The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

THE COURIER-JOURNAL', LOUISVILLE, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 30, SECTION Y. New York Curb and Other Stocks FARM PRICES EASE DURING PAST WEEK New York Stock Exchange and Other Bonds New York, Aug. 29 UP) Railroad issues were in demand in the Bond Market Averages High. Low. Close (Continued from race 5.) Sales (Actual.) bond market again today, advancing enough to lift the group average Associated By the Bales (la 100s.

dir.) High. Low. Close. Sales On High. Low CIom 4 Do '27-57 28 37'.

2a 1 Bi en A 4 '77 64 64 44 1 Do '7J 1''4 47 1 Do 6a '61 sta 47', 47 471, 6 Canada 5, '53 115 114. 1I4, 5 Do 4s '60 111'. Ill lll'i Press.) 10 to a new 1936 high for the third consecutive session. markets, but tone was rather 20 10 Rls. Ind.

94.7 103 4 weak on dressed broilers and fryers, except for the larger sizes. New York, Aug. 20 AOSome unevciiness marked the curb mutket tcday, although changes wtr narrow and lightly higher prlffji prevailed umong ihe mre iirtlve isMiies. V. S.

GOVERNMENT BONDS. In Dalian and Thirty-seconds.) 94 6 1034 1 Do 3S 61 101'a 103' 101', 103. 93 9 (Harvard Brew 4 3Ts 3T 3 cHazeltlne 2g) 14 16 16 1 Heyden Chem Mat 48 46 46 3 Hollinc Gold 65a) 14 14 14 1 iHud Bay MAiB (11 24'i 24', 1 Hydro El Beo 6T 8'. 61, 3 (Hygrada Fd 4 4 7 Do 2'aa '45 101 lot lot 20 McCord Rad A 2250 Mid West Corp 200 Do war 450 Midland Unit 500 Do pf 220 Do Ti Pi 250 Do 7 Pi 100 Modlne 2) 150 Nachman SPrzK) 50 Nat Pre, Ckr( 60) 150 Nat-Bland 12'iai JV Noblltt-Spks lVi) TREASURY. 92.1 10 Fgn.

69 4 69.3 09. 67 2 72 0 67 6 70 4 65 5 42 2 100.5 TJtil. 102 5 ioa 5 102 6 97 6 102 9 99.3 99.8 84 5 64 6 102.9 Saturday Friday Month a co Year ago 1936 high 1936 low 1935 high 1935 low 1932 low 1928 high Net Change. Yearly High. Low.

98 6 104 1 101.8 102 2 92 2 40 0 98.9 NIOfKH 115.3 119.4 84 7 89.6 87.8 76 4 45.8 101.1 Sales tin 1 4Vs '47-52 9 3s '43-45 2 4s '44-54 1 3Vis '46-49 6 3s '46-48 83 3s '51-55 a 2s '55-60 4 2s '45-47 8 2s '51-54 Bid. Asked. Yield. 119.2 119.5 2.29 108.17 108.20 1 95 114 3 1144 2 13 106.28 106.30 2 33 106 1084 2 30 105 8 105 10 2 57 103.10 103 11 2 65 104 9 104.10 2 22 101.30 102 2.58 .2 .4 .1 .1 Close. 119.3 108.17 114 4 106 28 106.2 105 8 103.11 104.10 101.31 High.

119.3 108.17 114 4 106.28 106 2 105.10 103 12 104 10 101.31 Low. 119.3 108.16 114 106 28 106.2 105 8 103 9 104.10 101.31 Hales U00 High. Low. Closa A 3 fAoro Bup Ult J'. 1 Ala Pow $6 Pi (4i 114, 71', 71', Alum CO Am 130 130 130 1 Alum I -Id pf 04 9 9' 1 Am Cyan I 0 34', 105.24 111 103.24 102.29 102.20 100 100.31 100 23 108.20 114 4 106 30 106 3 105 10 103.12 104.11 102 41s 41s.

41 12'. 13 12'. 67. f' 67. 43 4s, 4s, 47, 4', 4V, 5 4 5 47', 46'a 47V.

197. 19s. 19V. 17 17 17 47i 471 47 36 35', 35, 5i 5i 5S4 27a 27'4 27s, 1, 1, 1, 4 4'i 4', 2' 2', 2'. 1184 1183.

118s 1, l'i l'i 24 24 24 23 227, 23 ll'i 11 'i 103 103'a 103'i 14'i 14V4 14V, 187. IB7. 187i 217. 21s 30s. 30s.

30s-. 10'. 10'. J14 33' 33s, 36 3V4 34 4 50 III A pr SV, MV, ft', I Ilium Hhrs a (2) 3 Imp Oil Can Ca) 20, 2ftt, 20, 1 pf' 100 100 iw 3 Ind Pipe Llna 20) 8 HVm 1 Ins Co Am '2l 75 74', 7 7 Internat Pet 14' 14 34 3 sinter Vitamin 40) 4 4 4 .30 Inters Pw Del Pf 21 31 31 10 Saturday Month ago 1936 bish 50 Nor Am Car I'iO No Wnt En Cit) 100 pea body Coal ftftoo Pine winter 2S0 Prima Co 10 PuWIve. 7 pf f7) 100 Hy.heon vtc Pf Lew-Yield Bonds.

112 1 Friday 111 8 Year ago 112 3 1936 low 110.7:1935 low Trade in dressed fowls was quiet at steady prices. Spring turkeys were reported selling a little better in New York without much price change. Live poultry was in slow demand with a few price declines on fowls, broilers and pullets. Egg markets were irregular. New York quoted special grades about steady but showed fractional recoveries on some lower grades.

Main trend of the month has been downward under liberal 1S' 1ft'. 23'. '4 UU ior'j 10(1 98J un', ION'. 23 '1 33 40 88 274 81 '4 85 13'. II'.

15'. 22'. 100 105. 10O, 98'. 9B'4 108'i 23', 33 40 88 273 8I' BW3 113.2 109.1 110 2 107 9 86.8 1 Chile Mtg IJk 61 '63 11' 4 3 Do 6 '60 15'.

3 Do 6s '61 Jan 15'. 3 Do 6 '61 Feb 1 Colo mb 6s '61 Jan 224 7 Cuba 6'aa '45 81 3 Do 5a (1914) '49A 100 5 Denmark 6s '42 1 Do S'as '55 9 Do 4'as -62 9' 1 Estonia Rep 7 '87 96' 4 Finland 6a '45 106 3 Frankfort 'S3 23', 2 Oer AaBk 6s 60 Oct 33 1 Oer Ai Ln 6'aa'5tf 40 lUtC El 50 88 6 Greek 6s '6 pt pd 27 4 5 Italy 7, 1951 41. 1 Japan 6'js '54 21 Do S'71 '65 45 3 Mex 10 4, asj am'45 1935 high 1928 high 104 1932 low Sales (par value) $5,535,000. KDEBAL FARM MORTGAGE. 103.28 103.28 103.28 103.28 100.26 103.28 103.29 2.44 2 3s '49 HOME OWNER LOAN.

10 Hrhlrr Cumm'l) 10 Hlcnod Bteel f'al 10 Kjet. pf (7) 1 td rred pf 50 Bundt1MTlVi) 103.19 100 17 2 48 2.02 1.88 103 19 102 102.1 103.18 101.31 102 .1 .1 99.16 103.19 102 102.1 103.17 101.29 102 1 103.19 102 102.1 S6 3s A '52 3 2s '49 1 2s '42-44 102.1 102.1 99.17 200 Kwift Ac Co 1 Int (2 a 3 f.6 Hlft 50 Ttiomr SHORT-TERM TREASURY NOTES. nmpuin (JK)'Vj) Close. 26 17 110 104 102 105 96. 89' a 92 Low.

26 110 104 102', 105 96'i B9'i 92 3 So Wales 6s '58 101 103 103. Sales (In 1.00D). High. 6 Do Montr 5s '47 26' 20 Do 5s '38 17 14 Mononsah Ry 4s '00 110 1 Mont Cen 6s '37 104 5 Montreal Tr 5s '41 1021. 5 Morris Sc Co 4 'is '39 105 14 Mor Sc Essex' '5S 961 14 Do 4s -55 90 4 Do 3 2000 100 Waleren 2t 97 Approx.

Yield. 40 Zenl'h Had 97 105' 101 1 war 3'. J' 6 Am tm.AICl (1.40) 4J'. 43', 431. 1 lo Pf H2J4 12 1I24 1 (Am Un V4 9', 1 Am aun Mach 35f 24 26 26 7 Am I.t At il.iO) 24 2J7.

24 3 Am Mfa 40 40 1 TAm Mararalbo 1 .50 Am PutAcChem lg) 29't. 29'', 3 Am Sup Power 2', 2s, 2'. 1 Anrh Post 2 23. 2'. 2 Apex Elec 32 311.

S2 6 Ark Nat OuS ft1', 5'. 5'. 34 A 3 Do Pf 1 rArt Met Wks 60) ll'a 13'a 13'a 2 As El Ind 297) 13', i 13" 1 lAs Ac El A l' I1" 1 Do pf 11', ll'a ll'a 10 Atlas Corp war 3 21. 27 3 Atlas Ply (Vagi 13 13', 137'. 4 zAustin Sll Mill Is, 14 13 2 zAutomat Prod 9s.

9s-. 9si 2 zAuU Mach (Via) 7'a 97 10is. 101 101'. receipts and unexpectedly large supplies of pullets eggs, indicat-! ing an early increase from that source. Large sizes held prices about steady.

Per Cent. 1 2 3 1 Norway 4'4s '65 2 Do 6s '44 5 Norway 5s '63 6 Do ji 'SB 1 NurUydr.l b'as'57 1U1 101'. lul'i 45 00O har. Ex-dlvldrid x-Flrnf sale lnc ex-dlvl-dend date or dat IKx-rlaht, a-Alno ex-Ira or extras. e-Pirt lust yr.

f-Payable In Ucl. -Declared or paid so far thM year. h-Cash or stock, k-Accumulated dividend paid or declared this year. 2 Orient lev 6s '53 82 82 Asked. 100 29 101 23 101.26 102 10 103 18 103.18 104 11 104 21 104 5 101 27 66 107 66 66 107 107 105 105 1 Jacob Co 1 14V, ,20 Jer Cen pf(6) 90 (9 89s 1 zJnnaa St Naum 4V' 4'i 4'i 1 Jonea Lau Stl 45V, 4S'i 2 zKlnmrton Prod 10g) 4'i 4i 4 1 zKnott Corp 10k 6' 6', 6V, Lake Shore 4 64'i 1 rLefcourKeal pf34k 147.

14'. 1 IhlKh (.30) 9. 9'. 1 rLeonard OH 3 1 zLIon Oil 13s. 13s.

13V. 2 Lit Bros 4' 4' 4' Lone 8tar Gas f.40i) 137. 13s. 13s 2 Lone Is Lt 4 4s. 4s, 15 rLouis Sc '40) 13s.

127. 13 1 zLynch Corp (2i 38Vj 38'a 2 zMangel Stn 7'i 7i 7'i .20 zDo pf 66'i 66'i 3 Marlon St ShOT 9' 9' 9' 24 Mich Bumper 2'i 2H 23. 1 rMichigan ft 33i 3 33 3 Mich Stl Tube Pr(l) 17 16s. 16s .25 Mldvale (2gl 57s, 87s. .25 zMoody In pt pf f3) 34s 34s 343 11 zMueller Brass (.80) 35'a 34'a 35'a lUD'a 101 J.

101 101 82 ib' 97'a 113 1 1 61 70 25 17'4 25 105 Bid. 100.27 101.23 101.24 102.8 103.16 103. 18 104.9 104 19 104.3 101.25 103.14 101 14 102 1 101 18 101 15 101.14 100.30 Year. 1936 1936 1937 1937 1937 1938 1938 1938 1938 1939 1939 1939 1940 1940 1940 1941 1941 1063 1003 10fl3 108 108 108 1 Do 5'aS '58 767. 77.

3 Oslo City 4'aS '55 97j 97'a 8 Pui-Orl RR 5'is68 113 112'a 12 Peru 1st 6a '60 il', 11'. 3 Poland 8s '50 51 50s. 3 Do 7s '47 70 70 8 Rio Gr do Sul 8s'46 25 'a 25 2 Do 6s '68 17'. IT. Month.

September December February April September February March June September March June December March June December March June 3 Nassau El 4S '31 10 Nat Dairy 3s '51 2 Nat Dist Pr '45 2 Natl Steel 4s '65 1 NJ 4 'is '60 1 Gt Nor 5s '83 2 Pu Sv 5s '52 A 6 Orl Term 4s '53 3 3 2J 3 2 2' a l'a 2 1 1 l'a l'a 91 91 91 98s. 98s. Rutter Market Weakens. Early weakness in the butter market was followed by some recoveries but general position was unsettled on reports of rains in producing sections. The better grades were still not in liberal supply.

Tone of the market lacked Invrstins; Companies (By the Associated Press.) .11 .17 .26 .46 .76 .85 .91 1.02 1 06 1 13 1.16 1.16 103.16 101 16 16 lfi 94 7 94 94 79 7 79 797 5 Orl A NE 4'is '52 7 NY Sc Putnam 4s '93 901. 903 102 3 101 20 101.17 101.16 101.1 21S 1 NYAQn E1P 1063 10634 115 108 NYC cvt 6s '44 116 1' .50 85g 66 Baldwin Bond rts 1 zBaumann (L) pf 2 zBerkey St Gay 4 rBlack Decker 1 Bliss 1 Bohack CORPORATION BONDS. High. 1057, 1057i Sales (in $1,000 1. 5 Chi On Sta 5s '44 1 Rome 'as 52 74', 74'a 3 RuhrCl.em 6s '48 A .25 25 2 Sao Paulo St 8s '50 21s.

21 2 Do 7s '40 904 90 1 Do 6s '68 17 17" 3 Serbs CIS SI 7s '63 23 23 1 Shinyetsii 8'aS '52 85 85 3 Toklo City 5'as '61 787. 1 Tyrol HyElP 7'as'52 90'. 80'. 3 Un Stl Wk 6'aS '51C 29', 3 V.estph UnF.lP 6s'53 26 26 1 Yokohama 6s '61 84 84 Sales today, $5.325 000: previous $10,742,000: week ago. $3,592,000: 90' 17' 23 85 78' 00 29 26 84 High.

Low. Close. Sales (in confidence and some dealers wcra predicting lower prices. Others showed a tendency to draw upon storage stocks. The market course appears to hinge on fall production and the Close 1057.

1077, 110s. 104' 84 'a 1023. 100. 91 i 91 i 91' 75 75 75 3 3 3 24 237, 24 19', 19', 19'. 9 9 9 29 29 12H 11V 123.

35 35 35 19'4 19'i 38 38 38 30T 30'. 73 73 73 253, 25s, 25' 1 Bower Bear 29 29 18 Do 33.s '63 2 Do 4s '63 1 Chi te Ind 4s '52 3 Childs Co 5s '43 10 Chile Cop 5s '47 1077 110s 1043 84' 1023 100' 108 110s 1043 84 1023 100' 1 Nach Sprg (Ji) day. 1 zN Auto Fib vtc (la) 34'i 34'i A 3 Alleghany 5s '44 98 98 98 3 Do 5s '49 93 93'a 93'a 82 Do 5s 'SO Sta 63 62'a 62 37 Allied Stores 4s'50 100'. 100 100 29 Allis Chal 4s "45 162 158 160 9 Am Sc 5s 2030 70" a 70 10 1 Am I Chem 5s 49 111', 111' 111 Am Roll 44S -45 115 115 115 5 Cin Gas 4s '68 2 Braz 30g) .25 Bdgpt Gas LtCo(2) 2 r.Bndgpt Mach 1 Brill pt 1 Br Am TbBf.757g) 1 rBrown Dist 2 Buf pf (1.60) year 71 gtd 106s. 106s.

2 Cin 3' Is 2 Do 3'as '71 ago. 13.306.000: two years ago. $4,051,000. gtd 106s. 106s January 1 to date.

year ago. 5 St 5s '63 12 zNat Bellas Hess 3 Nat Leather 1 Nat Sz pf (6) 1 Nat Sue Ref (2 1 Nat Trans 40g) 1 zNat Un Rad sz 211.879.000; two years ago. 101' 94' 73 108 103s 85 101 94 3 108 1033 85 WO Ex-interest. ct-Certlficates, 1137 1 Am fc 5s '43 22 Do 4 'as '77 6 Clev Un Term 5s 1 14 Do 4'as '77 3 Col Indus 5s '34 5 Col fe So 4 'is '80 1 Do col 5s '46 7' consuming demand. Some dairy sections report milk flow increasing.

Storage butter for current i needs and for speculation has been in fairly active demand at prices close to those of fresh supplies. Cheese markets also rased off a little the last week of Aug 106s. 106s. 101' 4'2 108 103 'a 85 74 104 1 i 104 'a 46'a 105 90 '4 1063 116', 97-4 9P4 991. 997.

9134 101s. 94'a 977. 102 93 64 102'i 100 31 31 "a 284 26 26 2S' 49J 42 50 106 106 ''a 13 105' i 103'j 17 "a 187. 106 1113'4 10734 102 10834 79'. 16 Do 5s '60 19i 34'a 34V, 2, 2 2 l'a l'i l'i 85'a 85', 85'a 30 30 30 10 10 10 'i 3i 112'a 112'a 112'i 16'i 16'a 16'a 15'i 15s.

14'. 14 14 407. 407i 407. 2'a 2'i 2'a 7'. 67, 7 63 63 63 34 33 33'i 27', 27 27 4 74 1137 109 112 112 113' 129 109' 1137 108' 113' 1281 109' 41' 97 91' 99 99'.

913 101. 94'a 973 102 92 63 102''. 100 31 3tl'i 28' a 17'a 26 26 25. 48 40 '4 50 106 106''. 13 105 "a 103 'a 17'a 18' 106 lll'a 102 108 79'a 28 Do rf 5s 2113 97 a 37 Do 4' is 2013 A 91'.

25 Do con 4s '98 974 10 Do 334S '48 997. 5 4'jS 2013 9134 2 Do 3'as '97 101s. 1 NYC Mi Cen 3'is '98 94'a 10 NY ChiAStL 6s '38 977 11 Do 4'aS '74 A 1023. 43 Do 4'aS '78 93U 8 NY Dock Co 4s '51 64 11 NY Edis 34S '65 102'a 10 NY I.arkAW 4s '73A 100'. 1 NYNHH cvt 6s '48 31 7 Do 4'aS '67 31 "1 12 Do 4s '55 2834 1 Do 4s '57 17'a 1 Do 3'-s '47 26 5 Do '54 26 2 Do 3 'as '56 257.

94 rfg 4s '92 493 27 Do gen 4s '55 42 1 NY Ry lnc 6s '65 50 1 Do 6s '65 A 106 6 Gas 6s '51 A 106'a 5 NY 4'jS '46 13 5 Niagara p-3'as'66 105'a 1 Niagara Sh 5 'as '50 103 'a 18 Norf Sou 5s '61 ct 18 8 7 Do 5s' 61 A 187 10 Nor Am Ed 5s '69 106 5 Nor Pac 6s 2047 lli'i 1 Do 5 2047 1073 18 Do 4 2047 102 5 Do 4s '97 108s4 16 Do 3s 2047 791. Curh Bonds DOMESTIC BONDS. 5 ColumbiaGjs '52 May 1043 104' 1 Do 5s '61 104' a 104' 5 Con Coal Del 5s '60 46' a 46 11 Con Ed 34.s '46 105' 105 109 112 112 113' 129 109 42 42 106" 983 Sales (in High. Low. Close.

2 Do 5s '65 1 Do 4s cv '39 4 Am Fdr cv '50 6 Am 6s '75 14 Am wri Pap 6s '47 1 Do 6s '47 ct 12 Anac Cop 4s '50 10 Arm Del 4s '55 A 42 42 16 Do 3'ss '56 105 105 105- 1 Can Ind Ale A 2 Do 2 Can Marc Wire 31 Carrier Corp 2 zCatalin Am 1 Celanese 1st pfd (7) .25 Celluloid pfd 6 Cen Sw Ut .75 Cen pfd (lk) 5 Cen St El 2 zCentrif Pi f.40i 2 Chi Flex shaft 2a) 1.50 Childs pfd 45 Cities Service 42 4 106 106 Consum Pow '70 1043i 104s. 104s. Crown Will 6s '51 105' 95' 1 89'a 95' 89' 1 Steam 17 Niag Hud Pow 2 Niar Sh Md f.lOg) 1 Niles-Bem-P 'iK 1 zNipissing Mns t'ig) 4 zNoma Elec 40gi 1 Nor Am Sc pf 2 Nor St A 1 zNo West Eng (Vig) 1 zOkla Nat Gas 6 zOldetyme Dist 1 Outboard Mot A 1 Do 2 95' 89 101' 98 98 104' 104' 101' 101' 1 Arm 4s '39 A cvt 4s'48 lll'a 6 1 18'a 9i 102 30 2si 82' a 2 it 4J 52 4" 57Ji 15V 9J( 1'! 48 31 106', 7 "4 6 l'i 18'. 97. 102 30 2'i 82 'a 2.

43 52 46" 4 57'i 15'i 8s l7. 48 108 3'. 106', 6 l'i 18' a 97. 102 30 2si 823 2'i 47. 52' 47 4" 57s.

15'a 9' i l7, 48 33. 106', 5-18 Del Hud 5' as '47 100' a 105 105 105 6 56 Do 4s '95 114 110 Do rfg 4s '43 85 1 4'aS '36 31 104 lll'a 114 1107. 99' a 92 87 99 57 111' 114' 1107 99' 92' 86 7 99' 57! 2 3 1 6 45 35 2 2 101 'i 1073,, 119 103 101 1073; 118 1 Do Pfd 7 City Auto Stpi 100 a 84' .1 31 133i 253. 43 35 108 100' -i 84'a 31 14 25'a 434 35 108 Do adj 4s '95 St A Line 1st 4s Do clt 4s '52 Do 4s 64 Do 5s '45 Atl Sc Dan 1st 4s (.60) 52 99 92 87 99s, '48 58 Bid. A'ked.

Affiliated Ine 2 04 2 24 Amerex Hold 21.75 23 00 Am Business 8hn 1 18 1 29 I Assoc Stand Oil 6 625 7.125 Basic Industry 4 89 I British Type- Inv .30 .50 Corporate Trust 2 87 Do A A 2 80 Do A A mod 3.55 Do Accum Ser 2 80 Do Acc Mod 3.55 Crum Forster 28 50 30.50 Diversified Tr 11 .00 Do 4 85 5 20 Do 7 35 8.15 Dividend Shares 1.79 1.95 First Boston Corp 44.875 46.375 Fixed Trust Sh A 12.52 Do 10 625 Found Tr Sh A 5 00 5 30 Fund Investors Ine 24 97 25.94 Fund Tr Shrs A 6.34 7.00 Do 5.79 Group Sec Agriculture 2.05 2.22 Group Sec Automobile 1 54 1 67 Group Sec Building 1.95 2.11 Group Sec Chemical 1.59 1.73 Group Sec Food 1.06 1.16 Group Sec Invest Shrs 1.46 1.59 Group Sec Merchandise 1.35 1.47 Group Sec Mining 1.52 1.65 Group Sec Petroleum 1.25 1.36 Group Sec Equip 1.32 1.44 Group Sec Steel 1.69 1 83 Group Sec Tobacco 124 1.35 Maryland Fund 9.84 10.64 Mass Invest Tr 27 83 29.53 Nation Wide See 4.57 4.67 Nation Wide vtc 1.99 2.15 Bk Tr Shrs 4.00 North Am Bond Tr ctfs 63 125 67.375 Nor Am Tr Shares 2.73 Do 1955 3.58 Do 1956 3 53 Do 1958 3.56 Quarterly Income Sh 1.73 1.90 Selected Am Sh inc 1.75 1.90 Selected Cumul Sh 10.13 Selected Income Sh 5.32 Spencer Trask Fund 21.24 22.11 Stand Am Tr Shrs 4.20 4.45 Stand Util Inc 1.14 1.23 Super of Am Tr A 4.17 Do AA 2.78 Do 4 37 Do BB 2.78 Do 8.23 Do 8.23 Supervised Shrs 14.30 15.54 Trustee Stand Inv 3.06 Do 2 99 Trustee St Oil Shrs A 7.08 Do 6.32 Trusteed Am Bk 1.16 1.29 Trusteed Industry Shrs 1.44 1.60 Trusteed Bk Shrs 1.75 1.99 Elec Lt Pow 20.375 20.875 i Do 3.12 3.22 Do vtc 1.27 1.35 101 1073, 118 103 62 52 52 48 'i ust with iractionai declines on fresh receipts from Wisconsin producing sections. Most changes in the fruit and vfgetable markets were downward but declines were small. Potato shipments continue light. Eastern Cobblers still sold mostly $1.75 to $2.25 a 100 pounds in the East, but prices recovered to a level close to $2 at New Jersey shipping points. Declines of about 25c a bushel for sweet potatoes occurred in some markets.

East 20 RG 5s '55 asd 141'. 7 Do 5s '78 25' a 1 Ft 4s '35 ct 43 5 2d 4s "95 asd 35 1 Det Ed 5s '52 108 1 Do 5s '62 107s. 3 Ala Pow 5s '68 17 Do 4'as '67 1 Do 5s '56 1 Alumin Co 5s '52 3 Alumin Ltd 5s '48 20 Am 6s 2018 2 Appal Pow 5s '41 4 Do 6s 2024 A 6 Ark 5s '56 14 As Elec 4'aS '53 5 As St 5s '50 18 Do 5 '68 5 Do 4' as '49 i 5 As Rayon 5s '50 7 Baldw Loc 6s '38 ww 5 Do 6a '38 ww stp 24 Do 6s '38 xw 145 Do 6s '38 xw stp 1 Bingh 5s '46 12 Birm El 4'aS '68 2 Birminc Gas 5s '59 62s, 52 52 48''. 93 62 513 517. 48'.

934 10 zCleve Tract 1 Club Al Uten 2 Colts pat av) 3.75 Col Sc pf (5) 11 coi a 1 zComw Edis f4) 12 Comw So war 107s; 107 6s '95 99 19 ft: rfg 1 Nor States Pw 5s '64 108'a 108'a 933 1 Duquesne Lt 3'is '65 107(a lOT.x 107 5-16 99' 1113 89' 89' 89 79 3 99 lll34 89' a 881, 89 79 ll'i 11 11 18, 18', 18 2 2 2 4 4 4 32s. 32 32s. 5' 5 27 26' a 27 22 22 22 4 4 4 89 88 89 11 11 11 4'i 4 8 8 8 ll'a ll'a ll'a 86'a 86'a 86'a 9 9 9 14'a 14'a 14 1113 89 89'a 89 79 29 30 .25 Comm 1 zComPo Sli 1 Pfd 40'a (Va( 13'a 1 Do 1st 5s 48 27 Do rfg 5s '95 8 Do 5s '96 21 Do 5s 2000 SO Do cvt 4 'is '60 14 Do 4s '48 110 110 2 2 46 ECubaSug 7'aS '37 ct 28'. Erie rf 5s '67 85' a Do rf 5s '75 85'a 30 114 KJ 6 OgdenAiLCha 4s '48 2 Ontario Tran 5s '45 P- 112 110 110 112 110 109 'a 113'a 108 3 zPac Eastern 12 Pac 1 pf (l'i) 16 zPantepec Oil 2 zPender Gr A (3'i) .50 Penin Tel (1) 4 Pennroad .50 Pepperell f6 1 7Phillips Pkg 2 Pines Winterfront 1 zPioneer Gold (.80) 1 zPitts Forg .10 Pitts Lake (2'ia 1 (.60) .25 Pow Corp Can 7 Prod Roy 3 zPropper McCall 28 V. 85 84'i 105 89'4 90 1 4 28' 85'a 85'a 105 89'a 90U 107'i 10 107'i 110'i 107'a 110 40' a 13'a 183 90 55 8'i 21 4 11 36 8 40 13 18 90 55 8 21 4 35 Do 1st 4s '96 1053.

Do gen lien 4s '98 89'a Do cvt 4s '53 A 90'4 107V. 107'i 1013i 19 90 55 8'i 21 3 4 2 Do 4s '41 10334 103 103 2 Bell Pa 5s '48 120s. 120s. 107' 967 10 13', 88 ern shipping sections quoted $2 a i barrel. 89 96 96 'a 85'a 85'a 96' 85'a 128 105 106'a 106 3 zCons Aire 1 zCons .25 Cons Mng 4 I 1 zCons Ret Strs 10 zCooper Bess 2 zCord Corp 4 Crane Co 19 Creole Pet fVi 11 zCroft Brewing 10 zCrown Pet 1 Crown Int A fik) 5 Crystal Oil Refin 1 zCusi Mex 101 3, 89 967 106'a 103 a 120 lll'a 108'a 104 103'a 103'a 35 22 35s 23 1 Pac 5s '42 20 Para Pict 6s '55 8 Penn Dix 6s '41 A 8 Pen '81 3 Pen Co 4s '63 1 Pen RR gen 5s '68 2 Do gen 4 'as '65 2 Do 4'4S '84 Do' 4'as 4 Do 3J4.s 70 90 Fla Cst 5s '74 9a 2 Gal 5'is '38 94''.

2 Gen Stl Cast '49 89 23 120 1 Cen Ariz LAP 5s '60 106s 1063 106s 2 Cen 111 5s '56 104'a 104'a 104'a 5 Do 4'aS 67 102'a 102'a 11-16 11-16 11-16 1', l7. 94 89 94' 89 108' 128s. 105 76 71 24 102 100 102 112'i 108' 85' a 62'a 95 10 Cen 5s '56 95 943 95 14'i l'a 14' 1 14' 1' 1 Goodrich 6'is '47 108s 108'4 1 Do 5s '60 128s. 3 Beth Stl 4s '60 105'. 6 Boston fe Me 5s '67 76 'a 1 Do 4s JJ '61 717 1 Air 4s '55 24' 4 5 Bkly Ed 3s '66 102 12 Bkly City RR 5s '41 100 3 Bkly Mn Tr '66 102 10 Bklv Un Ellst 5s '50 112 3 Bkly Gas 5s 57 108'a 3 Buf 4s '57 86 42 Bush Term 5s '55 64 1 By-Prod 5'jS '45 96 76 'i 717 24 102 'a 100 102 112 108 86 U4 96 2 Prosperity 14' a 1 zPruden Inv 10 .70 PubSvc pr pf 567i .50 Piw Sd 5 pf 83' i 1.25 Do 6 pt 433, COTTONSFtl) OIL.

New York. Aug. 29 API- Blearhable cottonseed oil was easier today under liquidation promoted by the reaction In lard and unsettled crude and tallow markets. Final prices ere 4 to 6 points net lower. Sales 49 contracts.

Bleachnbie. spot nominal; September closed 10 one; October 9 98c; December 9.9tj'c; January 101s 8 Do 6 '45 3 Goodyr TR 5s '57 1053 105'4 105 1047 1047. 104 14 10 56 83 43 19 14 10 56 83' 43 s. 19 18 Peoria Ac 1st 4s '40 9d 11 Do inc 4s '90 18 89'C 71 69 "4 81'. i 102s! 89ls 71 69'; 81', 102, 1 Cen Pow 5s '57 18 Cen St El 5aS '54 13 Do 5s '48 14 Cities Ser 5s "50 1 Cit Gas 5'aS '42 89 "a 71' 69s 8l' 1023, 1 Gt Nor Ry S'-s '52 114' 114' 114' 1 Do 5s '73 109' 109' 109 1 19Ti 1 Do 4'is '76 105'.

105'. 105'j 2.50 Quebec Pow 97c; March 9 99c. 77 77 1 Cit Pow 5'as '52 1 1 4 zDerby Oil 3'i 33i 33i 3 ZD wwfl.20) 1934 193, 19 1 zDet Prod (Uar 8 8 8 1 Dow Chem 2.40) 1133i 1133i 1133i 1 zDriver-Harris (3g) 27s. 27V 27s 3 zDubilier Con 4 4 4 120 lll'i 108' 104J 101 'a 95 17-! 105 101 U4'4 106J, 107a, 23 42J 30 120'. 1123, 91:, 103 73' 31'.

113 lll'a 108'a 1043 101s. 95J IB'. 105 101 114'4 106'. 107s, 23 43 "a 30s. 1207.

112J4 91'. 103 73'a 31 113 104 i 19 18 3 Camw Sue 7s '42 ct 19 56 116 116 116 5 Can Nat Ry 4s 6 Do 4'as '77 103''. 103'a 103'a 55 Do 4s '46 119' 118'a 118:,4 15 Do 4s '46 108 107'a 108 7 Bay deb 10Ti 103 10Tki 2 Gulf os '50 973 97 97 22 Hiram Walker4'is'45 108 "4 107'i 108'i 121 121 121 16 zRed Bank Oil 1 zReed 3 Reynolds Inv 7 Rich Oil pf 1 Richmond Rad 5 Do 5S '69 Oct Asked. 4 11 30 9 27 2 4 69 6 10 27s, 2 4 69'i 6 3 Can PaC 5s '44 9s 27s 2' 4 69' 6 116'. 108U 103 96 'a 111 108'a Bid.

3 10', 29 1 63 4 ino 20 1 zRoyal Type 1 zRustless I 1 Pere Marq 5s '56 105 13 Do 4 '80 101 10 Phil 4' as '81D 1111' 4 Praia Co 5s '67 1067. 1 Phil Elec 4'as '67 lOT. 53 Phil I 6s '49 2334, 11 Do is '73 43' a 1 Philippine Ry 4s '37 30 2 PCCItSL 5s '70 A 120'. 2 Do 4'as '42 11234 13 4'as '60 92', 2 Pt Ar 6s '53A 103 29 PorU Gen 4'as '60 73'a 22 Postal 5s '53 31 Va 8 Pure Oil 4Us '50 ww H3's Do '50 It 1041a 2 Readg 4'aS '97 A 107 2 Rcig Jer Cen 4s '51 100 Rem Rand 4'4S '56 lOti3 2 Kepub Steel 5's '54 108 -4. 2 Housatonlc 5s '37 68 68 8 Louisville Title Mortgage Louisville Trust Merch Ice Sc Cold Stor Pf Ohio River Sand Do 1st pfd Do 2d Pfd Peaslee-Gaulbert pfd Standard Oil of Kentucky Turner.

Day Sr. Woolworth 10 Do 5s '54 1 Do 4'iS '48 68 Do 4s perp 1 Caro Sc 6s 1 CarriersArOen 5s '52 Ex-dividend. 473 84' 37' 47 8334 37' 47 83 3 37'. '50 1 St Regis Pap 1 zComw'l Ed 4'as'56 lll'i lll'i lll'i 2 zDo 4'as '57 lll'a lll'i 3 zDo 334S '65 106 105 106 1 jComWISub 103''. 103'.

103'i 2 Commun 5s '57 77'. 77 77 1 zCon GEL Ba 4s "81 1073 107' 1073i 19 Cont 5s '58 A 947 94s. 947 3 Del El Pow 5'is '59 103'a 103' i 7 Det Gas 5s '50 106 106 106 1 Dix Gulf 6'is '37 103'i 103'. 103'. 21 East GAF 4s A '56 93'i 93'i 93'i 5 Elec Sc 5s 203O 89'a 89'a 89'i 1 Emp Sc 5Us '42 86'i 86'a 1 Firestone CotM 5s'48 1033i 103si 103s 1 Fstone Tire 5s '42 104 104 104 7 Fla Si 5s '54 97'a 97'i 97J' 1 Fla '79 A 104 li 16 Hudson Coal 5s '62A 8 Hud Sc.

Man 14 Do inc 5s '57 I 2 111 Bell Tel3'is'70B 20' 22' 4 Cen of Ga con 5s 45 2. 3 Cen New Enc 4s '61 50 1 Cen ThruShL 4s'54 107 20 Cen 5s '87 89 10 72 14 17 57 3'i 23 ll'i 9 63 19 2 19 5 93 42 "a 2'a 3'4 Insurance Stocks (By the Associated Press.) Bank, Trust Stocks 93 42 2 3 3 18s. 126 28 2 1.10 Do pf 2 Scovill Mfg 7 Segal Lock 2 zSelected Indus 1 Seversky Aire 2.50 Sherwm WmsCanLtd .50 Sherwin-Wms 4i 2 Smith Corona vtc 108 80' 91 89' 83 1161. 1084 103 96 111 108' 274 50 107 88 90 148 131 100' 4 110'a 55 1143i 22 38 21 ''4 203 101 58 106s 107 10O 100 lOti'. 106' 108-1 1U8 108 80 90 'a 89'4 83 85 83 'i 894 843, 40 111 Cen 454S '98 3t) Do rfg 4s '55 22 Do cc.

tr 4s '52 49 Do col tr 4s '53 11 Do Om 3s '51 2 Do '52 17 5s'63 A 21 Do 4'aS '63 1 Eagle Lead 10'i 10' i 1.25 pr pf(4'al 73 72 55 zEasyWashM BCial 14'i 13 1 Econ Gro Strs t'2g 17V 17 1 zEdis Br Strs 11.60) 57 57 4 zEisler Elec 3" 3 34 El Bond Sh 23s, 23 2 El Pow As 11 ll'i 1 Do A 9 9 2 El 2d pf A 64 63 5 Emsco Eq tl) 19 19 2 zEquity Corp 2 1 8 zEx-cello 19 19 1 Fedders Mfg (l'i) 31 31 1 zFerro Enam (1) 35 35 1 zFidelio Brew 9-16 9-16 3 Fisk Rub 6 6 1.25 To Pfd 61 1 1 Fla 7 Pf 46 46 15 Ford Can A '4g 21 3 Ford Mot Ltdt.l81g) 8 8 .50 zFroedtG cv Pf (1.20) 17 17 99 98 7 Certain-td '48 8 Chesap Corp 5s '47 5 Do 5s '44 1 3'is '96 6 Do rfg 4s '93 A 3 Chi Sc Alton 3s '49 23 rfg 5s '71 A 37 Chi Sc 111 5s '51 63 Chic Gt West 4s "59 1 Chi I i 6s '66 1 zSonotone 90 148'a 131 100 110 s. 55 114 22'a 38'4 21 21 116 115 4 Do 4'aS '61 36 Do 4 'as '50 1 Rev 6c 4'is '58 86 83' 90 84' 104'a 104'a 98-. 115 104'a 413 81-. 21' 35 30 Ti 106' 2 Inland Stl 33is '61 92 41 2 3 3 13 126 28 2'i 8 9 32 20 31'i 23 6 38 3 16 28 "a 3 24 3 15'. 5 116' 108'4 10334 a 111 108'i 27 50 107 89 90 148'.

a 131 100' 4 110s. 55 114'a 22'a 38 21 4 207. 102 58 59 54'a 21 7s. 20'a 42' a 12'a 20 74 17 16'i 834 34'a 17 147, 111 413 81 3 20'a 34'a 303. 108 80' 91 89' 83 86 83' 90 84' 106' 94' 157s 11 35" 34 53 90 3 93 85' 73' 77 3' 25 Interb Tr rfg5s'66 94s.

10 Int Cement 4s '45 157s. 1 Int Gt Nor adj 6s'52 11 6 Do 5s '66 3 18V. 126 28 2s. 8 9 32 20 31 "a 23 6' a 40 3 16 28 3 24 3 15 31 35 9-16 6 61 Vi 46 21 8 17 11 Chi I Sz Sou 4s 3b luz a. iha-5o 4's '89 58 Asked.

35 75 118 49 70 21 66 27 53 2325 376 18 50 53 44 147 50 11 (By the Associated Bid. Bank of Manhattan (l'i) 33 Bankers Trust .21 Cen Han (4) 135 Chase National (140 47 Chem Bank Sz Tr (1.80) 68 Commercial (8 193 Cont Bank Tr 80 19 Corn Ex (3) 65 Empire Trust ill 26', First National Boston 2 51 First National llOOl 21R5 Guaranty Trust il2) 371 Irving Trust 17 Manufacturers Trust (la) 48 Do pf 51 Nalional City (1) 42 New York Trust (5) 144 Public Title Guar Sc Trust 10 a-Also extras. 5 5s'44 A st XW 99" 99 99' 26 Gatin 5s '56 99 99 99s 3 Gen Pub Ut 6s '50 92 92 92' 2 Gen Wk 5s '43 A 94 94 94' 18 Geo Pow 5s '67 102 102 102 2 Glen Aid Coal 4s '65 88 88 88 4 zSouthland Roy (.40) 8 1 zSpencer ChStrsf.60) 9'i 1 zSqu DCO A pfi2.20) 32 3 zSt Oil Ky 20'i 3 zSt Oil Ohio (Vig) 31', 1 Stand Prod 234 1 zSterchi Br Strs 6's 1.50 Do 1st Pf t3i 40 1 Sterling Inc 33i 2 Stetson (JBl 16'; .50 zStroock Co (g) 28'; 18 zStutz Mot Am 3' 1 Sullivan Mach 24 5 zSunray Oil 05g' 3s: 10 zSunsnine Mng (2) 15si 1 Swiss Oil Corp 20a) 5 106' 4 94' 4 11 35s. 34 52 903i 93 85 73'b 764 5 Richfld 6s '44 A cct 413 5 Gr West 1st 4s'39 81 "-4, 18 I AiLa 4' as '34 21V, 9 Rutland 1st 4'2s '41 35 1 Rutland Can 4s '49 30 7 39 St 4'aS '78 24'i 30 Do 4 'as '78 ctf sta 22 3 Do 4S '50 A 25'a 2 St SW rfg 5s '90 45'4, 1 Do 1st 4s '89 95 8 SL 4' as '41 18' 1 St Paul 5s '72 121s. 7 Pass 4s '43 100s 5 Schulco '46B sta 32'a 6 Do 1st 6s 52 35'a 5 Do 5S '56 34 11 Int Hydro El 6s '44 53 3 Int Paper 6s '55 903 1 Int Rys A 6' '47 93 7 Int TbT cv 4'2s'39 85'a 15 Do 4'aS '52 733 8 Do deb 5s '55 77 2 Iowa Cen rfg 4s '51 3 96 96 99' 6 Gen Firepfg (.40) 3 zGen Tel g) 12 Glen Alden (1) 23'.

21' 25'a 447. 95'4 177 121s. 100'a 32'a 10' 9' 4' 15 3i 3 Do 4S '89 59 59 2 Do gen '89 54r, 35 CMSP Sc Pac 5s '75 21 203. 52 Do ai 5s 2000 7 10 rfg 5s 2037 20' a 20 5 Do gm 5S '87 42 a 42' S9 Do cv 434S '49 12 'a 12 12 Do 2037 20 20 2 Chi Ry 5-s '27 '4' .4 1 1 4'aS '52 A 17 17 3 Do 4'2s '52 A ct 16' 16'. 18 Do cvt 4'aS '60 834 83.

15 Do 4s 88 34'a 34': 30 Do Tig 4s '34 17 163i 6 Do rfz 4s '34 ctf 147 14': 1 3 5s '51 111 111 18 18 18 18 18 18 16 15' 16 16'i 16 16'i 4 4 4 20 20 20 Asked. 108 54 34 35 15 78 28 58 36 9 28 --4 27'. 42 119 33 23 'i 40 19 52 28 37' 27 7.1 5 36 26 6 71 10 45 23'i 23 90 41 210 140 480 570 58 Bid. 104 52 32 i 32 14 75 27 56 'i 34 8 27' 25 41 114 12 31 21 38 17' 50 26 35' 2t 72 4', 34 24 5 68 9 43 20 27 86 39 205 137 450 560 56 'i luz'a 1 Gorh Mfg vtc tl) 17 zGrand Nat Films Div. Aetna Cas i2a) Aetna Ins 1.60i Aetna Life Am Equit I la i Ans Ins Newark () Am Reins (3i Am Reserve o.

Am Surety (2 Automobile la Bait Amer Carolina il.20t City of H.201 Conn Gen Life 80) Fid and Dep i3ai Firemens Nwk Frank Fire Ua Gen Alliance (.80) Glen Falls d.60i Globe Sc Rep Globe Rut Great Amer (la) Hanover tl.fOi Harmonia il20 Hartford Fire (2) Home Fire Sec Home Ins (la) Homestead (1) Lincoln Fire Natl Fire (21 Natl Liberty 20ai Hampshire 60 Fire 60a i Nor River Phoenix i2al Prov Wash 1 St. Paul Fire (6a) Sprinefield (4'jai Sun Life Travelers 16i Fire il.ROl Westchester Ua (a i Also extra or extras paid so far this year. 11 1 Gray Tel PS 1 9s nv (6a) 119 119 119 .10 Gt At! 1 Greenf 84 fe-sab A con 6s 45 35 Do 6s '45 ct 14 Do adj 5s '49 2 Do 4 '50 sta 9 Do rfg 4s '59 8 8 8 1 1 Jones St 1023 10234 1023i 3 KC 4s '36 54 54 54 6 South 5s '50 94s, 94'a 94'a 1 Kentucky Cen 4s '87 113U 113'. 113' 2 Kings Co Elev 4s'49 106'a 106'a 106'a 1 8 Hall Pr 6s '47 A stp 96'i 10 111 Cen BS '37 99'i 4 111 Pow Sc Lt 5S'56 102 9 Do 6s '53 105 2 Ind El 6s '47 101 5 Do 5s 51 96 1 Ind Svc 5s '50 74 'i 1 IndPls Gas 5s '52 78 1 Ind 5s '57 A 105' 1 Intercon pw 6s '48 6 1 zlnt Sec Am 5s '47 100 15 Inters Poor 6s "52 62 20 Do 5s '57 72 5 Inters S.C 4'is '58 87 1 la Neb 5s '57 105 1 la 4s '58 A 105 I' 2'a 1 zGroc Strs Prod 4'a 1534 8 ct 7 Uih BANKERS B0ND3ZE 99'i 102 105', 101' .953 74'a 78', 105' 6' 100 607i 71 863i 1053, 105'a 5 Taegart 8 8 8 1 Tampa El (2.24) 38 38 38 1 zTastyeast A 25, 2 2 11 zTaylor Dist 4T 4 4 3 Technicolor 27 27 27 2 zTexas Gulf Prod 41 4t 4 4 zTexon Oil (.601 6 6 6 3 zTilo Roof (g 13 12 12 1.50 zThermoid pf 78'i 78 78' 14 Do rfg 4s '59 1UD' 101 96 74 "a 78 6 100 60 71 8 105 105 67. 4- 30 Sea-A Fl 6S '35 A ct 5 24' 22 25'i 447.

95' 18a 121s, 100S 32', 11 93 4'a 1534 8 7 4 4'a 108 973 937, 93'a 93 7 94si 97'a 98 's 97 93' i 78 86'. 94' 105'i 100'. 112U New Bonds (Quoted by W. L. Lyons Co.

Bid. Asked. Incorporated Tax-Exempt securities 4th and Market Sts. Louisville JArkson 0226-7-8 L. D.

238-3 1 Lac Gas 5'is '53 72 1 Do 5'as '60 70 5 Do 5s '39 101 4 Lautaro Nit 6s '54 34 Chess Wymond Delaware Preferred Common Stock 100 Allied Stores 4s '51 14 Leh 4s '45 .25 zTob Sc Al Stk (lg) 68 68 68 1 Tob Prod Ex 4 4 4 .50 Todd Ship i2 50' 50 50', 1 zTom Moore (Via) 8 8 8V, 4 zTrans-Lux (.201 4 3 4 1 zTung-Sol Lamp 8'i 8'j 8'i 2 zTung Sol pf (.801 12 12 12 8 zTwin Coach 20g 15 15' 15V4 Coal 6s '38 '64 '74 7 Do 6s '35 ct 4'i 6 Shar St Hoop 108 108 9 Shell Un 3'aS '51 973i 97'a 30 Sou Pace 4'is '68 987 98s, 6 Do 4'aS '81 93'a 93'a 16 Do 4'as '69 987 93'a 14 Do col tr 4s '49 943 94s. 17 Do 3S.S '46 97'a 97'a 24 Do 4'-s Ore '77 98'. 98 2 South Ry 6VaS '5 97 97 4 Do gen 6s '55 93'i 93 43 Do con 5s '94 107'a 107'i 9 Do pen 4 '56 78' 78 20 Do 4S '38 86'. 86 6 Do 4s St '51 94', 94 1 Staley Mffg 4s '46 105' 105'i 14 Stand Oil NJ 3s'61 100' 100'a 18 Studebaker 6s cvt '45 II2V4 111 2 Cen 4s'61 106 105 105V. 3 Kan Pow 5s '47 A 102 102 102 2 Leh Val 2 Do 5s 6 Do 5s 3 Leh Val 14 Leh Val '40 NY 4'bs 5s 2003 99 72 70'i 101 3334 81 98s.

63 63 99 '4 79 693i 65s. 101 107 99 102 122 977W 98'a 92 72 TU'a 101 3334 81 98sii 63' 63 '3 99U 79'a 713 101 107 99'i 102 122 98 '4 98 'a 92 37 35'. 81 'a 98 s. 63' 64 993a 79'a 713. 67 101 107 99' 102 122 98' 4 i g) Declared or 1 Un Gas Can 22g) ll'i 1 Ky Util 5s '61 99 99' 3 Manitoba 5s'51 A 87 86s 4 McCord 6s '43 102'i 102V 87 1' 102', 104 1 Unit Corp war 12 United Gas 2 Do war 1 Do Pf 9 Memph 5s '48 104 104 29 Do 4-s 2003 59 Do 4s 2003 2 Leh Val HTerm5s'54 4 Do os '41 28 Loew 3'as '46 1 Long Isl deb 5s '37 1 Do rfg 4s '49 1 Lorillard Co 5s '51 7 Louisia Ark 5s'69 1 Milw Lt 4 '67 106s 106'i 106 7'.

1 114'a 7 63 106 99 923 75s ll'i 1 7 1 114 7 63 20 88 37 2 4'i 26 ll'i 1T. 7' 11 114': 73. 63': 20 88'; 37': 2 1 4 4'i 26': 1 4 10 SoJtM 4s '52 98' 12 Miss Riv 6s'44 xw 106 2 Miss Co 5s '57 99 1 Miss Pow 5s '55 92 28 Mo Pub Svc 5s '47 77 Nat 5s 2030 278 Nat Pub 5s '78 ctf 37 5 Neisner Br 6s '48 108 106V 99 92s 77 95 37 108 101 107 100 98 105 107 100 102'i 104 Vi 102'i 99 107 104 106 98 102 107 102 102 101 109 106V, 96 103 108', 106'i 103 101 102 98' 104 '98 20 88 38 2 1 4 4 26 1 4 1 Tenn Cen 6s '47 97 97 97 5 Ten El Pow 6S '47 A 99s. 99si 99si 24 Texark Ft 5Vis '50 106 103'a 106 5 Tex Corp 5s cvt '44 101'i 101'i 101'a IS Do 3'a '51 103 103 103 5 Tex Sc Pac 5s '79 105 105 105 6 Do 5s '80 105 105 105 1 Third Ave adj 5s '60 38 38 38 2 Do 4s '60 70 70 70 95 33 108 Ark-La Gas 4s 101'i Associated Tel 4s '65 106 Baltimore Ohio 42s '39 100 Calif Ore Pow '4s '66 98 Cen Maine Pr 4s '60 105 Central 111 Lt 3'2s '68 107 Sc 3'2s '96 99 Chi ind 4'is '62 102 Chicago Un Sta 3Ss '51 103 Cincinnati 3'is '66 102'i Cleveland Tractor 5s '45 98'i Columbus Ry PtL 4s '65 107 Com Inv Trust 3 lis '51 104 Conn Riv Pr 3s '61 105 Consolidated Oil 3s '51 98 Cudahy Packing 3s '55 101 Do 4S '50 103 Ed El 111 Boston 3' is '65 106 Gen Mot Accpt 3s '46 102 Do 3s '51 102 Indianap Wat 3'is '68 101 Iowa So Util 5s '50 Kansas 4' '65 109 Los Ang 4s '70 106 Lou Nash 3s 2003 96'4 McCrory Stores 5s '51 102 Metrop Edison 4s '65 108 Minn Gas Lt 4s '50 105 Monongahela 4'is '60 106 Narraeansett El 3s '66 103 NY Chi StL 4s '46 101 New York Ed 3 '66 102V. Okla Nat Gas 4s '61 98 Do VC 5S '46 104 Pacific Ltg 4 '45 Peop 4s'61 97 Pennsyl 3s '70 101 Pennsyl Tel Cor 4s '65 106 Potomac El Pw 3s '66 103 Pub 3s '60 105 100' 78 's 78 100 78 78 59 20 Nevada CalE5s'56 97 9 97'.

6 TJn Lt Sz Pow A 2 Un Lt cv pf .25 Un Milk Prod Cigl .50 Unit Shoe (2Via .30 Do Pf (1) 6 zU Lines pf 1 Unit Stores vtc S6 zUnit Wall Paper 3 zUtility Equities .50 Ut pf 1 Utility Sc Ind 1 Do pf rVenezuel Pet w- 30 zWayne Pump 2 iWest Va .10 West Md 1st pf 4 New Amst Gas 5s '48 117 117 117 59 101 102 104 104 106'i 106a 101 Vr 107 'a 107Va 115 115 115 1 TJn 5 '54 4 Un Pac 1st 4s '47 Our Research Staff In New York Our research staff in New York' may be consulted by you over our private wires as readily as though you were yourself in Wall Street. You are invited to avail yourself of these facilities. Granberry Co. Members New York Slock Exchange and Other Principal Exchanges 211 S. FIFTH ST.

LOUISVILLE Phone JAckson 3191 l'i 105 2 Do 4s '68 105 1 Do rfz 4s 2008 109 4 Do 3'is "71 99 105 105 109 109 99si 99s. Local Stocks (Quoted by Dunlap-Wakefield St Co.) Approximate) Bid. Asked. Am Creosotin Co 7 pf 104 106 American Turf 3 4 B. F.

Avery Sons 3'i 4 Axton-Fisher 47 49 Do 25 27 Do Pfd 104 losi Belknap Hdwe Mfg 27 29 Bourbon Stockyards 75 78 Citizens Union Natl Bank 320 340 Commonwealth Life Ins Co 27 29 Em mart packing 5 6 Do pfd fiO 65 Falls City Brewing 90 100 Do pf 60 70 Federal Chemical Co 7 8 Do pfd 45 47 Frank Fehr par Pf 87o $1 First Natl Bank ctfs 101 103 Girdler Corp 4 5 Kentucky Utilities Ti Pf 89 82 Do 7' Pf jr pf 41 43 Lexington Utilities 6i Pf 96 99 Liberty Nat Col 2.50 par) 2't 3 Lincoln Bank Trust 100 102 Louisville Cement 100 Louisville 5 Pf 99 101 Do 6 Pf 109 111 Do 7 Of H5 Louisville Public Warehouse 60 80 Do pf 45 50 Louisville Railway 3 Do pfd 1 Louisvi'le Textile 75 80 32 3 34' 3 101'i 9 Unit Drue 5s '53 101'i 101 80 80 34'i 3 80 1013( 1 129 1293. 4 Do 3s '80 St 92 I Main Cen 4s "45 100'i 10 Do 4'2s '60 7834 1 Manat Sue '42 783 4 Manhat Ry 4s '90 59'a 16 Market St Ry 7s '40 102 2 '50 104'a 1 Mich Cen 3'2s "52 lOS'a 3 Mil El 5s '61B 105 1 Do 5s '71 1047, 3 Sc con 5s "34 ct 10 4 MSPSSMarie 6s '46 29' a 1 Do 5'aS '78 91'4 4 Do gtd 5s '38 43'3 4 Do con 4s '38 357, 2 M-K-Tex 5s '62 A 85 1 Do adj 5s '67 65' i 5 Do 4'aS '78 783 21 Do 1st 4s '90 95 5 Do 4s '62 74 40 Mo Pac 5'as '49 12'' 1 Do 5s '65 A 37'a 2 Do 5s '65 A ct 36 63 Do 5s '77 37si 7 Do 5s '77 ct 357i II Do 5s '78 377 36 Do gen 4s '75 153 10 Do 5s '80 38 148 Do 5s '81 I 377i 9 Mob Sc 4'is '77 163; 4 Eng 5S '50 75 75Vi 75 1 Do 5s '48 76 76 76 1 Do 5s '47 75 75 75 3 Do 5'is '54 99 99 99', 2 Do 5s '48 97 97', 97 1 Orl PS 5s "42 sta 91 91 91 1 NY 4s '67 106'a 106'i 106 2 Nor Am '56 P3 93 931-2 Nor Con Ut5Vis "48A 61 61V. 61s. 1 Nor Ind PubS5s'69 105 105 105 5 Do 4'aS '70 104 104 104 2 Nor'west US 5s '57 102 102 102 4 OkIa 5s '50 105 105 105 1 Oswego Falls 5s '48 100 100 lOO'a 5 Pac 5s '55 89'i 89 89'i 106' 106 101 101 1 1 8 US 3'is" '46 129'a 6 XI Rub 5s '47 1 06'i 15 Uth 5s '44 1037, 1033 103 .50 zWestv Ch pf (7) 1 zWll-Low Caf 1 zYukon Gold 72 BELKNAP HDWE. tr MFC.

CO. Stock COMMONWEALTH LIFE INSURANCE CO. Stock LOUISVILLE CAS ELECTRIC CO. Preferred! Bought Sold Quoted Orders Solicited for Local Securities SteinBros.XBoyce Established 1853 MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange And Olher Principal Stock and Commodity Exchanges WAbash 5331 Starks Bldg. Arcade 4th and Walnut 69' 2 2.

2 105 104 7 9s. 29'a 91'. 42' 35'a 85 65'a 78 'a 95 74 12 30 3 7 "a 357. 37'a 153, 38 37' 4 16'4 Stock sales, 115,000 shares 104 10 29i 91's 42' 4 35'a 85 65'a 783 95 74 12''4 37U 36 37s. 35 7 377.

153, 38 377i 1634 2 Do 5'is "47 72 71' 13 Do 5s '59 69'. a 68', a 89 Vanadium 5s '41 92 90 9 Ver Pac 4'is '34 27 27', Vertient su 7s "42 ct 18'i 1 Va fc 1st 5s 2003 108 108 92 2 18 108 z-Officialiy iistea on application by the Corporation. Other securities sre admitted to dealing ns "unlisted" on application of a regular member and approval by the listing committee and the Board of Governors. Rates of dividends In the foregoing table are annual disbursem*nts based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless otherwise noted, special or extrs dividends are not included.

103 106', 102 1097, 106 98 104 104 100 Ry Lt Sec 4s '55 109 Saguenay Pr 4s '66 102 San Diego 4s '65 109 So Cal 4s '65 106 Soj Kraft 4'is '46 98 Southw 4S '60 103 Wis 3" is '66 103 Wis Pub Sv 4S '61 5 Wabash 1st 5s '39 102i 102i 102 1 Do 5s '80 32s. 32S 32s. 9 Do 4'is '78 32s; 32'i 32'i 1 Walwrth 4s '55 76s 7634 76'i 2 Warner Quinl 6s '39 29 29 29 1 Wash Wat 5s '39 110 110 110 5 Md 4s '52 102 102 102 2 Pen Cen '77 104 104 104 1 Pen-Oh Ed 5'as '59 103 103 103 1 Pen Pow 5s '56 105 105 105'i 3 Peo Gas 4s '81B 97 97 97 83 Peop 5s '79 21 21 21 1 Phila El 5s '72 108', 108 108 8 Phila Rap Tr 6s '62 21 21 21 5 4'is '57 107 107 107 6 zPub Sv 111 5s '56 lll'a lll'a 111 13 Pub Sv NJ 6s ctfs 140 140 140 6 Pug Sd 5S '49 95V, 95 95 1 Do 5s '50C 91 91 91 3 Do '50 85 85 85 Ex-dividend. x-First sale since ex-dlvl- 5 WNY Sc Pa 1st 5s '37 101 101 101 3i Local Bonds (Quoted by The Bankers Bond CO 5 West Pac 1st 5s '46 35s 35'i 353 6 West Un col 5s '38 106 105'i 106 dend date or dates. JEx-rights.

a-Also extra or extras. b-Including extra or ex-! tras. e-Paid last year. I-Payable in stock, i g-Declared or paid so far this year; no; regular rate. h-Cash or stock.

k-Accumu-lated dividend paid or declared this year ur-Under rule. ww-W 1 1 warrants. xw-Without warrants. Approximate 1 Western t'n 5s '60 108'i 108 108 7 West Shore 4s 2361 94'i 94Vi 94 Asked. 89 9 Wick-Sp cvt 7s '35ct 29 Vi 28 29 Bid.

85 100 78 33 21 20 66 Certified Public Accountants Tax Counsellors Yeager White References By Permission Any Bank In Louisville Alms Hotel Income A Brown Hot 1st Mtg 5 '49 Do 2d 6rc 1949 Cumberland Apts C-D Henry Clay Hot Ashld C-D 146 Do cvt 7s '35 Ct 29Vi 27', 29', 10 Wis Cen 4s '49 25 24 25 2 l'i 214 66 105 105 21'i 2H4 66 105 105 107 106 105 105 53 2 Schulte RE 6s '35 6 Do 6s '35x 1 Seattle Lt 5s '49 1 Shaw A 5 Do 41as '68 7 SE 6s 2025A 1 zSo Cal Ed 334s '60 6 Do 33-4S '60B 3 So Cal Gas 4 'is '61 26 Youncst 4S '61 102 102'i Do Inc Bonds. Louisville 50 107 Vi 101 Chicago Stocks Chicago. Auk. 29 (AP Following Is a complete list of transactions in stocks on the Chicago Stock Exchange today: Sales (Actual). High.

Low. Close. 300 Abbott Lab (1.20a) 55 55 55 i9 Do 3'is '51 131. 130 131 106Vi 106 106 Va 106 FOREIGN BONDS. 102V, 104 104 107 107 107 Low.

Close. Sales fin High, 3 Abitibi 5s '53 52 1 Co Cnty '68 1037. 1037'. 52 52 50 Allied Prod 15 15 15 23 23 98'i 98'4 9'a 9' 101 101 Vi 101 '4 104 42 So Ind Ry 4s '51 83V, 82V 1 Southern NatG6s 44 1033 10334 1034 2 So'wes A Te 5s '61 A lOOV'a 100V, 100'i 3 So'wes 5s '57 A 103 i 103 4 Stand Sz 6s '51 85 84', 84 Vi 11 Do 6s '66 83 Vi 833 83 'i 101 101 101 102'A 103 103 68 102V4 103 102 94 74 60 101 89 35 62 Va Kentucky Bridge Rey Rel 3-- 1950 No. 1 Do 3'2 1955 No.

9 Do 3 1950 No. 10 Ky Hotel Gen 6i 1947 Ky State Inst 5 War A Louisv Brdg 4'7 '55 Louisv Ry 1st '50 Do 2d 4'i 1940 Do gen 5 1950 Louproco Rlty 1st 5 '47 Mengel Conv 7 1939 Reynolds Inv 5 1948 Seelbach 2d 3 1951 Speed Bldg Inc Bonds -Flat. 101', 1014 101a 51 5 47 9 15 100 Do A (1) 10 Am Pub vc pf 200 Armour Co 50 Assoc Invest (1) 50 Autom Prod 400 Bastian-Bless 50 Bendix Av (le 500 Berahoff Br (la) 101', 101'i 51 47 9 144 23 12 29 80 80 76 65 102 91 101'4 101'i 101'i 101'i lOl'i 4 Stand Sc tt os '57 80 1 Tenn 'R 12 101 101 101 1 Alp Mont Stl 7s '55 1 Antloquia 7s "45 A 30 Argentine 6S '57 A 1 Do 6s '58 1 Do Ft 6s '60 May 1 Do 6 '60 Sept 2 Do 6s "60 Oct 9 Do 6s '61 Feb 3 Do 6s '61 May 10 Australia 5s '55 11 Do 4VaS '56 5 Austria 7s '57 6 Belgium 7s '55 Do 7s '56 1 Berlin City 6'is '50 2 Berl El Elev 6'aS '56 15 Brazil 8s '41 4 Do 6'is '26-57 93 93. 108'i 108V 108V4 25 Tex Sc 5s '56 1057', 105', 1057 102'a 1024 102'i 2 zThermoid 6s '37 stp SB3- 963t 96 98 B6 96 100 Bliss Sc Laugh (l'a) 200 Borg-War 3a 76 100 Brach (1.20) 23 550 Butler Bros U'-i 100 Castle A (3) 53 100 Cen Cold Stor (1 14 88 a 102 883, 1127i 1127', 112T4 105' 105Ti 105S U. S.

Government Federal Land Bank Federal Farm Mortgage Home Owners' Loan Joint Stock Land Bank Railroad, Utility, and Industrial Corporation BONOS Bought and Sold Henning Chambers Company Members New fork Stock Exchange 431 W. Jefferson Street Louisville, Kentucky 1 Tide Wat 5s '79 A 102i 3 Tw CRT 5ViS "52 A 88'a 2 6s '44 3d stp 25 74 257a 25 CITY BONDS. (Uaoted by j. J. B.

Billiard Son.) Yield Rate 30 Cen 111 Sv pf(2k) 70 2 Ut 15300 Cen 26 26 26 34 33 T4 34 27 27 27 Bid. Asiced. 102V, 102V 102V4 3Ms. lonr 2 50 2 50 94 94 94 3-3 S. short 3.10 1.7 2 EUn Am Inv 5s 48 1 Dim '74 5 Do 6s '75 3 TJn L.

Si Ry 5Vis '52 1 Do 6s '73 A 87H 93'4 87, 934 2s. Ions 2.75 2.60 8754 93i 102'4 52 4 52 4'. 2 16 11 4 35 48. short 2.00 1.75 87 87 20 Do pr 100 Chi Corp 50 Chi Flex Shaft (2a) 1800 Cities Serv 200 Club Alum 100 Com'wlth Edis (4) 250 Con Biscuit 150 Cord Corp 200 Crane Co inn nivtnn Rubber Bought Sold Quoted Kaufman-Straus Co. Preferred Mengel Co.

First Mortgage 7s, 1939 Speed Building Income Bonds Kentucky Utilities Co. 6 Preferred Louisville Gas Electric Co. Preferreds Heidelberg Brewing Company Frank Fehr Brewing Co. Preference James Willson Co. ISO SOJJTJX'TITTW STREET 4 Vis.

lone 3.05 2.90 15 Utah sz 6s 2022 A 1024 102 Farm Loans 4s. Ion a 3.00 2.85 23 51 5' 4 47 9 15 28 12 29 76 23 11 53 14 70 2 52 52 4 2 16 11 4 35 39 37 18 16 12 36 32 11 25 29 9'i 21 41 12 120 42 39 45 tVaS. lone 3.10 2.95 STEEL. 15 New York. Aug.

29 AP) Steel prices per 100 pounds, f.o.b. Pittsburgh: Blue annealed sheets, hot rolled, 12.10; galvanized sheets. $3.20: black sheets, bot 23 11 53 14 69 2 52 4 52 4 2 16 11 4 35 39 37 18 16 11 36 32 11 35 18 29 9 21 41 12 120 42 29 45 1 Vlr Pub 6s '48 95 95 95 3 Do 5'2S '46 A 101 Vi 101'i 2 Do 5s '50 100V, 100 '4 lOOV, 1 Ward Bak 6s '37 103i 103 103i 2 Wash Gas Lt 5s '58 106V, 106V, 106', 8 West Tex Ut 5a '51 A 97 96 96V, 1 Un 5'-is '55 A 10534 1054 105 I Wis Min Ss'44 106Va 106', 106', York Rys 5s '37 1034 103 103 rolled. steel bars. S1.9S.

50 Dixie-Vor A 2 a 200 Els Wat fl) 37 50 Fitz Sim (a) 18 50 Gen Candy A f.60a) 16 1000 Gen Household 12 300 Goldblatt (lh) 36 1600 Gt Lak Dr (la) 32 50 Hall Print 30 Hibb Sp B(l 20a) 35 Land Bank Bonds (By the Associated Press.) Bid. Asked. 4V4s November 1958-38 106 107 4s May 1957-37 102 103 50 Hormel Co (l) NO APPRAISAL, FEE CHARGED NO STOCK TO BUY No payments on the principal for 10 YEARS 4 INTEREST Reserve Mortgage Co. R. D.

Mann, Mgr. Farm Loan Dept. 508 W. Jefferson, Louisville, Ky. 144 Market St, Lexinjton, Kx.

FOREIGN BONDS. f- 29 9 21 41 "4 12 200 Houd-Her a) 50 111 Brick 100 Jarvis a) 100 Katz Drue (3) 150 Kellogg Swith (.40) 4 Vis January 1957-37 102 102'i LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY i i 4S May 1958-38 104 105 4s November 1957-37 103 104 4S July 1945-44 109 110 3 Via May 1955-45 102 103 120 20 Kellogg sw PI 4 Attr Mtg Bk 7s '47 20V. 20V. 204 1 Cent Bk Ger 6s '51 28V, 28'i 28V, 6 Ger Mun 7s '47 26 25 25 1 Isarco Hyd El 7s '52 68 66 66 1 It Sup Pw 6s '83 A 58'4 58V, 58H 2 Rio de Jan 6 Vis '59 15 15 15 Stand Mlot.

Il.300.00t. 3s July 1955-45 101 101 30 KyUUrcum pf(3 427'a 30 Law beck pf (6) 29 100 Llb-McN 9H 10 Lincoln Pt pt (1) 45 3 January 1956-48 101 101 3a May 19M-48 101 V. 1019b.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


How to read the courier journal online? ›

As part of your subscription, you can view your newspaper online at

What is courier journal com? ›

The Courier Journal is the region's most trusted source for local news, features, commentary discussion, and a leading multi-media advertising and marketing solutions company.

How do I contact the Louisville Courier Journal? ›

How do I contact Customer Service? To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-800-866-2211 or chat online here.

What is the largest newspaper in Louisville Kentucky? ›

The Courier-Journal, morning daily newspaper published in Louisville, Kentucky, long recognized as one of the outstanding regional newspapers of the United States.

How do I read subscription articles online? ›

How to Get Past a Paywall to Read an Article for Free
  1. Paste the headline into Google. The simplest ways are often the best. ...
  2. Try a Facebook redirect.
  3. Open the link in an incognito window. ...
  4. Disable JavaScript in your browser. ...
  5. Enable "reader mode" ...
  6. Use a VPN. ...
  7. Use Bypass Paywalls from GitHub. ...
  8. Try another browser add-on.
Jun 21, 2024

Where is the Louisville Courier Journal printed today? ›

The Courier Journal will now be printed and trucked in from Indianapolis. Its current printing presses, opened in 2004, will be closed and dismantled. "It's the end of an era," News Director Mike Trautmann said. "But make no mistake, The Courier Journal is here to stay — just as it has been the past 153 years.

Who owns the journal and courier? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

What is the history of the Louisville Courier Journal? ›

The Courier-Journal was created from the merger of several newspapers introduced in Kentucky in the 19th century. A pioneer paper called The Focus of Politics, Commerce and Literature was founded in 1826 in Louisville when the city was an early settlement of less than 7,000 individuals.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Louisville Courier Journal? ›

Placing an obituary in The Courier-Journal Louisville starts at $94.00.

How do I cancel the Louisville Courier Journal? ›

To contact Customer Care click here or call (800) 866-2211.

Is the courier journal delivered on holidays? ›

USPS Mail Delivery: If you receive your print edition via the US Postal Service, your print edition will be delivered with your mail service. However, when there is no postal delivery, such as federally recognized holidays, your newspaper will be delivered the next day there is postal delivery available.

What is the nickname for Louisville? ›

Derby City

This nickname needs very little explanation, especially this time of year. The first Kentucky Derby took off in 1875, and shortly thereafter the horse race became the most prestigious in the US — and maybe the world — eventually making Louisville synonymous with it.

What is the racial makeup of Louisville, Kentucky? ›

Louisville, Kentucky has a population of 629,200. The median household income is $63,100 and 15% of residents live below the federal poverty level. The racial and ethnic composition is 7% Hispanic, 63% White, 24% Black and 3% Asian.

What food is Louisville known for? ›

So, we've listed the most important and iconic tastes to try on your next visit to the Bluegrass State.
  • HOT BROWN. The Hot Brown was created at the Brown Hotel in downtown Louisville in 1926, and it's still the best place to try one. ...
  • BURGOO. ...
  • BARBECUE. ...
  • DERBY-PIE® ...
Jul 25, 2023

How to read WSJ articles online? ›

Articles will be listed by date in a database. We recommend going to the WSJ website ( first to identify which articles you would like to read in full. The public version of the WSJ website allows you to view news headlines and a brief description of all articles, without requiring an online subscription.

What is the circulation of the courier journal? ›

Read by over 400,000 adults every weekday and nearly 600,000 each Sunday, The Courier-Journal delivers exceptional reach of every type of audience segment. On the digital front,, is Kentucky's number one local media site.

Is the courier a daily paper? ›

The Courier (Dundee) is a British daily newspaper published in Dundee, Scotland, UK.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.