Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)

7. 7. -Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Monday, Nov. 15, 1943 2 BIRTHS Honolulu, Richard Nov. Yamamoto, 3, to 1452-B Kamehameha IV daughter Matsumi.

FUJIOKA --In Honolulu, Nov. 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Kiyoto Fujioka, 1469-C S. King Suemi.

HOKAMA --In Honolulu, Nov. to Mr. Motoichiro Hokama, 1031 Kekaulike daughter--Shirley Emiko. MISHIMA -In St. Francis hospital, Oct.

31, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiyoshi Mishima, 1661-B Waikahalulu lane, son. For the Happy Bride we suggest a Blue. White Diamond Ensemble in Platinum.

Ichinose's UPTOWN JEWELERS 163 N. King St. T. 2505 MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Filed in Honolulu, 12, with Agent Mrs. Leila L.

Rankin: Masasht Koga, 728 Kanoa and Fumiko Hatta, Ewa, Oahu. Federico Amian Agtarap, 2269 N. King and Basalisa Patcho, same address. William Radoff, 2169 Kalia and Olga Mae Kobelansky, 2454 Waolani Ave. Thomas Keegan, Staten Island, N.

Mary Phillips, 2330 Dangled Pikake place. Stepher. Moo Shu Ling, 2027 Dole and Janice Kwai King Gee, 68 N. King St. Finest Diamond Wedding Ring Set Terms price in city NATIONAL JEWELERS 1165 Fort St.

MARRIAGES Honolulu, Nov. ORTER Max Porter and Miss Isabella Marcas, Judge Francis M. Brooks officiating; witnesses--Joseph Dias and Mrs. E. M.

Hoefler. HAMRICK- JOHN--In Honolulu, Nov. 11, Eugene Elsworth Hamrick and Miss Bessie Lee St. John, Rev. Edwin B.

Dozier officiating; witnesses-Helen M. Nelson and Carl M. Wilson. NAIWI- Honolulu, Nov. 7, Charles David Gordon Grant and Miss Mildred Naiwi.

Rev. E. S. Fujinaga officiating; witnesses- -Flora Kamana and Kala Kamana. LINDSTI.

AN-BOWERS In Honolulu, Robert Oscar Lindstran and Miss Maude Bowers, Rev. E. Tanner Brown officiating: witnesses-Lillian and Elmer T. Wells. TOYOZA In Honolulu, Nov.

12, Charles Sakai Toyozaki and Miss Helen Teruko Nakama, Judge F. M. Brooks officiating; witnessesMrs. F. M.

Hoefler and Hazel G. McCraw. ONOUYF-KOMATSU-In Honolulu, Nov. 12, Isao Onouye and Chisato Komat.u, Judge F. M.

Brooks officiating: witnesses--Mitsujiro Komatsu Susumu Kato. NAGAR Honolulu, Nov. 7. Ray Nobuyoshi Nagaei and Miss Gladys Aiko Kuwase, Maj. Naoji Suzuki, Salvation Army, officiating; witnesses -James T.

Okamoto and Mitsu Kawahara. YAMAGUCHI-TOMOKIYO-In Honolulu, Nov. Masao Richard Yamaguchi and Miss Helen Mitsuko, Tomokiyo, Rev. John Dunstan officiating; witnesses -Mrs. R.

M. Sasaki and Raymond T. Sasaki. OMORI-MATSUMOTO In Honolulu, Nov. 6, James Michito Omori and Miss Jane Kiyoko Matsumoto, Rev.

H. Tamnayose officiating: witnessesThomas Yukio Nakamura and Alice Fumi Matsumoto. TOMIHAMA-YOGI-In Honolulu, Nov. 6, Edward Sosei Tomihama and Miss There a Tsuruyo Yogi, Henry P. Judd officiating; witnesses-Beatrice Tomihama and Thomas S.

Ogata. BODDIF-BROOKS-In Honolulu, Nov. 9, Louis Boddie and Miss Catherine Brooks, Judge Francis M. Brooks officiating: witnesses Hazel Garnett McCraw and Mrs. Eve M.

Hoefler. LIM-KIM-In Honolulu, Nov. 9, George Lim and Miss Peggy Bong Hark Kim, Judge F. M. Brooks officiating; witnesses-Mrs.

Hazel G. McCraw Mrs. Eve M. Hoefler. CASABA -In Honolulu, Nov.

8, Francisco Cabanting Casabar and Miss Kapule Kawelo, Judge F. M. Brooks officiating: witnessesEleanor A. Moore and E. M.

Hoefler. IS -In Honolulu, Nov. 7. George Hiroto Ishii and Miss Suyeno Yamachika, Rev. Masaichi Goto officiating; witnesses-Masami Otsuka and Louisa Nobuye Ishii.

WONG-NAKASONE-In Honolulu, Nov. 7. Hung Kee Wong and Miss Alice Yasuko Nakasone, Rev. Kim On Chong officiating; witnesses Mrs. Edna M.

Fisher and Richard Y. T. Jay. BOLOS ROSA-In Honolulu, Nov. Daniel Gonsalo Bolos and Mrs.

Pauline de la Rosa, Elder J. Emerson officiating; witnesses -Rufino P. Bas and Anna K. Bas. ELDRIDGE-AIKAU-In Honolulu, Nov.

4. Carl Eldridge and Miss Annie Aikau, Elder J. Emerson Hallstrom officiating; witnesses--Solomon Aikau and Theresa Joy Aikau. KWAI-YIM-in Honolulu, Nov. 7, Lam Kwai and Miss Gladys Yung Hoy Yim, Rev.

Y. Sang Mark officiating: witnesses--Julia Kathe and Joseph Lau. NAGAMINE-KUNIYOSHI-In Honolulu, Nov. 8, Kosei Nagamine Miss Takeko Kuniyoshi, Rev. Masaichi Goto officiating: witnesses-Matsukichi Yara and Yasusada Matsuda.

NAKAITARA-MATSUDA In Honolulu, Nov. 8, Anko Nakahara a and shiko Matsuda, Rev. H. Tamayose officiating; witnesses--Jack Shigeru and Ellen Shizue Matsumoto. TSUKADA-TAK1-In Honolulu, Nov.

7, Minoru Tsukada and Miss Harumi Taki. Rev. Zenkyo Komagata officiating: witnesses--Richard H. Goto and Harry S. Ozaki.

SAMS-FOREST-In Honolulu, Nov. 11, Willard Harden Sams and Miss Emerise Madeline Forest, Judge Francis M. Brooks officiating: wit-Hazel G. McCraw and E. M.

Hoefier. KINUMATSU-NAKAGAWA-In Honolulu. Nov. 7, Makoto Kinumatsu and Miss May Kiyoko Nakagawa, Rev. Iwasaburo Yoshikami officiating: witnesses--Jinpel Muraoka and Chikabu Nishikawa.

SONE-TANOUYE-In Honolulu, Nov. 7, Louis Motomu Sone and Miss Lillian Tomiye Tanouye, Rev. Masaichi Goto officiating: witnesses Hayashi and Daigoro Ogata. CHRISINGER-PATTERSON In Honolulu. Nov.

7. Raymond Guy Chrisinger and Miss Brenda Irene Patterson. Rev. John Dunstan officiating: witnesses, Oliver T. Kritter Jr.

and Helen M. Steffregen. JUVEIA In Honolulu. Nov. 7.

Arnold Creekmur and Miss Angeline Gouvela, Rev. Father Camillus Meagher officiating; witnesses. George P. Mendes and Mrs. Virginia Mendes.

-In Honolulu, Nov. John Robello and Mrs. Annie Kekuewa Sonoda. Bishop David Kaaofficiating: witnesses, Setsumi Yokoyama and Sarah Brown Robins. LENDRUM-KAPELA In Honolulu, Nov.

6. Richard William Lendrum and Miss Eleanor Ekekela Kapela, Rev. Edward Kahale officiating; witnesses, o. W. Morrison and May Kapela.

QUON CHING In Honolulu, Nov. 7. Richard Kwai Yuen Quon and Miss Dorothy Kam Hong Ching. Rev. E.

Tanner Brown officiating: witnesses, Harold S. Lee and Nancy C. W. Chin ADER MAN-LIMA In Honolulu, Nov. 3.

Wilfred Glenn Aderman and Miss Lucy de Lima, Rev. Charles Lochbaun officiating: witnesses, Myrtle de Lima and Robert L. Binkley. BAILEY-DE MOSS--In Honolulu, Miss Nov. 7.

Elliott John Bailey and Elsie Corrine De Moss, Chaplain William N. Weaver, USA, officiating; witnesses, Nora G. Zaik and Earl B. Kiblinger. NOW IS THE TIME to insure that high school and college education.

Call A. M. Sedgwick. Ph. 1366 or 97220.

DEATHS NISH) MOTO-In Queen's of hospital, Nov. Lillian Eiko, daughter Mr. and 10, Mrs Harr Yorito Nishimoto. 975 Akepo lane, native of Honolulu, 9 old. Cremated Nov.

11. MAKAHI Nov. In 9, Kauikeolani son of Children's Mr. hospital, Samuel Luka Vernon, Makahi, 745 and Kalihi, native of Mrs. Honolulu, Kopke 8 months and 16 days old.

Buried years Nov. 11 in Nuuanu cemetery. SOUZA-1 St. Souza, Francis 3523 hospital, McCorriston Nov. Jose de 9.

married, USED foreman, native of Madeira, Portugal, 57 of island old. Kuakini hospital, Nov. 8. KEKUA--In 1763 Moana, widPhilip native Kauai, 50 ower, months and 27 days old. chauffeur, years 11 Nov.

11 in Nuuanu cemetery. Buried Borthwick PARLORS PH. 59158 FUNERAL Vital Statistics LODGES AND ORGANIZATIONS Veterans OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE U. S. Department of Hawail Headquarters: 184 Merchant St.

Phone 68573 All Service Men in Hawaii Are Eligible for Membership POST MEETINGS GENERAL FREDERICK FUNSTON POST No. 94, Honolulu, K. of P. Hall. Adams lane at Union, rear of Telephone 1 p.

Second Friday of each month. HENRY O. FLIPPER POST No. 970, Building 3002, Schofield Barracks. 6:00 p.

m. Last day of each HONOLULU POST No. 1540, Honolulu meets every 1st and 3rd 6:30 p.m. at the Knights of Pythias Hall, Adams Lane and Union. COMMANDER JOHN ROGERS SHIP No.

2432, Honolulu, First Wednesday, 1 p. American Legion Clubhouse. Fourth Friday, 6 p. Nights of Pythias Hall, Union St. WILLIAM H.

KENYON POST No. 2875, Schofield. First floor, Post headquarters building, 6:00 m. Second Wednesday of each month. CHRISTENSEN WHITEMAN POST No.

3824, N.C.O. club, 8 p. m. Second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. No.

3830, A Hostess House, Hickam PVT. STUART H. FIANDER POST Field. 2nd and 4th Sundays 7:00 p. m.

Wings Barracks. LT. GORDON H. STERLING POST No. 3840, Chapel No.

3, Wheeler Field, 1:30 p. 1 m. First (business) and third (social) Sundays. KINGS POST No. 3845, Ft.

Post Clubhouse. Second and fourth Thursdays. ANDREW KING POST No. 3850, 63 High Wailuku, Maui, every Sunday, 2 p. m.

MAJOR J. E. COXWELL POST No. 3860, Barking Sands, Kaual. First and third Mondays of each month.

KAIMUKI-WAIKIKI POST 3865, 2nd and 4th Sundays 2:00 p. St. Patrick's Hall, Waialae Ave. GENERAL WILLIAM F. HASE POST First third Thursdays at Post Library.


Every Sunday 2 p. m. V.F.W. club house. Hilo.

Hawaii. MASONIC CALENDAR Meeting at Masonic Temple, Tuesday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Corner Makiki and Kinau. For the week beginning November 15th Nov. 15th Hawaiian Lodge No. 21.

Second degree 4:15. Pearl Harbor Lodge No. 598, Odd Fellows Temple, Alapai and Lunalilo Sts. Second degree 5:30. Nov.

16th Honolulu Lodge No. 409.0 Third degree 4:15. Schofield Lodge No. 443, Masonic Temple, Schofield. First degree 6:00.

Nov. 17th Hawaiian Lodge No. 21. Third degree 4:15. Nov 18th Commandery No.

1, K. T. Stated- Order of the Temple 4:15. Pearl Harbor Lodge No. 598, Odd Fellows Temple, Alapai and Lunalilo Sts.

First degree 5:30. Nov. 19th-Lodge Progres de l'Oceanie No. 371. Third degree 5:45.

Nov. 20th Lodge le Prode l'Oceanie No. 371- Third degree 12:15. ATTENTION. Notice: To all Master Masons of the Prince Hall of affiliation Free and Accepted Mason in the T.

H. There will be a meeting held on Sunday, Nov. 14, 1943, at 80 South Queen St. for the purpose of organizing a Masonic Lodge. By the authority of the most worshipful grand master of California and Jurisdiction.

George R. Vaughns, Grand Master. Henry J. Green Special Deputy. Masonic War Service Bureau MASONIC TEMPLE Cor.

Kinau-Makiki Sts. off Beretania All Sojourning Masons in the armed or defense work are cordially invited. Facilities provided for reading. writing, games and information. Open daily from 10 to 6, except Sun.

SCOTTISH RITE CATHEDRAL Corner Kewalo Wilder Ave. 29th Thursday, degree conferred November 18, full 4:15 form p. "inder the direction of Earl Fielding. PEARL HARBOR LODGE 1. B.

P. O. E. of W. Meetings 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 80 S.

Queen St. Union Hall, 5 to 9 p. m. Lloyd Jackson, E. R.

G. W. Alleyne, Fin. Sec'y. Henry J.

Green, Gd. Deputy. HAWAIIAN TRIBE No. 1. 0.

R. M. Meets 2nd Sundays, 10 a. m. at JOSEPH'S HAT CLEANERS 124 S.

Beretania TEIXEIRA ZASIMOVITCH, C. of Sachem. R. Foresters Lodge Court Camoes No. 8110 Hereafter meetings will be held on first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.

m. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Mystic Lodge No. meets Wednesday, Nov. 3rd, and Wednesday, 17th, at 4:30 p.m. Pythian Hall, Adams lane at Bishop St.

and Union. Light supper served. Visitors welcome. HONOLULU AERIE No. 140, F.

0. E. Meets on the 1st 3rd Mondays every month at 7 P. Knights. Adams of Pythias Lane Hall Manuel Furtado, W.

T. Otto Smith, Sect. HONOLULU LODGE No. 616, B.P.O.E. Regular meeting second fourth Sundays, Nov.

14 and Nov. 28. Elks Home Waikiki Beach-2915 Kalakaua Ave. OHIO SOCIETY OF OAHU 3rd -regular monthly meeting. Army Navy Y.M.C.A.

at 4:30 p. m. Annual election 3rd Sunday, November. All Ohioans welcome. P.

0. Box 3675-Honolulu The Honolulu StarSUBSCRIPTION RATES Printed and Published Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Ltd. Published Afternoon Except Sunday 125 Merchant Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, U. S. A.

Joseph R. Farrington, President and General Manager Riley H. Allen, Editor Vern Hinkley, Managing Editor CARRIER DELIVERY By carrier anywhere on the island of Oahu, 90 cents per month. Saturday only, by carrier, $3 per year; 45c per month. MAIL ONLY By mail in advance: Haw'n U.S.A.

Islands Canada Foreign 1 Year $9.00 $12.00 $18.00 6 Months 5.00 6.00 9.00 00 Months 2.70 3.00 5.00 SATURDAY ONLY 1 Year -Hawaiian Islands 1 Year 6.00 1 Year-Continental U. Territories and 6.00 1 Year--Foreign 9.00 Entered as Second Matter, August 17. 1900, at the Postoffice Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, U.S. under the Act of March 3, 1879. Experienced workers who are 100king for WANTED jobs ADS.

read Telephone Star-Bulletin your HELP LOST AND FOUND HELP WANTED--MALE 8 HELP WANTED--MALE HELP WANTED--FEMALE HELP WANTED--FEMALE LOST Brown Wallet At Waikiki Theater, Saturday REWARD PHONE 94168 MR. LEE Lost-Black leather purse bet. Red Hill Lanikai, containing all $40 keys. Finder keep cash please ret. ident.

keys. Ph. 69871. Cleo M. Wilson.

Wallet cont. identification and personal papers of Henry Lopez, Island Welding Supply 651 S. Queen St. Ph. 3843.

LOST -Identification card belonging to Dolores Hidaro, Halawa Camp, Aiea. LOST Billfold, Talberson, containing money army pass, bet. Hon. and Schofield. Call 734301 aft.

5 p.m. Lost-Part Chow Shepherd male pup, vic. St. Louis. Has tape on ear.

Ans. to Bootsie. Ph. 75699. FOUND Black co*cker spaniel, male, near Queen's Hospital, Nov.

9. Phone Rev. Komuro, 5119. Lost-Brown wallet, name in it, M. Correa.

Ph. 22077. PERSONALS CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION If confused or in doubt. Discuss your personal problems with Don Palmer. A strictly confidential analysis may help you.

Ph. 96640 for appointment. WILL CARE for child while you shop, work or spend an evening out. Kaimuki. Phone 739033.

Will do any type of block printing in own home. Ph. 757441 mornings before 10 eves. after Infants Care Specialist T. CRIB.

753112 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT DORA RODRIGUES: Please contact me at once. Important. HOWARD LENT. EDUCATIONAL WE HAVE A FEW OPENINGS I IN ARC WELDING CLASSES MORNINGS--AFTERNOONS EVENING CLASSES No openings in the electrical dept. until the new class starts Feb.

15, 1944. We do all types of high class commercial welding Hawaii Trade Schools 1801 South Beretania Phone 93391 SITUATIONS -MALE Young man desires part time job (5-10 p. Work for room board or straight sal. Capable desk work or otherwise. P.

O. Box 3918, Honolulu 12 8 HELP WANTED- -MALE TRUCK DRIVERS Wanted Apply HIND CLARKE DAIRY Experienced Truck Mechanic Okada Trucking Co. 2065 So. King WANTED Baker Baker's Helper Apply Golden Crust Bakery Phone 4053 1549 9 Emma YOUNG MAN for Permanent Employment Good Future COLEMAN LAMP STOVE LTD. 29 So.

King St. MALE Haole Office Worker willing to work m. and Saturday afternoons Besides clerical experience, including typing and accounting, has mechanical ability and knowledge of radio. Address BOX 119, STAR WATCHMAKERS Part time or full time. Excellent proposition.

See Tongg, 1113 Smith St. Funeral Announcements GASPAR. In this city, Frank Gaspar, Nov. 13, 1943, age 54 years, of 2134 Kalihi St. Beloved husband of Beatrice Elizabeth Gaspar.

Loving father of 3 sons, Lomond, Nelson and Gilbert, 1 daughter, Irene Gaspar, 2 brothers, Louis, Antone, 5 sisters, Mrs. Annie Akui, Mrs. Mary Kiwaha, Mrs. Philomena Hore, Mrs. Helen Ruse.

Miss Sarah Gaspar and 4 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday at 3:15 p. m. at the Lady of the Mount church. Interment was at Kaiulani cemetery with NUUANU MORTUARY in charge of arrangements.

MAKINANO. In this city, Victoria Makinano died a November 12, 1943, age 39 years, of 1265-C-1 Hall St. Beloved wife of Basilio Makinano. Survived daughter. Funeral services Monday.

November 15, at 3 m. Burial at Diamond Head cemetery. Friends may call at residence after 1 m. Monday, SILVA'S MORTUARY in charge of arrangements. MAMZANO.

In this city, Serafin Salvacion Mamzano died November 10, 1943. age 16 months, of 1412 Kauluwela lane. Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Vante C.

Mamzano. Funeral services 1 Monday, November 15, at 2 m. from the residence, 1412 Kauluwela lane. Burial at Diamond Head cemetery. Friends may call at residence after 2 p.

m. Saturday. SILVA'S MORTUARY in charge of arrangements. Card of Thanks CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Patracia Ann Davis desire to thank their many friends and relatives, and especially the crew of the tug Mikimiki, for the kindness shown and beautiful floral offerings received during their recent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late John Naki Kekai desire to thank their many friends and relatives, especially the 0.

R. L. Co. and the Pearl Harbor Ladies, for the kindness shown and beautiful floral offerings received during their recent bereavement. Need heip? Star-Bulletin Help Wanted ads reach hundreds of workers experienced in your typel Wanted Carpenters Machinists' Helpers 1 Truck Driver ABLE TO GET Unrestricted C.I.B.

Badge Apply City Welding Co. 1028 ALA MOANA BOYS Wanted OVER 18 YEARS Honolulu Lithograph Co. Punchbowl Hotel Streets Phone 4911 SEE MR. OSBERG Top Pay! Plus Bonus! Motorcycle Driver Lubrication Man Body Fender Man HAWAII AUTO SALES 603 So. Beretania Phone 1313 Salesman Wanted Salary and Commission Averages $300 to $400 per Month Permanent Position Must be eligible to enter Army and Navy Posts Write Box 115 WANTED Radio Technician Apply HONOLULU AMUsem*nT EXCHANGE 544 S.

Beretania St. Phone 3090 WANTED Truck Drivers 218 N. Queen PHONE 67456 Apply Y. Higa Trucking Service NTED-EXPERIENCED Part or Full Time Auto Mechanic Helper Painter's Helper Apply HENRY DANG REPAIR SHOP Corner Smith and Kapena TRUCK DRIVERS TRUCK HELPERS WANTED Clipper Transfer Co. 1159 Kapiolani Blvd.

Driver or Helper WANTED Apply at Central Furniture Co. 689 So. Beretania EXPERIENCED Lubrication Man and Service Station Attendant Apply at SERVICE STATION Corner King Dillingham BOY to learn SERVICE STATION NESS. Must have driver's license. Apply AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE STATION Kawaiahao South Sts.

WANTED DISHWASHER $35 Per Week Apply in Person TOMMY'S GRILL 32 So. Pauahi St. WANTED IMMEDIATELY 2 Carpenters 1 Carpenter Helper TOP WAGES PAID PHONE 88798 AL KUDO BARBER WANTED SALARY OR COMMISSION 1108 NUUANU AVE. Just Above Hotel Nuuanu Truck Drivers WANTED Apply 1247 River Street PHONE 2536 WANTED 2 Bartenders TOP PAY Newest Bar in Town Club Zanzibar 625 Kapahulu Ave. Phone 95585 Wanted JUNIOR DRIVERSALESMEN To Learn Routes Must be 21 years of age or over and be eligible for navy yard pass.

$50 Per Week While Learning Apply in Person COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Keawe and Ilalo Sts. PRINTERS WANTED One all-around printer-compositor, cylinder pressman. One linotype operator. Wages open.

Only sober industrious men need apply. No objection to Orientals. We are doing essential work. For appointment WRITE STAR- BULLETIN BOX 120 Salesman WANTED EXPERIENCED IN MEN'S CLOTHING PREFERRED Apply Kramer Naval Uniforms 1122 Fort opposite Kress Wanted CARPENTERS and HELPERS T. Matsuda PHONE 78436-421 OILI RD.

Jewelry Salesmen PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY POSITIONS Apply by letter giving age, nationality, qualifications and salary desired. BOX 62, STAR-BULLETIN WANTED Carpenters and Helpers GOOD WAGES PHONE 66084 WANTED Yardman who can drive truck. Salary open. Pua Leilani Ho401 2460 Koa Ave. Phone 95572.

YARD MAN or Doy wanted in Woodlawn. Permanent position. Ph. 97479. HELP WANTED--FEMALE Large beautiful room for business girl or women in exchange for taking care of my children 5 p.

m. to 9:45 p. m. Phone 94040. BEAUTY OPERATOR wanted.

Will furnish living quarters. Good wages. Phone 3051 or 736281. MAID-COOK for 2 adults. No laundry.

Puunui I dist. Live out. Good salary to capable woman. Ph. 69616 or 4089.

Maid. Plain cooking, gen. hsewk. Room in sep. servant's qtrs.

for husband. Phone 69288. WANTED-SALESWOMAN (part or full time). Walsh Shop. 1021 Bishop St.

Ph. 5145. Kaimu Part time maid. Work 4 to 8 p. m.

Cook dinner. Ph. 79951 before noon. 2 MAIDS, full part time. Light laundry, sep.

comfortable quarters. Upper Nuuanu. Ph. 69183 after 5 p. m.

MAKIKI. Need reliable Japanese girl to prepare dinner in exchange for lovely quiet quarter. Ph. 91804. 2 GIRLS, 1 for cooking and housework, 1 to act as nursemaid for infant.

Phone 69673. WANTED-Lauhala purse weavers and purse liners. Phone 753113. Intelligent, conscientious oriental sales girl. 1106 Union St.

Maid part time. Laundry and housework. No cooking. Ph. 68509.

NUUANU Full time maid. Two in family. Near bus line. Phone 4319. WANTED--Japanese maid to cook and for general housework.

Ph. 4215. CLEANING WOMAN 2 or 3 days a week. Ph. 947241.

CLEANING WOMAN, 2 or 3 days a week. Phone 947241. GIRL to do infant's laundry, 3 hrs. a day, Kaimuki. Ph.

75604, Mr. Buckley HEY, MUTT! CAN YOU PUSH THIS DOOR OPEN FOR ME? MUTT AND JEFF -By BUD FISHER Salesgirls Wanted Neat Appearance Previous sales experience preferred but not necessary Apply Kramer Naval Uniforms 1122 Fort St. (Opposite Kress) GIRL WANTED Any nationality, with good handwriting and neat appearance, to take up the art of ENGRAVING THE BEST PAY IN HONOLULU Report in person only to Engraver at Benson, Smith Fort and Hotel Streets Main Store Wanted Waitresses Board Room 255 N. King St. STAR GRILL Wanted Barber Girls IN DOWNTOWN BARBER SHOP 50-50 BASIS ALSO ONE Apprentice Barber Girl CALL Hawaiian Factors 202 SO.

BERETANIA Ph. 5212 Salesgirls Wanted Experienced or Inexperienced GOOD WAGES Apply in Person Jaye's Dept. Store 76 S. HOTEL Salesgirls Wanted Apply in Person Young's Department Store 109 N. King St.

Jewelry Salesladies PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY POSITIONS Apply by letter giving age, nationality, qualifications and salary desired. BOX 63, STAR-BULLETIN WAITRESSES WANTED NO SUNDAY WORK GOOD PAY New Orleans Cafe Alakea Merchant Waitresses Room Maids Apply The Blaisdell Hotel 1154 Fort St. Experienced Waitress Part 9 p. m. Full Time-9 a.

Houto 5 p. m. 75c an $110 Month Apply in Person KAIULANI GRILL Opposite Palama Fire Station WANTED WAITRESSES 'Good Wages Kind Treatment VITAMINS CENTER 1059 Bishop St. 9-14-43 WHY IS IT STUCK? THANKS, MUTT! 000. Wanted FOUNTAIN GIRLS Main Store Fort St.

Kaimuki Branch and Waikiki Branch Hollister Drug Ltd. Waitresses 6 DAYS PER WEEK NO SUNDAY WORK Wanted Good Wages Apply Ramona Cafe 669 ALA MOANA ROAD Large Kamaaina Firm has opening for 1 Stenographer 1 Clerk-Typist Box 107, Star-Bulletin KAMAAINA FIRM Girl Cashiers Apply in writing, stating age, nationality, experience and phone number. Box 123, Star-Bulletin Waitress Wanted needs Oriental Preferred $110 TO START Apply Emma's Fountain 1357 EMMA (Opposite Central School) Haole Stenographer Permanent position open for experienced lady. Excellent salary, air conditioned office. Old established 1o- cal firm.

Our staff has been advised of this advertisem*nt. WRITE TO BOX 117, STAR- BULLETIN GIVING PARTICULARS WANTED WOMEN LAUNDRY HELP IN FLATWORK DEPARTMENT Free care for your children in our day center. Apply OVERALL CLEANING SUPPLY 843 Kawaiahao Present statement of availability EXPERIENCED OFFICE GIRL WANTED Apply between hours of 1 p. m. to 4 p.


MARSHALL AFT. 6 P. M. without children. Rent and wages to SEPARATE COTTAGE for quiet couple wife for housework and cooking.

FAMILY OF ONE. Phone 69041. or part time IT MAID. Waikiki district. 2 adults.

Must live in. Phone 95601. Part time or full time maid. Live in. Phone 97254.

WANTED MAID for general housework, no cooking. 1839 Keeaumoku. ROOM MAIDS WANTED St. Elmo Hotel. Ph.

68784. Maid wanted. Live out. Full or part time. Kahala district.

Ph. 78170. Wanted in Kalihi-uka Experienced Maid. Phone 88311 after 5 p. m.

SEWING GIRLS, full or part time. Experienced or inexperienced. Ph. 67964. HAOLE CASHIER, work from 4 p.

m. to 9 $1 hr. Write Box 106, MAID wanted for hotel work. Kapiolani Hotel, 880 So. Beretania.

HEY! COULDN'T YOU YEH, THAT DOOR BUT OPEN IT NEW YOURSELF? AND OPENED EASY! AIN'T HELP WANTED--FEMALE Refined Saleslady Waited Apply Watumull's at Waikiki Oriental Waitress. Wanted NO SUNDAY WORK Apply Times Grill NEXT TO ADVERTISER SALESGIRLS WANTED Experienced or Inexperienced Apply in person YAT LOY CO. 12-30 S. King St. TELEPHONE OPERATORS A REAL WAR JOB FOR WOMEN CALL 3411 Ask for Miss Hunter For Further Information GIRLS WANTED FOR Pleasant, Interesting Work No Experience Necessary GOOD WAGES WHILE LEARNING R.

A. Howe Co. 816 Fort St. LANIKAI-WANTED 1 FULL TIME or 2 PART TIME MAIDS TOP WAGES Nice Home PHONE 2448 DAYTIMES Waikiki Maid Wanted for GOOD SALARY PHONE 95540 or 78220 WANTED 2 Barmaids TOP PAY Newest Bar in Town Club Zanzibar Kapahulu Ave. Phone 95585 WANTED--EXPERIENCED GIRLS to operate and and work in cold drink stand, baseball dart concessions, voice recording booth, etc.

Salary $150 to $200 per month. For particulars call at 1113 Smith. WANTED HOUSEMAID. PLAIN COOKING, NO ENTERTAINING. SMALL FAMILY.


3916 OLD PALI ROAD. Exp. maid. Live in or out. Good wages will give rm.

bd. 6 to 9:30 p. m. 60 cents hour. Inquire 1471 Nuuanu or 1428 Nuuanu.

Wanted -Maid, good worker to clean house 3 times a week. Good pay, no children. 5007 Kalanianaole Highway. Phone 79891 after 9 p. m.

Maid, Kahala beach, plain cooking, no laundry. Separate quarters; good wages. Pleasant atmosphere. Ph. 78467.

ORIENTAL GIRL to clean studio apt. and do pers. laundry, 1 day a week. Gd. pay.

Apply 115-G Ohua aft. 5 p.m. Maid, living near Niumalu hotel. Care only, 2 to 10 p. m.

$65 mo. Ph. 9941, ask for Mrs. Beers. FULL TIME MAID or school girl.

No laundry. Live in. Phone 78913. 281-A Portlock Rd. MA woman time, with live small in (no child).

objection Ph. 95674.0 Maid for general housework cooking. $20 per week. 2 adults. Separate quarters.

Ph. 97169. Maid for light housework and laundry for family of 3. Work 4 hours per day, 6 day week. $15 per week.

Ph. 737712. Wanted Experienced maid. Live in, Comfortable quarters. Phone 69222, 3435 Nuuanu.

WANTED-Exper. girl to care for year old baby. Kaimuki dist. Ph. 734511.

Wanted- Clean up woman. 1166 Smith St. Apply 8 to 12. PART TIME MAID. $60 MONTH.

Phone 79425 before 11 a. m. Wanted 3755. time maid. Live in or SALESGIRL wanted.

No experience Apply 269 So. Hotel. Pl. 2969. Wanted--A cleaning woman day a in Waikiki.

Ph. 92894. and hours. Sun. half day a wk.

off and or daily rest time. For family of 3. Manoa, near bus. Ph. 96669.

Japanese girls to assist in fountain; I KNOW! I GOT ON A PAIR OF GLOVES THE PAINT DRY YET! A.

Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)
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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.