men in front of the group snickered.

"Yes. That is probably the main thing that tipped them off," Yori smirked.

"It is assumed that there is only one airborne race among them. Some of you have fought one of those."

Mamoru watched Rei grit her teeth.

"They are incredibly fast and maneuverable. They are said to have downed several Shenyang J-8 fighter jets.
The invaders use them as an airborne vanguard in attacks and arm them with some kind of plant or fungus that envelops their torso which they seem to have a symbiotic relationship with. Enough to have them eject explosive and corrosive pods at will.
But we must assume they also use them as spy-plains. So we will try to avoid being out in the open as much as possible."

Yori brought a new picture on the screen.
Several arachnid monsters were shown, lined up in front of the main army.

"This is their main artillery," Mamoru continued.

The creatures didn't seem to have any recognizable facial features. Just a spider-like body on six legs and two tubular feelers in front. On their backs, a structure grew with a seemingly liquid green substance inside and an orange cotton-like bud on either side of the substance.

"If we are caught by one of these we attack immediately and without reserve.
These ugly things are as fast as a military jeep and that green goo on top of them melts a tank into miso soup in two minutes.
We never try to outrun them. We never try to hide from them. We hope to avoid them and if we get spotted by them we fight for our lives."

Next came pictures of white canine-looking beasts with tusks and beards.

"These and the monster men you will see next are their soldiers. These - hell hounds the Chinese call them - are about the size of an African elephant and are as fast as a sports car. They send them into the Chinese troops to create fear and chaos..."

Yori pulled another picture on the screen.

"Then these guys come in."

The Senshi saw something that vaguely looked like a furred human being with bony projections on top of their skulls and big long hairdo's throwing a tank in the air.

"These are the monster men. They are as big as a three-story house and... Well, you can see how powerful they are. The only good thing about them for us is they are relatively slow. Relatively meaning they can still easily outrun Michael Johnson."

"No problem. That means nee-san will still have them eating her dust," The youngest of the group remarked.

Yori chuckled, then stared at their audience when he realized Hotaru wasn't joking.

"What? Really?!" He asked the miko in an unbelieving tone, but Rei looked back at the surprised man as if she had just walked into the discussion.

"Oh dear. Seems like someone's surveillance wasn't up to snuff when we fought Sailor Galaxia," Michiru teased.

"Haha. You can mock us all you like," The Lieutenant-Colonel sweated, holding his forehead. "It's not like we had any proper funding. Everything needed to be invisible so the Americans wouldn't find out..."

"What are those fat humanoid creatures we see in the background in some of the pictures?"

Yori sat at attention again and brought one of the pictures referred to on screen. A moloch that could easily fit a modest apartment building inside of it loomed behind the part of the invasion army on the picture.

"Their function in the enemy army is unknown," Mamoru said, a pensive look on his face. "The Chinese never saw them do anything but stand in the background."

"They are for demolition," Ryo interrupted in a grim tone.

He immediately had everyone's attention.

"After these invaders go through an inhabited area they don't want the survivors to have anything to go back to.
These creatures have a funny reaction to water. They soak it up like sponges and can grow near half the height of a skyscraper. After the other creatures slaughter the population of a town or a city these monsters come in and they flatten everything."

He looked up, seeing the shocked faces of his friends.

"That's what I've seen in my visions," The stubby young man concluded soberly.

Ami pulled him close and kissed him.

"Do you remember the invisible wall I talked to you about?" Michiru asked a nodding Ryo.
"I have a feeling these creatures are the ones creating the force field I saw in my visions," The greenette continued.

"Could be. I didn't see much of that. But that is possible. What do you think Rei-chan?"

"It's possible. It might be the hooded creatures too. There's no real way of knowing for sure right now," The miko answered with a thoughtful look.

"No matter who creates the force field, it shouldn't be a problem for this mission. Since we will try to avoid a confrontation if possible," Ryo asserted.

"Still, we should be aware of it," Rei told him. "That force field may be their most formidable weapon. I saw them use it to brush off the New Millenium Moon Love attack."

The blackette looked around as she heard her friends gasp and felt the atmosphere in the room tense.

"Neither Mercury's High-Pressure Blast nor New Millenium Moon Love has any effect on these things?!" Haruka exclaimed.

"That's not what Rei-chan said. Sailor Mercury did give that flying creature damage, it was just too agile to hit it point blank."

"Usagi is right. I don't mean to be fatalistic. I just want us to be prepared.
Obviously, both of our most powerful long-range attacks as well as my new one will have an effect on individual creatures. Cosmic Love Bomb shook our opponent at Itsukushima up too.
But we must be on our guard against allowing them to force us into a large scale battle.
I think we should especially avoid getting found out by any of those hooded creatures."

"I agree," Yori said with his hands folded before his lips.
"That's why we will transport as close to the main entrance as possible, avoiding the gigantic hole they have tunneled from inside the building on the other side and quietly make our way to the main lab where the gateway was created."

"I'm sorry Yori-kun," Usagi said firmly. "I think you probably expected this, but we cannot allow you to come with us."

The Lieutenant-Colonel looked at the emphatic faces staring at him and sighed.

"You know what kind of political effects it might have if my superiors or the Chinese found out you went there without attendance."

"We won't tell them," Ami smiled.

"It's not about your not having powers like us," Rei comforted.

"We just worry about our ability to keep you safe," Minako nodded in agreement with her brunette friend.

"Last time we fought these creatures we nearly lost our own lives."

"And now we are going into the lion's den."

"To put it bluntly: having you with us would make things more dangerous for all of us, because we'd constantly worry about your safety," Haruka and her lover added.

Yori face-palmed.

"Ugh. This is so humiliating. A bunch of civilians has more combat experience than me."

"Don't think of it like that Yori-kun. If we would be engaging one of those monsters in a location we were familiar with we would feel fortified to have you fighting with us. But we have no idea what to expect during this mission.
I don't want to lose you so soon after I met you," Minako said kindly.

"I know. I know. You are absolutely right of course. But I don't want to lose you either," Her boyfriend replied.

Minako knew how anxious he was going to be, staying behind and waiting for her to come back. Just like on Miyajima.
She really felt sorry for him, looking into his sad eyes. She felt the urge to plead for him to come along. But she really didn't want him to join them on such a dangerous mission with a rocket launcher and a couple of service pistols.

"Don't worry Yori-kun. I'll personally make sure Mina-chan gets back to you safe and sound," The brunette sitting next to the Lieutenant-Colonel's girlfriend smiled.

Yori looked at Makoto's earnest face as she put her arm around Minako's shoulder and his face twitched into a grin.

"That does make me feel more confident," He smiled.

"And I'll keep Mako-chan safe, Yuuichirio-kun. I promise," The blonde smiled, returning the gesture.

Ryo frowned at the uneven number of the group that was going on the mission.

"And who's going to keep Ami-chan safe?!" He exclaimed.

He got a poke in the side and his girlfriend huffed with a smirk: "I promise you I can take care of myself. Besides..." She kissed him. "I just got your promise to live together in Minato-ku next year."

"H..hold on... Living together?"

"On condition that I come back without a scratch," The bluehead grinned.

"You are a shrewd negotiator Mizuno-chan," Ryo smiled. "But I agree to your conditions."

"Alright everyone," Mamoru gathered the Senshi's attention.
"We are now all informed about the situation on site. We have no time to lose.
Some of the mobile armies are nearly within reach of the nearest settlement. Every hour more of those monsters are coming through that portal.
Let's transform and teleport."

The Senshi in front of him all turned serious and resolutely nodded their agreement.

When they came outside the sun had already set.

Yuichirio, Ryo, and Yori watched their beloved line up in front of them in the shelter of the shrine's garden.
One by one the young women transformed.
It was the first time Yori had seen his girlfriend transform in real life without him spying on her.

After they had transformed into their Sailor Senshi forms each of them saluted the Lieutenant-Colonel.

"You can trust us Maki-chan," Sailor Moon solemnly stated.
"We know what's at stake. We won't take any risks. We will complete the mission without endangering ourselves."

Yori saluted back.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get to know you in a more honest way. I have been enriched by your love and friendship.
I know you will save our people."

The Senshi smiled at their loved ones and formed a circle, holding hands.

Yori and his companions shielded their eyes against the bright light emanating from the eight women and Mamoru as they transported themselves to the Gobi desert in China.

"Sailor Teleport!"

The light subsided gradually after they reached their destination and their eyes became accustomed to the darkness once more.
They watched their surroundings with apprehension.

Sailor Mars looked up to the sky, hoping the flying monsters hadn't spotted them yet.
Their arrival must have been noticed, so they had to get into the enormous building in front of them as soon as possible.

Sailor Mercury immediately activated her laptop and scanned the area.

"The main army is several hundred meters from here. There are several creatures about the size of men inside the building," She observed in surprise. "And I can see monsters arriving through the portal and going toward the other side of the building through the tunnel."

She looked at her friends.

"All the monsters you showed us were considerably larger than men," Sailor Uranus frowned. "Even those hooded ones are about a meter taller than an average man."

The blonde's lover put a hand to her waist and looked Tuxedo Mask in the eyes.

"Maybe they are scientists they forced to operate the computers for them?" Sailor Neptune asked him.

"Sailor Mercury. Is our entrance clear?" Sailor Moon inquired.

"Yes. I don't see any life signs on our way to the main hall where the portal is located."

"Then our first concern is to get in," Their leader ordered.
"We can find out what these smaller creatures are once we are safe from the flying monsters."

Everyone gathered around Sailor Neptune.

"Nebulous cloak!"

A transparent vapor appeared from her right hand that twirled around them several times until it had enveloped them completely and made them invisible to all outside the nebula.

They quickly ran to the main entrance of the building, not trusting the enemy to not have ways to see through the nebula by use of their magic. At least it should keep them safe from surveillance cameras and the like.

Once they stood before the fence of the main gate Tuxedo Mask produced a small device from his pocket.

"Luckily for us, they are arrogant enough not to keep patrol around this place," Sailor Jupiter muttered.

"Are you ready Sailor Mercury?"

The bluehead nodded in answer to her Prince's question.
She activated a program on her laptop and punched in several codes.

"I'm connected to the security mainframe," She alerted while she was working.

One more series of codes and the fence opened to them.

Weary for any surprises they carefully entered, keeping their backs to the grey outer wall while Mercury closed the fence behind them.

"That's the main entrance in front of us. Let's go!"

At Sailor Moon's command, they all ran to the other side, lining up against the wall.

Tuxedo Mask pried open a panel underneath a small keyboard in the wall next to the main entrance, careful not to come in sight of the camera.

"Don't worry," Sailor Mercury smiled. "I am in control of all surveillance camera's now. They'll only see what I want them to see."

The masked man smiled back and altered the position of his body into a more comfortable one.

"Let's see whether this device the Chinese gave us works," He stated.

Sailor Saturn observed a distracted Sailor Mars while their friend tried to connect the device to the wiring in the wall.

"Is something wrong nee-san?" She asked

The miko frowned.

"I think I recognize this situation from one of my fire readings now."

She looked back at Sailor Saturn and then at Mercury.

"There may be a group of those hellhounds headed towards us," She calmly stated.

The entire group safe Tuxedo Mask got into battle stance.

Sailor Mercury checked the satellite map on her laptop.

"there are! Heading for us from the main army! They'll be here in three minutes," She exclaimed.

"I'm almost ready!" Tuxedo Mask hurriedly connected the last wires.

"And this one should go here," He added as he finished.

He pushed the device into the hole in the wall and closed the panel while hurriedly fishing for his new cell phone, using it to activate the device he had connected to the wiring.

"You should have control now," He agitatedly told Mercury.

The group could hear the sound of a stampede in the distance.

Mercury activated a new program on her laptop and punched in a command.
The heavy double doors slid open, allowing the group to hurry inside.

Before Mercury closed the entrance gate behind them, Sailor Uranus blew a kiss to the outside world.

"Winds Of Uranus."

Her kiss developed into a strong gust that blew the sands up and around into the path of the approaching pack.

"That should take care of our scent," She grinned while the group took a small break to catch their breath.

"Smart thinking," Sailor Venus smiled.

"People sometimes forget that my beautiful beloved is more than just a handsome face," Sailor Neptune flirtatiously embraced the amused short-haired woman and kissed her cheek.

"We better get going," Sailor Moon spurred the rest into action. "I want to put as many concrete walls between us and those monsters outside as possible."

"I won't challenge you on that," Sailor Jupiter muttered.

They hurried through a short corridor leading to an elevator hall and ascended the stairs to the top floor rather than risk getting stuck in one of the elevators.

"I hope those smaller creatures you spotted are the people who worked here Sailor Mercury. It's hopeful to see this place doesn't look like a battlefield," Jupiter said as they ran through the hallway on the top floor.

Mars doubted very much they would find anyone alive in the building.
She remembered seeing the walls splattered with blood in several of her fire-readings.
People had been gruesomely murdered in here. Those hooded bird-things must run a tight operation to have their soldiers clean the building just for the heck of it.
Maybe they had been afraid of diseases.

After turning into a corner to their right and walking the same distance as they had come through the other hallway, they came to another elevator hall with a short corridor to their right.

"We're nearly there," Mercury said.

"At the end of that corridor, we turn the corner to our left into a hallway in which the observation room is located. All of the life signs my laptop perceives are gathered there.
As discussed earlier, I will try to cause a malfunction in the portal. If I succeed, half of us will go down to the entrance of the main hall where the portal is located.
Hopefully, the creatures who came through the portal will just continue going through the tunnels while the creatures in the observation room try to fix the portal.

By the time the second team arrives at the entrance the monsters should be at least halfway through the tunnel, but feel free to take your time going down.
When you get there, you enter the main hall and you make this building come crashing down on that tunnel and everything in it while the rest of us engage whatever awaits us in the observation room."

Everybody nodded their understanding.

"Alright!" Sailor Moon said with a determined look in her eyes that made Sailor Mars's heart sing. "Let's go."

They quietly walked down the corridor and the hallway until they reached a fortified double door in the right side of the hallway.

Sailor Mercury crouched with Tuxedo Mask next to her and activated a program on her laptop.

"It's connecting to the intranet," The masked man said. "Let's hope it works as it should."

A few minutes felt like a quarter of an hour, but finally, the two smiled at the screen and the other Senshi sighed in relief.

"I see what they were talking about. This is pretty amazing how they managed to make this work, but something doesn't seem quite right to me," Sailor Mercury pondered.

"I think I see our best way to cause a malfunction here," Tuxedo Mask pointed at the screen.

"Yes. I think so. If I enter this command it should..."

Mercury switched to the program that allowed her laptop to scan her surroundings and grinned.

"It seems things just got a little hectic in there."

"Mars, Saturn, Tuxedo Mask. Let's go!" Sailor Moon whispered.

"Glad I don't have to go down all those stairs again," Sailor Uranus teased her grinning ward.

The second team slowly descended the stairs to the ground level and then the basem*nt. All the while hoping their enemies wouldn't find a way to get the portal working again before they got a chance to blow up the tunnel. Their hearts were pumping inside their bodies.

On the basem*nt level, they walked until they came to a large fortified double door inside a wide hall.

Hearing a loud crash behind the door Tuxedo Mask spurred them on.

"Let's waste no more time everybody."

"Cosmic Love Bomb!"

The large orange heart exploded, bursting a big hole into the wall in front of them.

Sailor Venus and her fellow Senshi had seen some surreal scenes in their lives, but this one was certainly one of the more notable.

Stationed at various computer screens in the spacious observation room and looking at them with wide eyes were about ten man-height creatures who walked on four tentacles that supported a bulbous body with a large head on top sporting dangerous looking jaws with fangs the size of the creatures' eyes. And their eyes were big.
Four other tentacles were attached to their bulbous bodies that seemed to function as their arms.

Behind the creatures, a room-wide window oversaw the enormous main hall, the top of the large green, swirly gateway clearly visible to the Sailor Senshi.

In a second, the creatures hid behind the screens.

Several of them brought the tips of two of their tentacles together, producing green flashes that hurtled towards the Senshi.

"Watch out!"

Sailor Jupiter turned on her left heel, hugged Venus and pushed her back into the hallway, right before one of the flashes would have shot the blonde's left arm off, judging from the hole in the wall behind them.

The Senshi scrambled farther into the hallway and turned the corner into the corridor to the elevator hall.

"Ravenous Maelstrom!"

Sailor Neptune's main attack crashed into the wall on the other end of the hallway, doing away with it completely. Discouraging the attacking creatures from any plans to pursue their assailants.

"Thanks, Jupiter," Sailor Venus breathed.

"I take my promises serious," Her friend winked.

"Blasted!" Sailor Uranus cursed. "They immediately took the advantage of our not wanting to damage the computers. How do we get in there if we can't get rid of them?!"

"There might be a way," Sailor Neptune deadpanned. "I'm sure if you can keep your blood from boiling for a few seconds, you might think of something."

Uranus leered at her.

"Mercury. Can you allow the portal to function normally again for just a few seconds?" The greenette sagely inquired.

Sailor Mercury smiled.

"Yes. I think I understand," She replied.

The monsters inside the observation room patiently awaited the promised reinforcements to come to their aid.

Being attacked inside the building by indigenous creatures with such powers was entirely unexpected. A grave oversight of their leaders. They would file a complaint about this incompetence.

"Ravenous Maelstrom!"

The two who were guarding the hole in the wall recoiled as another attack made its way through the hallway.

Rapid footsteps were coming their way and the guards prepared to fend off the attackers.

"Cosmic Love Bomb!"

"Winds Of Uranus!"

With a crash, the window behind them shattered, and before they realized what had happened all ten of them were blown through it and into the momentarily functional portal. Back toward the world they had come from.

"Mars Eternal Burning Flame!"

The large double door that had barred the Senshi's way to the gateway was entirely sublimated. Along with part of the surrounding wall.

Tuxedo Mask and the three Senshi of the second team ran quickly into the main hall. Just in time to see the portal turn a swirly green again.

The portal was massive. Reaching the top of the fifteen-story main hall and filling its breadth. To its left was a large garage door, wide enough for a fighter jet to pass through, leading to a momentarily empty hangar. A tunnel of similar dimensions to the portal was dug through the ground to its right, underneath the wing of the building that provided housing for the scientists and maintenance workers, and in which offices, maintenance rooms, the kitchen, and recreational areas were located.

Sailor Mars looked around. Getting a strange feeling that she had forgotten something.

Sailor Moon stepped in front of the enormous hole in the ground and gripped her Silver Moon Sceptre with both hands, holding it straight in front of her.

The others took positions behind and on either side of her.

She used the Sceptre to draw a circle in the air in front of her while a shining silver moon appeared behind her. Hugging the Silver Moon Sceptre to her chest and closing her eyes the light of the moon enveloped her while her wings sprouted from her back and settled into a resting position.

She looked the epitome of serenity.

The light of the moon became brighter and brighter until it completely eclipsed her and everything around her.

"New Millenium Moon Love!"

Slowly she raised the Sceptre and pointed it in front of her again while the light of the silver moon was directed at the base of the wall in front of her.

In an instant, the right wing of the building collapsed into the tunnel. The Senshi covered their eyes and mouths while they huddled together underneath Tuxedo Mask's cape.

"They did it! The tunnel collapsed. We are safe for now."

Sailor Venus and Jupiter looked at the slowly settling dust while Uranus used her special attack to protect them and the computers of the observation room from the airborne particles.

"Why are you looking so concerted?" Neptune nervously asked while she watched Mercury check her laptop and the various computers around them.

"Because it makes no sense," The bluehead fretted. "The Chinese explained how they use the nearby hydroelectric plant to power the portal, but now that I can see all of the readings from these computers the energy spent by the portal is much greater than the plant can provide.
It's simply impossible that they could constantly uphold this portal to another planet on the power of the hydro-electric plant alone. It's an ingenious technology and with some adaptation, a small amount of energy would suffice to travel from any place on earth to any other. But it cannot do what we are seeing!" Mercury agitatedly pointed at the fifteen story gateway behind them.

She kept checking and calculating on her laptop until she finally gasped in horror.

"It didn't originate from here!"

"The portal?" Neptune asked.

The other three Senshi came to look over their shoulders since the debris had at least settled down to the tenth-floor level by now.

"What's going on here?" Uranus asked.

"It wasn't the Chinese who created this gateway. The gateway simply locked onto the portal they created. The gateway was created by our invaders. They were always going to come here. No matter what we did!" Sailor Mercury exclaimed.

"Well, it's nice that the Chinese government can be cleared from blame concerning this invasion. But how does this affect us?" Her short-haired blonde friend dryly stated.

Mercury looked at her with a mournful expression.

"It means we cannot destroy the gateway from our side," She answered quietly.

As the dust finally started to settle down around them, the Senshi of the second team separated and wiped their faces and clothes.

Saturn frowned when she saw Sailor Jupiter walk up to them through the hole in the wall Mars had created.

"What's the matter?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

"We have a problem," The brunette breathed.

A thud reverberated through the building.

"Sounds like we have two problems," Mars muttered.

Jupiter looked emphatically at the others.

"We can't close the gateway from our side," She grimaced. "Sailor Mercury discovered that the Chinese were not the ones who opened the gateway. The gateway to earth was opened by the invaders on their side. They just connected to the portal the Chinese had created to make their gateway more stable.
And that stability is currently our problem."

"Then we'll just have to go to the other side and close the portal on that side," Sailor Mars offered, seeking support from her Queen.

"We wouldn't be able to get back here after we did that. We would be stuck there forever. Moreover, it's doubtful we would survive the destruction of their portal. The creatures on that side would make short work of us," Jupiter responded.

"Couldn't Mercury get us back using the portal the Chinese built?" Tuxedo Mask tried.

The brunette shook her head at her Prince.

"She says the portal on our side doesn't have a powerful enough energy source to sustain the connection for a second once the other portal is destroyed."

Another thud made everyone turn their heads in the direction of the collapsed tunnel.

"We can't have come here and risked our lives for nothing," Tuxedo Mask growled.

The five of them sank in thought for a few minutes.

Sailor Moon nervously watched her beloveds concerned look. She understood very well what Mars must be thinking right now.
She herself would be more than happy to offer her own life if it would permanently stop the invaders from being able to bring more of their soldiers to earth.
She was grateful that Mars had fought so hard to prevent any of them from falling against the monsters.
It gave her hope that the blackette might not suddenly decide to jump through the portal before Moon could stop her.

"No, Mars," She said quietly, at last, making the other woman stop pursuing the memory that still escaped her with a confused look.

"There is a way to do this without leaving anyone behind."

Everyone looked at Sailor Saturn.

"You all know this is a mission tailor-made for me," The Senshi of death soberly stated.

"That doesn't mean you have to do it," Her black-haired female friend objected.

Mars knew Saturn was right. If she died on the other side she would still be instantly reborn on earth again. But the loss of all those years… It didn't seem fair.

"Are you afraid Sailor Neptune and Uranus would be tired of raising me and dump me on your doorstep nee-san?" The black bobbed young woman smiled. "You know it's the only way.
And considering the threat we are facing there is every chance I would quickly reach my current age again."

"I'm afraid Sailor Saturn is right. It's our only option. If the gate stays open for more monsters to come through, mankind has no hope of survival," Tuxedo Mask agitatedly concluded.

Sailor Moon gave her Prince a short angry look, but she knew they had no other choice. Aborting the mission would mean the invaders could go back to bringing over millions more of their monstrous soldiers to earth.
They had no other choice.

Her heart stabbed her as she made her decision.

"Alright," She muttered. "You are all so eager to give your own lives for the good of others."

She gave the Senshi of rebirth a look full of the friendship and respect she felt for the younger woman who had always been such a dear friend to her daughter.

"Only because I know we will meet again soon do I grant my permission for this," The blonde said with a sad look.

Saturn hugged her Princess, Prince and fellow Senshi.

"We are out of time. I will see you all soon," She said with a look devoid of all emotion while Moon and Mars watched her with tears in their eyes.

"I will run up to tell Sailor Mercury she has to open the portal for you," Sailor Jupiter shouted over her shoulder, already halfway to the elevator hall.

As Sailor Saturn walked slowly towards the gate Sailor Mars grimaced and closed her eyes to an abundance of tears.
She had finally remembered what was going to come next. And she knew that what was going to come next was necessary.
Because she had finally recognized one of the distorted voice from her visions.

Her body tensed while the man next to her started to move forward, filled with determination.

"Wait!" Tuxedo Mask shouted to Saturn.
"Someone has to come with you to the other side or you won't even have enough time to use your attack. They would overwhelm you at once."

"You are right," The youngest of the Sailor Senshi nodded.

Her Prince stepped towards her.

"What?! No!" Sailor Moon cried out.

Tuxedo Mask turned around.

"I have to. There will be enemies on every side. I am the only one of us capable of engaging them all at once."

His Queen threw herself at him and clung to his body.

"Don't do it! Please!" She sobbed. "There has to be another way. You don't have to do this. You don't have to do anything."

"No, I don't, and you have made me see that," Tuxedo Mask smiled tenderly while embracing the woman he used to think would one day become his bride.
"I have seen what has happened between you and Sailor Mars and it has opened my eyes."

A shock went through both of his former girlfriends. They stared at him in silence.

"I'm sorry Sailor Moon. There was a time when I loved you. I still do, but not like that anymore," The Prince of earth comfortingly caressed the cheek of the young woman clinging to him. "Not as I thought I was supposed to.
You have made me very happy for so many years. I used to think I would fall in love with you again. Our destiny was to get married to each other after all.
I realize now that I was only fooling myself.

No life is bound by destiny," He smiled radiantly.

"We are all free to make our own decisions. You both made your own choices. Now I am making mine. And it has nothing to do with the choice that the two of you made.
You only freed me to the realization that I don't owe the future my life.
I am a prince of Earth. I do this to secure the survival of my people. We might think of another way if we had time. But we don't."

He attempted to release himself from the woman he used to love more than life itself.

"I'm sorry," Sailor Moon wept while her lip quivered. "Don't do this, please. I love you. I don't want to lose you."

Mars slowly came closer and embraced her Queen from behind while she still clung to Tuxedo Mask. Not trying to force her away from him, but trying to be a comfort.

"Don't be sorry. You deserve to be with someone who truly wants to be with you. Not someone who stays with you because they were told they should. I am the one who is sorry he didn't realize that sooner.
Don't sorrow. Be happy and take care of each other. And protect the people of earth."

"We have to go," Saturn reminded him as she noticed Sailor Neptune and Uranus high up at the window of the observation room with a desk lamp to signal the time for departure.

"Tuxedo Mask."

The Prince of earth looked at Sailor Mars as her beloved slowly let go of him.

"I'm sorry," She sobbed. "I wish things were different."

He smiled.

"Me too... I wish earth hadn't been invaded." He looked at both young women as Sailor Moon finally relented and they wept in each other's arms.

"I never meant to hurt you."

"I know, Mars," The masked man gently assured. "We've had this conversation, remember? We both desire each other's happiness. Like I said: I am grateful. Your love set all three of us free. Besides... I get the easy part. You are going to have to spend your entire life together now."

His former girlfriends choked a laugh through their tears.

"Don't cry, you two," Saturn comforted. "I promise you, I will find a way to get him back when I am reborn. I will do everything in my power."

They felt the ground shake once more and Tuxedo Mask looked up to see the Senshi in the observation room wave.
He laid his hand on Sailor Saturn's shoulder and motioned her to come as he threw a last look at the mourning couple in front of him.

"I have felt alone for so long, but your friendship has made me happier than I ever could have expected to become," He said. "The love all of us share is truly beautiful.
I have been blessed to be part of all of your lives... Adieu!"

With a dash, he and Sailor Saturn jumped through the portal when the desk lamp in the window above lighted up.

They looked at the curious herd of monsters all around them. The sky was beige and orange. What there was of the vegetation looked similar to what you could have found on pre-historic earth, but was blocked from view by rows upon rows of monsters neatly lined up in front of and next to the portal.

"I have to confess," Tuxedo Mask whispered. "I am afraid."

Saturn took his hand with a cold look for the creatures in front of her.

"I will get you back. I'm sure I can. Once I get older my powers will increase. I promise you I will bring you back somehow. Just think of this as going to sleep."

The man being comforted by the Senshi of death pulled an absurdly sized bouquet of roses from his tuxedo.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

His companion nodded.

"For earth," She stated in a grim, businesslike voice.

"For earth!"

With one fluid movement, the whole area around them was colored in red flower petals while no stem missed its target.

Tuxedo Mask instinctively kneeled low as Sailor Saturn swung her frightful weapon around.

Centrifugal forces where gathered and enhanced to astronomical levels of power in the bottom end of the weapon.

Then, the Senshi of death and rebirth held her Silence Glaive high in front of her and gripped it firmly with both hands, sparing a quick, grim look around for the lives at her mercy.

"Wave Of Oblivioooon!"

And with a thud the previous world that had fallen victim to the creatures that had invaded earth ended.

Sailor Mars still held a weeping Moon in her arms. Not for a lack of tears herself she gradually managed to calm her lover down.

"We'll get him back. One way or another we'll get him back. I promise," She whispered.

Yet again, they felt the entire building shake.

"We better get to the others," Sailor Moon quietly said.

Mars nodded and hand in hand they ran to the elevator hall and up the stairs fifteen stories high.

When they entered the observation room they saw their friends standing like frozen, staring at the various computer screens.

"What's going on?" Sailor Moon asked, frowning at their strange behavior.

Sailor Mercury looked around at her friends with a panicked expression in her eyes.

"They all went like this about a minute ago. I have lost control of everything but my laptop. Luckily they couldn't access that."

Mars and Moon followed to where the Senshi of wisdom was pointing.

All around them the computer screens displayed the same words:

[Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?]

They walked towards the nearest keyboard.

Mars wiped her eyes.

"Tell them!" She wrapped her arm around Sailor Moon's back, having the gesture immediately returned.

Moon still sniffed, occasionally wiping her eyes as she typed:

[We are the ones who save the people of earth from murderous monsters who believe in nothing but power and tyranny!]

Mars kissed her, and they leaned their heads together.

Half a minute later they got an answer.

[The people of earth are food for our cattle. Their armies will not save them. Their plutonium will not save them. Their Sailor Senshi will not save them.
In fact: They will not be saved at all.]

Everyone stared at the screens in shock.

"They already know," Sailor Venus muttered. "How can they know who we are?"

"Why did they even ask if they already knew?!" Uranus spat.

"Because this is just psychological warfare!" Mars replied angrily. "They're trying to frighten us. I'll tell them they'll have to do better!"

She moved her fingers over the keyboard.

[Neither will you!]

She shared a determined look with her lover and Moon turned to look at the gate which was now starting to become unstable and leaking into the room. A blurry sign that the heroes on the other end of the gate had succeeded in their mission.

The whole building shook again as a large chunk of the right wing that had covered the entrance to the tunnel was catapulted up against the ceiling of the main hall.

The Senshi all ran to the window to see several of the Monster Men crawl out of the tunnel.

"We have to destroy the portal."

Sailor Mercury finished a data-transfer and quickly packed her laptop.

"Leave it to me," Sailor Jupiter winked and moved as if to roll a bowling ball while the others ran towards the door of the observation room.

"Green Giant Devastating Discharge!"

She hurled the gigantic ball of green electricity at the portal and watched it overload until it and the equipment that produced it exploded, showering the Monster Men in sparks and debris.

Satisfied that the portal wouldn't be of use to anyone anymore, the brunette followed her friends out of the observation room.

"Divine Hurricane!"

Uranus's main attack made quick work of the observation room and its computers.

"Everybody! To the elevator hall at the entrance at once! We need to get outside as fast as possible and teleport!"

At Mercury's words, they hasted through the hallway, turned the corner and ran through the other hallway to the door for the stairs down to the ground floor.

Jupiter cautiously held the door handle and watched Mercury nod to open, ready to strike in case an attack came from the staircase.

Having established that the way to the stairs was safe, they peered down and strained their ears.

They heard a bunch of faraway sounds, but nothing seemed to come from inside the stairwell.

After that, they quickly descended, taking turns to guard the doors at every floor until they all arrived in the corridor to the building's main entrance.

"All right everyone," Sailor Mercury warned. Having seen to her shock that Tuxedo Mask had entered the portal with Saturn she had instinctively resumed the leadership role that had been forced onto her after Sailor Moon was traumatized by Mesmerphistopheles' attack at the mall.

"They could be waiting in ambush for us behind the wall. One of those flying monsters could swoop down at us as soon as we set foot outside. So we keep to the plan. We run until we are two meters out the door. I blast the building to dust and we teleport."

"Alright!" Everybody nodded.

Everyone except for Mars, whose suddenly eyes went wide.

"I have to go back!" She yelled.

Before anyone could react, she had cleared the corner, ran through the next hallway and cleared another corner down a long tunnel intended to lead trucks to a loading bay next to the main hall.

They followed her until she disappeared at the end of the tunnel.

"What is she doing?!" Sailor Venus exclaimed.

"Mars! Come back here right now!" Uranus yelled.

"Stay here and wait for us!" Sailor Moon yelled and left in pursuit faster than they could blink.

"What's gotten into them?! They're running right in danger's path!" Jupiter panicked.

"We have to go after them!" Venus tried, looking for support. "They have no chance of making it back here alive! The main hall must be flooded with monsters all headed towards us by now!"

"No. Wait," Sailor Neptune touched her shoulder.

"I sensed something as well."

They listened in silence, hearing the distant but swelling sounds of violence.

"Why did Tuxedo Mask go through the portal?" Mercury asked her brunette friend.

"I don't know. They didn't tell me anything about that. All I knew was that Saturn was going," Jupiter quietly answered.

"Sailor Moon must be devastated," Neptune muttered.

"Sailor Mars too, probably," Uranus added.

With a bang the end of the tunnel was brightly illuminated, forcing their attention back there.

A surreal image greeted them.

A Phoenix seemed to fly out of the flames towards them, carrying an infant in its arms. And flying right above it was an angel, firing its long weapon underneath its body at the giant monstrous creatures that were in pursuit of them.

Sailor Moon's attack made the tunnel cave in on the creatures as she and Mars enlarged their distance from them.

"Uranus's eyes lighted up as the three Senshi landed amidst their friends.

"Saturn!" She yelled.

Their heads turned to see the hell hounds dig through the rubble of the tunnel falling on top of them at an alarming speed.

"We leave now!" Mercury yelled in fear for their lives.

At top speed, they ran back to and through the front door after Venus blasted it open.

In less than a second, they stood in a circle outside with Mars holding baby Hotaru in the middle and Mercury just outside the circle in front of the building.

"High-Pressure Blast!"

She joined her hands overhead and brought her arms in front of her while a blue ray cut through the building from one side to the other, growing wider instantly, until a beam the breadth of the building itself blasted the entire structure into vapor.

Mercury turned and joined hands with Venus and Moon.

"Sailor Teleport!"

The hell hounds that had jumped at them literally bit into dust.

Several hundreds of meters away, on the top of a large dune, the group of Silent Ones that had observed the situation in the building that housed their point of arrival knew what to expect for what had happened under their watch.

They looked in anger at the dozens of bruised and unconscious monster men and hell hounds lying in the dusty remains of the building.

They had not expected to find such powerful opposition among the beings of this planet.
The only thing they could bring their superiors was information concerning those powerful enemies.

Not enough to prevent them from soon being forced to experience a fate worse than unchronological unbecoming.

But they would find a chance to strike at the creatures that had done this to them.

Their people may be stranded on this planet forever now, after the loss and possible destruction of the facsimile their ancestors had been able to produce of The Passage.
Maybe they were finally being punished by Inamoteph for their blasphemy.

Be that as it may, they would make this planet a very comfortable home indeed.

Apart from a few hundred soldiers they had all been able to come to this planet the natives called earth. They were all more than ready to feast on the abundance the information they had gathered about this planet via its media promised.

The creatures that had stranded them here would realize soon enough that the only thing they had accomplished was to lock up the predators with the prey they wanted to protect.
And all of their powers would be useless against the might of the herd.

This world would belong to the Nemesis Brotherhood and none other!

Imaginary end credits = Dave Clarke - The Storm

The Road To Crystal Tokyo - Chapter 8 - MoonFireTiaraSoulAction - Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (2024)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.