New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 01/26/1981 (2024)

A. Tragic. Story. What do you think the state Senate has approved a bill to control toxic waste in. The state's Medicaid fund. In sports Bill Perry will have the weekend basketball highlights. And we'll take a closer look at Princeton's McCarter Theater. The state's out of spare approved by a wide margin a bill to control hazardous waste disposal facilities. And then a separate photo servers mailed out or Jerseys financially elling that. Plan. The bill was approved by a 30 to 1 vote for such a god subject there was surprisingly little debate. The sponsor Senator Frank Dodd of Essex County was praised by Speaker after speaker for shepherding the complicated legislation through the Senate. The bill which now goes to the assembly would create a nine member commission or super agency to oversee and regulate hazardous waste facilities in the state. Dodd said it would be modeled after the Casino

Control Commission to the point of construction could be named to take over space facilities. She said. The. Sights. To be done as they are and we're not talking about digging a hole in the ground or stacking barrels one on top of the other. These are extremely sophisticated state of the art type things in the drawing or hearing incineration that say many innovative recovery processes. So it's not a joint venture weight that we've known for this is certainly not a chemical attraction township but just like a dog was able to get the backing of both the chemical industry and environmentalists by holding extensive hearings on the issue. Allow input by both sides. So. It was open to quickly. If you. Went to the Senate floor to personally congratulate Dodd for getting the bill through at the

State House. I'm Jim acquainted this afternoon the Senate also approved 53 million dollar Medicaid appropriation to cover a pending shortfall in that program. The Assembly approved it last week. It now goes to Governor Barr for his approval. The panel also needs to be reformed. That story after nearly a year of study the legislature's Juvenile Justice Task Force so juvenile crime is getting worse and more complex. The task force report said a family court system dealing only with youthful offenders should replace the current juvenile and domestic relations court. The chairman of the panel Martin Herman said the present court system is inconsistent in the way it punishes offenders. The system as it exists today is that perhaps the robber the same way we treat the kid that takes a bag of candy from somewhere. At least within the way the public perceives it.

The report also recommends that parents of juvenile breakers should be legally compelled to participate in their children's rehabilitative program for the first time in a constitutional way. I believe that with jurisdiction over the family we will be able to say to the family to the father the mother you do this and you must do that. And if you don't help us straighten this kid out. You're going to be held in contempt of court. The task force wants to keep youngsters out of places like this and keep them in the custody of parents and social workers whenever possible and family court judges should be given more latitude in fitting the punishment to the crime. A legislator said the first of the bills incorporating their recommendations will be introduced in March. Assembly speaker Chris Jackman promised to push the bill through the legislature soon as possible. One hitch may develop legislators say many of their proposals will need more state. And Governor Byrne has already warned of state cutbacks when he proposes his budget next week in Trenton.

Attorney General John Degnan is exploring with the Casino Control Commission ways to ease regulation of Atlantic City's gambling industry. One change the attorney general supports is reducing the number of casino employees forced to undergo the background investigations. A spokesman for Degnan said the industry's complained about over regulation may be legitimate but if the commission agrees to relax casino regulation the legislature will have to rewrite the Casino Control Act on which the commission bases its actions. A loss of power during last night's Super Bowl telecast sparks fires rocks throwing its. City more than twenty seven hundred customers at the outlet section of the city. Or affected. And well let it go electric restored power line. Apparently wasn't fast enough for some irate yourself. Fires several about. Lots of buildings. Fire officials got the place under control. Several hours. No injuries no arrests have yet been for James Scott. The 33 year old boxer and a contender a light heavyweight division today began a

fight that will determine whether he will spend the rest of his life in prison. Scott is presently serving a 30 to 40 year term for armed robbery but he now faces a murder charge stemming from the 1975 shooting of a South Orange Man. Jury selection took place today. And Pats got us there. The eyes of a nation to watch James Scott pursue a professional boxing career while serving time in the Rahway state prison for a 1975 arm robbery conviction. But now with the assistance of nationally prominent attorney William Kunstler Scott is standing trial for the murder of Everett Russell a crime he is accused of committing to cover up that armed robbery the same jury that convicted Scott could not reach a verdict on the murder charge creating a mistrial closers defended several the Chicago Seven among others is adopting a wait and see defense one of two possible approaches a six county prosecutor right. The killing and.

The killing but we don't really know what they're really going to. Ironically both attorneys were looking for jury selection. Watching the fight. And later in our newscast Bill Perry will have more on James. Three weapons charges stemming from a shooting incident last year at the home of a black family and Barnegat Township. His brother James. All. Three. Rifle shots into a black family home last night. No one was injured but child in Buffalo just two weeks ago on the

anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday and organized a condo in August of 1979. That's when six months since the first all female class of state graduated from the police academy while having more women on the force it's not made any major disruptions. Their presence has created a few minor ones. But. Why. Would a. 24 year old Mary wait. Was. One. Of the first class troopers anywhere in the country and 20 weeks of restraint. Not surprisingly reaction from from. Some people. To. Start.

Stop. Stop. What. Is going to be. Too much for us. That. Wasn't my decision to make. I. Tried to look at one. Of mine. And I can't say. We can't say that at this point. We don't like change. Current. Status from. The. Shop. Or something. Therefore we have a change of. Officials here at State Police Headquarters say so far they're very. Pleased with the performance of the female transfers. It's national experiment. Hold final judgement. I tell you the results of a five year study designed to show just how effective the women are as compared to their male counterparts. But the female will make little trifle less

motor vehicle arrest. We're looking at not just the number of arrests but the type of arrests. We're looking to see whether or not the female is having difficulty in making these arrests. In April 11 more women are expected to graduate from the police academy in Sea Girt. And if they need any encouragement she doesn't hesitate to offer it. If I had to do it again I probably would. It's exciting it's different and I'm still excited about the job and I'm proud to be a state trooper in North Hanover Township. I'm Susan nice loss. The state's Supreme Court has ruled today that the Board of Public Utilities has final authority in the awarding of local cable TV franchises. In a unanimous decision written by Chief Justice Robert will Lenz The court upheld the right to overturn local government cable-TV decisions because of its regional impact. The case which will affect all areas not now served by cable systems involved Dover

and Berkeley townships in Ocean County. The 100 year old newspaper El Progreso will soon become a tabloid and may move its headquarters from Emerson New Jersey to New York City. The paper has a national circulation of 60000 and has for decades been a major information source to Italian-Americans the newspaper's owner recently brought in Progreso for one million dollars. He wants to move the paper closer to the Italian speaking community there are some sections of North Jersey are now down to a 60 day supply of water. And officials fear what may happen this spring when demand for water increases. Raj Wells has more in tonight's drought update. A plan to supply water to the Hackensack water company at the rate of 80 million gallons a day has been on the drawing board for five years. Today it looks from the drawing board of the Board of Public Utilities. The board plans to make a decision on whether or not the company can begin construction on its two bridges project to bridges divert water from the Passaic River

through a pipeline and then into the reservoir. The city of Paterson. File suit to stop the project. Five years ago claiming it would be great for Patterson. But the argument was overturned in court. But now the public Advocate's office is trying to block a second rate hike request of the public advocates office once the company's stockholders not the customers to pay for the two bridges project. Even if Hackensack gets the go ahead it will be nearly five years before it's completed. Last week total water consumption was three hundred eighty two point seven million gallons compared to three hundred ninety six point seven million gallons the week before a reduction of three point three percent. Nowhere near what the stated hope for. The Passaic Valley Water Commission increased consumption last week. Percent 63 percent to

6 5 2 0 0. 8 percent. But 20 percent of capacity. Finally. Last week 21 percent after. Me. Tried. To. You're fired. She asked. She did. Now here is the weather forecast cloudy breezy and milder around the state.

Will be in the upper 30s equality in the mid 40s and the outlook for Wednesday partly cloudy. Princeton's McCarter Theater is one of 11 professional equity theaters in the state.

But what separates it from all the regional theaters is its range of performances not just drama dance music film and other special events. And for the first time in recorded history the theater is mounting a stage 2 production and alternative theater that is a feature of many regional companies. Tonight producer Gaye Rosenthal and I take a closer look at MacArthur and its new pilot project which could add a new dimension to upcoming seasons. Does the hospital know why do we call. This is a scene from putting out a comedy adapted from the Russian novel. The play itself was written by Brown and is a direct descendant of the playwrights in the Carter series. It's a program designed to attract new works to the theatre. Each year out of hundreds

of scripts submitted about six new plays are chosen to be read to McCarter audiences last year putting on the dog was selected for such a reading. This is our next stage beyond stage to its second stage of developing new work and we're actually going to put the play on which is exciting. ROB CARTER IS projects director and director of this production has been working with Brown and members of MacArthur's resident company for several weeks. That's right. Why don't you try coming up next to the. Head. Speaking of good looking man. The main difference between this play and a main stage production is that there is no production budget available for stage 2 costumes are pulled from the company's existing stock at least for this play. The set is in the round minimizing what has to be built from scratch. Perhaps the most important element in the success of a new production from the very first reading is the audience and playwright the lowest Brown couldn't agree more.

Just knowing that it's going to be in front of other people immediately makes you see you know where the flaws are much quicker. And then when they actually do see it things that you couldn't predict in advance or couldn't see in advance from having lived with a play for a while and become clear. One last thing why you feel good and you stop worrying. And when they're not laughing then you're trying to figure out what it is that's that's wrong. Not only is putting on the dog a first for Carter but for Brown as well and for a new project like this it is essential the playwright work directly with the cast. One of the conditions of getting a reading here is that the playwright be present. I mean he just it just would be no point doing it without the playwright because a playwright is the essential you know that I mean he's the one we all depend on to to do the work from which everyone else. Takes off. But even though my attention is focused here at 185 Nassau Street

two production a few blocks away is just as busy. There are a variety of performances planned there this winter and the play eminent domain will kick off its 1981. JACKSON The theater's artistic director is now in his second season at McCarter a season that has been filled with sold out performances productions and a special treat for the disabled. In December a performance of Dickens A Christmas Carol for some 200 deaf children. It was the first time that's been done at McCarter Jackson says the performance was a good example of the reciprocal relationship that can exist between the theater and the community. We demonstrated what it is the theatre can do. In return it was marvelous to see audiences. Children for whom the theatre really is a foreign land because they can hear for the first time to be exposed to that and

to delight in it. And I hope that. After the play in December it's the Annenberg Center in Philadelphia another production that will also play out of state is Orson Welles. Extensive. Choice. Is a good one. We have always taken a farce at the Comedy of Errors and we took the miser's strictly as a House of Mirth. I mean we do other things as well and that is understatement. Last year over 400 performances and for the number of more than two million dollars the theater is in financial shape. At a press conference earlier this month MacArthur announced $100000 challenge Grand National Endowment for the Arts and the grant has far reaching implications.

It is increasing. Service to the community and understanding the word community. I mean the state of New Jersey Jackson is extremely satisfied with Theater in New Jersey. A recent trip to Eastern Europe to strengthen. Relationships and in a sense expose us to a very vivid theater that's going on in the eastern block. I think whenever you. Visit any other theater and you. Look at your own house. I think our house is in order. Now I know what you're going to say but she's very mature for her age. Of course naturally I don't want to.

Wait two years. I'm married already. Overdoing it had nothing to do with the operation. I've been in love with her for weeks. Of course you don't need the operation. The production of putting on the dog through February 1st. The Jersey Transit officials today renewed efforts to suspend a contract with the Grumman company after new problems with the company's boss surfaced over the weekend. Officials told transit lines in 27 cities new problems controlling the been discovered. New Jersey Transit has ordered two hundred seventy one of the so-called flexible advanced design. But because of structural problems in your Jersey Transit Company. 38 million dollar contract until those problems are corrected. Meanwhile Essex County College officials are trying to plug one and a half million dollar. Budget.

Cation chancellor to get more on what the college. Was the deficit is eliminated so college may lose its state license to award degrees. College officials could also face state action. Chancellor Hollander has given college officials until February 15th to submit a new financial plan to the state. And now here is Bill parry with sports bill. Thank you Karen one question Is today a marvelous

Monday. I mean yesterday was super Sunday sorry about that all you Eagle fans around here now basketball the Mets will hit the road for three straight games in Texas this week starting tomorrow night. Coming off another loss yesterday Washington 118 New Jersey 100 after falling behind by nine. That's made a nice second quarter run Darwyn Cooke in the middle of things he had 11 in the second quarter after shooting just 23 percent in the first quarter the Mets got right back in it and it was forty eight all at the half. Now we're picking up fourth quarter but that's up by 177 76 Mike Nolan the only yet to do anything in the final period Newman finished with 22 10 in the fourth but Washington got 16 points from Mitch Kupchak in the last 12 minutes and blew it open cup Jack finished with 30 watch right here around Maurice Lucas for the slam and then you will see the game's final bucket just taking it away. From my two Minsky. 118 100. Washington. Tonight a college basketball left to use at home against the NRA over the weekend St. Peters how to win Seton Hall another tough loss first for that St. Peter's went easy 81 53 over Stone Hill

William Brown had a career high 24 points for the peaco*ck's now 10 and 5 March back at 12 for the winner of this jumper coming up on St. Peter's 1008 with seven minutes left in the first half. Kevin Rogers had a big night for St. Peters 18 for Rogers on 9 of 16 from the field Rodgers also at 14 rebounds St. Peters wins Seton Hall is now six in 10 one in five in the Big East after losing in overtime 70 to 68 the Boston College pick and 22 for the pirates. It was close throughout with 33 seconds to play in regulation Dan Kammen drill right here hit the tide at 60 to 100 for the Hall of the chance to win. But after a shot wouldn't go Dusty OT Boston College now 12 into overall and for him to win the Big East got 23 points from Mark Bagley including this bucket plus the fall in the overtime they went to 72 to 68. In women's college hoops look at this final shot time first half Patty Coyle from way out for Rutgers Lady Knights 34 25 over Syracuse at the half then in the second half.

1:40 sport at the outset coils running 14 for Patty then she's feeding Kris Kirschner Kirshner had a game high 29 points and 13 rebounds Rutgers is now 14 and one they are ranked second nationally big winners over Syracuse. Eighty one forty nine. James Scott has been out of the news for the most part since his last last May to Jerry Martin with Scott's only loss at the time he was the number one ranked light heavyweight contender. But because the wrong way prison or a loss the networks and the media forgot about him now he's back in the news today as you heard earlier in this newscast that James got murder trial began. Scott has hopes to exonerate himself and he has hopes to continue his boxing career and become champions despite that one loss. And last minute all those Clay lost Joe Frazier lost form in the US so why should my laws be so phenomenal. I can realistically hope for a title or title you know I believe that I really believe Martin you know any person can convince me would be a divine source I believe in

God is going to give me a chance to pursue my career give me a title shot because of all the obstacles you know. James grout had more to say in a far reaching interview with the president we'll have more with Scott in the near future. You'll hear him react to the fact that the Boxing Association took away. Right they took the action because they thought they had to deny that title shot parents or sports. Thank you Bill. And once again our top stories the state Senate has approved a bill to control house a distance but also oil facilities and other legislation the senators also bailed out New Jersey's ailing Medicaid plan and a legislative Study Commission has called for the creation of a family court for juvenile crime. The commission also wants parents to be legally required to join their children's rehabilitative programs. That's the new for Bill Perry. I'm Karen still. Good night for the insurance and nightly news. Television WTT. The program is broadcast on weeknights

at 6:30 p.m. on Channel 13 and at 7:30 p.m. The New Jersey public television there was a peep broadcast that you let in PM. I do Jersey public television and at seven the following morning on Channel 13 persons reported. It.

New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 01/26/1981 (2024)
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