Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)

to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 3 YE C-6 Honolulu Star-Bulletin Monday, July 12, 1982 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING INSURANCE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS STATE OF HAWAII Pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 91 and 294, Hawaii Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given that the Insurance Commissioner will hold a public hearing at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 28, 1982, in the Examination-Conference Room (second floor) of the Building, 1010 1 Richards Street, Honolulu, to consider proposed amendments to Land compilation of Chapter Title 16, Administrative Rules relating to the Hawaii NoFault Law. The substantive amendments to be considered pertain to the following sections of the administrative rules: Section 16-23-1, relating to definitions, amending the definition of Commissioner from the State Commissioner of Motor VEHICLE Insurance to the State Commissioner of Insurance. Section 16-23-10, relating to determination of medical-rehabilitative tort threshold, amending the medical-rehabilitative limit during the period September 1, 1982 through August 31, 1983 to $3,600. Section 16-23-11, relating to required optional additional coverage, proposing that insurers expand optional additional coverages currently required to be offered to each policyholder or applicant, by offering options providing no-fault benefits coverage package with an aggregate limit of $75,000 per person, including monthly earnings loss benefits of $1,500, no-fault benefits coverage package with an aggregate limit of $100,000 per person, including monthly earnings loss benefits of bodily injury liability limits of $100,000 per person; property damage liability limits of $30,000 per occurrence; and increased for bodily injury liability coverage in the amount of $300,000 per person for those motor vehicles required to be insured for that limit by contract or rule of the State of Hawaii or any political subdivision.

Section 16-23-18, relating administration of licensing and regulation, repealed. Section 16-23-57, relating to administrative hearing on denial of claim, proposing that the Commissioner shall not review any denial of benefits in which the disputed amount exceeds $5,000. Section 16-23-62, relating to allocation of burdens, amending the criteria for pportionate reimbursem*nt during the period September 1, 1982 through August 31, 1983, as follows: (1) In accidents involving motor vehicles with a gross weight of more than ten thousand pounds and a vehicle with a gross weight of less than ten thousand pounds, the insurer or self-insurer of the heavier vehicle shall reimburse sixty per cent of the no-fault benefits paid by the insurer or self-insurer of the lighter vehicle. However, in conjuction with Section 294-7, H.R.S., the insurer or self insurer of the lighter vehicle shall not recover more than forty per cent of all duplicative no-fault benefits paid to any person who effects a tort liability settlement for accidental harm; (2) accidents involving motor vehicles with four or more wheels motor vehicles with less than four wheels, the insurer or self-insurer of the motor vehicle with four or more wheels shall reimburse seventyfive per cent of the no-fault benefits paid by the insurer or self-insurer of the motor vehicle with less than four wheels. However, in conjunction with Section 294-7, H.R.S., the insurer or self-insurer of the motor vehicle with less than four wheels shall not recover more than twenty-five per cent of all duplicative no-fault benefits paid to any person who effects a tort liability settlement for accidental harm.

The criteria for proportionate reimbursem*nt established for previous years shall continue to remain in full force and effect, and shall be applicable to no-fault benefits claims for accidents occurring in those respective years. Section 16-23-72, relating to classifications eligible for JUP, requiring that licensed drivers receiving, public assistance benefits consisting of medical services or direct cash payments through the state department of social services and housing, or benefits from the security income program under the social security administration be the sole registered owners of vehicles to be insured under the joint underwriting, plan. Section 16-23-73, relating to public assistance benefits recipients, requiring that the state department of social services and housing shall provide a certificate of eligibility for JUP coverage to eligible licensed drivers who are receiving public assistance benefits from t1 the department or from the supplemental security income program under social security administration, who desire basic no-fault policy coverage under the JUP, and who are the sole registered owners of motor vehicles to be insured under the JUP. Section 16-23-81, relating to JUP private passenger manual, making appropriate adjustments to joint underwriting plan private passenger automobile manual rules and rates. Section 16-23-82, relating to JUP manual, making appropriate adjustments to the joint underwriting plan commercial manual rules and rates.

All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and to state their views relative to, the proposed amendments and compilation. Persons desiring to testify should submit five copies of their written statement to the Insurance missioner at least five days prior to the date of the hearing. Copies of the proposed amendments and compilation are available and may be obtained in advance of the public hearing at the Insurance Division, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, 1010 Richards Street, Honolulu, Hawaii. Mary G. F.

Bitterman Insurance Commissioner LEGAL NOTICE July 5, 12, 19, 1982) 3688) FAMILY COURT, FIRST CIRCUIT, STATE OF HAWAII, FC-A No. 23681 In the Matter of the Adoption of A Male Child, Born on August 28, 1976 (whose legal name is Shane Michael McClary) by James Ellsworth Roberts, the legal spouse of Colleen Frances McClary Roberts, the child's legal parent, Petitionmer. STATE OF HAWAIL TO Jack Leroy Lillie, non-consenting parent, RESPOND ENT, GREETING: You are hereby, notified that Petition for Adoption filed in this Court by James Ellsworth Roberts, the legal spouse of Colleen Frances McClary Roberts, the child's legal parent, Petitioner, will be heard before the Honorable Presiding Judge of the above-entitled Court, in his Courtroom, Kekuanao'a Building, Honolulu, Hawaii, Wednesday, the 25th day of August, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. Dated: Honolulu, Hawail, June 29, 1982. DOUTHIT DARRAH (WILLIAM C.

DARRAH) Attorney for Petitioner (Hon. July 12, 19, 26; Aug. 2, 1982) (SB-3727) NOTICE NOTICE CLASSIFIED WANT Ph. 521-9111 DEADLINES: Space reservations must be made by noon. two days prior to publication.

Space reservations for ads of over 20 column inches must be made three days prior to publication. PROOFS: Copy for ads of 20 or more column inches must be in three days prior to publication for local advertisers, and five days before publication for neighbor island and mainland One set of two proofs will be provided. Hawaii Newspaper Agency, Inc. and the Honolulu Star-Bulletin will not be responsible for errors in ads which do not comply with deadline restrictions. 3709) ATTENTION LEGAL ADVERTISERS ATTENTION LEGAL ADVERTISERS CHECK YOUR ADS the first day they appear and notify Legal Advertising Department of errors immediately.

We will not be responsible for errors the FIRST publication of any advertisem*nt. HAWAII NEWSPAPER AGENCY, INC. (SB-3708) PROJECT ISLAND OF OAHU DATE DR UR, A AVENUE WIDENING AVE DE DEWEY FORT DE RUSSY PANE MAKALER GOLE MILITARY RES WAI CURSE CMOA RO. KAIULANI PRINCESS RD SQUARE MOUNTAINS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PORKS CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU WAIKIKI BEACH PROJECT NO. M-8229 DIVISION OF ENGINEERING (4) CENTER KUNIO AVENUE MIDENING AVENUE TO SEASIDE AVENGE KUMIO BE ROMOLELU, CAMU, PAR 2-6-150 18, 17, 18, 19, 20 SCALE: 1" NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a combined corridor and highway design public hearing will be held at the Thomas Jefferson School Cafetorium, 324 Kapahulu Avenue, on Friday, August 13, 1982, beginning at 7:00 P.M., for the purpose of receiving testimony relating to the alignment and design of Kuhio Avenue Widening, Federal Aid Urban System Route No.

8229, Project No. M-8229(4). The project begins at Seaside Avenue and ends at Kalakaua Avenue. The project involves the widening of the curb to curb width from 40 to 56 feet within the existing 70-foot right-of-way, except for intersection corner roundings. Transportation systems improvements consisting of intersection corner roundings and a separate left-turn lane will be provided.

A replacement trunk sewer line and water main from Kuamoo Street to Kaiulani Avenue will be included. Interested persons will be heard on matters which may affect them and which are within the scope of the project. Relocation assistance programs and tentative schedules for right-of-way acquisition and construction will also be discussed. All persons wishing to testify should register on the night of the public hearing from 6:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.

by filling out a speaker information form that will be provided. Testimony will be received in the order that the forms are turned in. Speakers will be limited to five minutes in their oral testimony to give everyone wishing to testify an opportunity to testify. After all other speakers have been heard, speakers may have an additional five minutes. All speakers are requested to submit one (1) copy of their testimony.

Verbatim written transcripts of the oral proceedings at the public hearing will be No smoking will be allowed at the public hearing. Parties unable or desiring not to appear at the public hearing are urged to file signed statements presenting their views on the project. Such statements may be submitted by August 24, 1982, and should be addressed to: Director and Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works, City and County of Honolulu, 650 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Maps, drawings and other pertinent information as well as written views received as a result of coordination with other, governmental agencies are available for public inspection and copying at: Department Public Works, City and County of Honolulu, Honolulu, Division of Engineering, Honolulu Municipal Building, 15th floor, 650 South King Street, Hawaii 96813. A waiver of environmental impact statement requirements and approval of a categorical exclusion under 23 CFR 771.115(b) (13) (14) were received with the authorization to proceed with preliminary engineering for contract plan preparation and preliminary right-of-way activities from the Federal Highway Administration.

MICHAEL J. CHUN Director and Chief Engineer City and County of Honolulu (S.B.: July 12; Aug. 5, 1982) (SB-3721) Vital Statistics MARRIAGES 99-021 Timothy A. Daw, KauAles and Daniella L.L. Onekes, same, June 25.

Milo Langford, 91-956 Ololani Ewa Beach and Genevieve S. Kuamoo, same, June 25. Scot M. Mitamura, 1260 Ulupuni Kailua and Karen M. Fujimori, same, June 25.

Rudolph Lagasca, 98-020 Kamehameha Highway, Alea and Rhoda Mae P. Mane, same, June 27. Francis L. Tomaselli, 91-536 Road, Ewa Beach and Thomasine M. Santos, same, June 26.

Marcus E. Jeffcoat, 45-118A Cobb Adams Road, Kaneohe and Cylette K. Gouvela, same, June 18. Charles W. Ferris, 609 Commerce, Euless, TX and Sandra G.

Stephens, 1602 Toplea, Euless, TX, June 25. Eugene E. Richardson, 1333 Opua, Honolulu and Karen G. Flynn, Wayne same, June Wakata, 27. 1486 koa Honolulu and Yvonne S.

Inouye, 1229 Ainakoa Honolulu, June 27. Royden W. Apana, 1721 Lusitana Honolulu and Joan K. Tsutsumi, 1521 Alexander Honolulu, June Stevens, 27. 1047 7th Honolulu and Ida M.

Telti, same, June 26. Adam A. Viloria 96-165 Waiawa Pearl City and Normelita Lavaro, same, June 26. Dennis L. Ervin, 130 Eastwind Los Angeles, CA and Naoko Kojima, 1775 Stone Canyon Los Angeles, CA, June 23.

Gordon W.T. 47-520 Nenehiwa Place, Kaneohe and Marjorie K.H. Mau, 5278 Makalena Honolulu, June 27. Elton L. Pimental, 98-099 Uao Place, Aiea and Lorraine A.

Waters, same, June 28. Michael. J. Foley, Honolulu and Lisa S. Mathis, Honolulu, June 26.

Clinton M.H. Low, Honolulu and Cynthia Y. J. Wong Kaneohe, June 27. Eric J.

Nelson, Honolulu and Jo Ann B. Kingsley, Honolulu, June 26. Earnest L. Moore, Los Angeles, CA and Dorothy L. Black, same, June 26.

Chris J.L. Rhoads, Fresno, CA and Janet L. Draper, same, June 28. Clyde A.K. Aikau, Honolulu and Eleni M.

Carras, Honolulu, June 26. Mark E. Vandello, Ewa Beach and Efleda A. Gutierrez, Ewa Beach, June 29. Eugene Braceros, Waialua and Diane Y.

Azuma, Ewa, June 27. Nathan I. Lorenzo, Wahlawa and Paula P. Preston, Honolulu, June 25. Oscar Aleman Schofield Barracks and Thu Huong T.

Truong, Mililani, June 26. Robert Haynes, Kailua and Sandra L. Lodwick, Kailua, June 29. Gregory S. Jarrell, Chula Vista, CA and Cynthia M.

Slencsak, Honolulu, June 26. Nylen Y.K. Kam, Redmond, WA and Arleen O.J. Lum, same, June 26. Robert F.

Pascua Kaneohe and Shelli T. Marugame, Kaneohe, June 20. Peti Mann, Honolulu and Elizabeth E. Salanoa, Honolulu, June 25. Robert L.

Hall, Honolulu and L.W. Koengeter, Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 25. Harold R.T. Carter, Waianae and Polly L. Bushnell, Lake San Marcos, CA, June 24.

Michael F. Perreira, Honolulu and Brenda A. Higa, Honolulu, June 26. Robert P. Correia, Honolulu, and Christine G.

Cadabes, Honolulu, June 19. Brian J. Macnish, Honolulu, and Nadine N. Kalaiwaa, Honolulu, June 19. Martin D.

Rayner, Kaneohe, and Rosalie G. Fishman, Kaneohe, June 20. John J. Wuscher, Kaneohe, and Valeria L. Gager, Kaneohe, June 19.

Allison T. Kudo, Honolulu, and Charmaine M. Ikebe, Kaneohe, June 19. John F. Rabes, Honolulu, and Elaine P.

Awana, Honolulu, June 19. George A. Rodrigues, Honolulu, and Julie M. Mohika, Honolulu, June 19. Roger E.

Breisch, Morristown, New Jersey, and Judith A. Hee, Morristown, New Jersey, June 19. Bert K. Oka, Kaneohe, and Nalani L. Espinda, Kaneohe, June 20.

Robert D.K. Morck, Honolulu, and Doreen L. Apela, Honolulu, June 18. John D. Neeley, Honolulu, and Cindy L.

Youngberg, Honolulu, June 20. Gary L. Olson, Kahaluu, and Noreen Borges, Kailua, June 19. Lawrence D. Young, Ewa Beach, and Rose M.

Rys, Ewa Beach, June 19. Floyd K. Takeuchi, Mililani, and Sharon K. Burnham, Mililani, June 19. Delbert T.

Kamikawa, Pearl City, and Lori H. Okuda, Pearl City, June 20. Philip R. K. Spencer, Honolulu, and Rhoda Ann N.

Kealoha, Alea, June 19. Huan Q. Nguyen, Honolulu, and Hoang T. Truong, Honolulu, June 19, Frank K.F. Ho, Honolulu, and Gertrude C.

Owens, Honolulu, June 19. Donald E.H.K. Ho, Honolulu, and Leonora M. Perez, Honolulu, June 19. Michael Cabanilla Kahaluu, and Marlene S.

Goo, Kahaluu, June 19. James P. Webb, Kaneohe, and Eileen M. Ebesu, Kaneohe, June 20. Curtis J.

Fry. Aiea, and Jacqueline C. Williams, Aiea, June 19. Lawrence K. Lopes, Honolulu, and Sarahann L.

Liwai, June 19. Scott C. Rolles, Honolulu, and Susan E. Vieira, Honolulu, June 29. DEATHS Steven Martin Anderson, Honolulu, 28, June 26, 1982.

Eleanor Nora Ater, Honolulu, 54, June 24. Edith Erma Benedict, HonoTutu, 92, June 25. Doris Sachiko Fujita, Mililani Town, 51, June 26. Masuno Harada, Honolulu, 92, June 22. Emily Kaulukou Hipa, Waimanalo, 89, June 24.

Rebecca Wailani Ah Lan luli, Wahiawa, 68, June 23. Mark Laurence Judy, Kaneohe, 32, June 24. Khadijah Moana Kai, ha, infant, June 23. Robert Kavahikaua, Waimanalo, 80, June 26. Emelia Lopes, Honolulu, 73, June 21.

Yasutoyo Nagamine, Mililani, 58, June 25. Frank Kiyoichi Nakamura, Honolulu, 51, June 24. Samuel Isami Nishikimi, Kailua, 66, June 24. Harold Fred Ohlendorf, Honolulu, 71, June 26. Lawrence John Scheid, Wahiawa, 53, June 24.

Saburo Shiroma, Pearl City, 95, June 25. Vern Glen Staten, Honolulu, 91, June 13. Tane Takaki, Honolulu, 89, June 24. Seichi Tokuda, Nanakuli, 73, June 25. Danford Mun Hung Wong, Honolulu, 24, June 28.

Alice Shizuko Yamamoto, Pearl City, 59, June 25. Antonio Arellano Bayo, Honolulu, 76, June 26, 1982. Pearl Kiddoo Crouch, HonoTutu, 95, June 26. Fusa Fumioka, Osaka, Japan, 75, June 29. Jay Alan Heath, Pearl Harbor, 23, June 26.

Stephen Clark Hoover, Honolulu, 80, June 27. Sharon Sanae Kansaki, Pearl City, 1, June 27. Seijo Kiyabu, Honolulu, 85, June 27. Raymond R. Ortes, Honolulu, 79, June 27, Henry Matthew Souza Honolulu, 41, June 26.

Yasukata Uchima, Honolulu, 92, June 28. Domingo Sulit Yasay, Kaumakani, Kauai, 70, June 28. Eugenia Calayag Baluyot, Honolulu, 69, June 21, 1982, Victoria Kaleimomi Camacho, Honolulu, 73, June 19. Charles Francis Carole, Honolulu, 82, June 19. Willa Mae Greer, Pasadena, California, 73, June 17.

Jacintho Jose, Honolulu, 90, June 22, Yoshiharu Kato, Pearl City, 87, June 22. Charlotte Milianalani Copp Lowry, Kailua, 89, June 24. Albert Malero. Aies, 27, June 23. Kazuichi Nakamura, Honolulu, 76, June 17.

Gloria Mosher Noma, Kaneohe, 55, June 20. Moses Ome, Honolulu, 73, June 22. Henrique Niki Sotelo, Honotutu, 39, June 18. Placido Victorino Subia, Waialua, 58, June 23. David Jerome Thedford, Honolulu, 6.

June 19. Brian Harry Tuffrey, Kailua, 65. June 14. FUNERAL NOTICE YOSHIDA, IRENE CHITOSE Age 68, of 99-539 Paihi Street. Alea, passed away Thursday, July 8, 1982 at the Kuakini Medical Center.

She was born January 3, 1914 in Waipahu, Oahu. Surviving are husband. Henry Iwao Yoshida: 1 son, Francis George (Joyce Matsuko) Yoshida; 3 daughters, Carolyn Michie Yoshida, Mrs. Albert Hiroto (Sandra Sue) Kawasaki, Mrs. Townsend Noboru (Bernice Hinae) Takushi; 7 grandchildren; 2 brothers, Tadao (Laura Hihumi) Yoshida, Rudy Satoshi (Kay Miyako) Yoshida; 3 sisters, Harriet Miyuki Ono of Kahului, Mrs.

Willie (Janet Natsue) Goo of Waihee, Mrs. Richard Yasutoya (Sumiko) Nagamine of Lahaina, Maui. She was a member of the Church of World Messianity and Kuakini Organization for Renal Rehabilitation. Family requests that flowers be omitted and casual attire be worn. MEMORIAL SERVICE BEGINS 8:30 P.M.

MONDAY, JULY 12, 1982 AT THE CHAPEL OF HOSOI GARDEN MORTUARY. HOSOI GARDEN MORTUARY IN CHARGE OF ARRANGEMENTS. IZUNO, JAMES KAZUHISA Age 68, of Hawaii Kai passed away July 9. 1982 at the Queen's Medical Center. He was born November 8, 1913 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

He is survived by wife, Mrs. Tamako Izuno; 4 daughters, Mrs. Melvin Eiichi (Jane Kazuko) Shigeta, Mrs. Wayne Shigeyuki (Jean Hisako) Otake, Mrs. Melvin Yosh*to (Amy Mieko) Okamura of San Diego, Faye Chimako Yoshikami of Sacramento: 1 brother Sachio Izuno of Japan, and 7 grandchildren.

He was a retired Barber, and Hairstylist at First Hawaiian Bank Building and member of Honolulu Master Barbers Assoc. Family requests flowers be omitted and casual attire be worn. MEMORIAL SERVICE BEGINS 8:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1982 AT THE CHAPEL OF HOSOI GARDEN MORTUARY. HOSOI GARDEN MORTUARY IN CHARGE OF ARRANGEMENTS.

SHIMAMOTO, MRS. SHIGEKO Age 78, of 950 Laki Road, passed away Thursday, July 8, 1982 in Honolulu. She was born October 28. 1903 in Yamaguchi, Japan. Surviving are husband, Seiichi Shimamoto; 3 sons, Bernard Hideo (Yoshiko), Yoshio (Kimie), Frank Hisao (Ruth) Shimamoto; brother.

Masaaki Sumida of Japan; 2 sisters, Fumie Sadamori of Japan, Shizue Muraoka of Japan; 4 grandchildren. She was a Japanese Language School teacher at Kakaako and Alapai Union Language School and later worked at Musashiya Store. She was a member of Jodo Shu Fujinkai, Yamaguchi Ken Jinkai, Kuka Cho Jinkai and Tabi No Kai. The family requests that flowers be omitted and casual attire be worn. MEMORIAL SERVICE BEGINS P.M.

TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1982 AT THE CHAPEL OF HOSOI GARDEN MORTUARY. HOSOI GARDEN MORTUARY IN CHARGE OF ARRANGEMENTS. Mililani Memorial Park Mortuary KAMEI, JAMES SHOICHI Age 45, of 99-752 Kealaluina Aiea, passed away July 9, 1982 at Kuakini Medical Center. He was born June 16. 1937 in Honolulu.

He was a mechanic for Pacific Construction Co. Survived by parents, Mr. Mrs. Richard Katsuki (Flora Fuyuko) Kamer; 2 sisters. Mrs.

Ernest Tadami (Janet Fusaye) Nakamura. Mrs. Harold Goro (Jane Fuyumi) Hamadon. Family requests that flowers be omitted and casual attire be worn. MEMORIAL SERVICE WILL BE HELD 6:30 P.M.

ON TUESDAY, JULY 13. 1982 AT MILILANI MEMORIAL PARK MORTUARY. FERNANDO. MRS. DAWN ASAKO Age 31, of 819 Northwest 25th Gainesville, Florida passed away Thursday, July 1, 1982 at her residence.

She was born November 9. 1950 in Honolulu. She is survived by husband, Samuel Y. Fernando; 2 daughters, Aruni Miyuki Fernando and Udeni Takako Fernando; also by parents; Mr. and Mrs.

John Akinori (Takako) Mizokawa; 2 sisters, Mrs. Thomas (Lorene Keiko) Okimoto, Karen Mariko Mizokawa. She was formerly employed at Shands Teaching Hospital Tumor Registry. Family requests flowers be omitted and casual attire be worn. MEMORIAL SERVICE BEGINS 7:00 P.M.

TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1982, AT THE KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES (232 MOOMUKU PLACE) HOSOI GARDEN MORTUARY IN CHARGE OF ARRANGEMENTS. KUGA, HISASHI JACK Age 65, of 3457 Keanu Kaimuki, passed away Friday, July 9, 1982 in Honolulu. He was born April 6, 1917 in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is survived by 1 brother Atsushi (Peggy) Kuga; Sister-in-law Mrs. Taeko Kuga: several nieces and nephews.


ON HAWAII KAUAI MAUI No need to call Honolulu, call direct to our sales representatives on your island for more information on placing your ad on these pages. HAWAII HELENE HALE. 935-2891 38 Kalakaua Hilo 96720 KAUAI PRISCILLA ETHAN. 822-9938 MAUI SANDRA SILLAPERE 244-0042 (Messages, 244-5170) 65 No. Walluku 96793 Vital Statistics DEATHS Carlos Ramos Bacalso, Honolulu, 88 June 22, 1982.

Bennie Melford Borsvold, Honolulu, 74, June 24. Laura May Buchele, Honolulu, 91, June 24. James Sung Cheong Ching, Honolulu, 67, June 23. Elizabeth Keolahou Apa Cypher, Kaneohe, 86, June 25. Rose Kinoaloha Aylett, Alea, 70, June 15, 1982.

Melissa Lynn Carstens, Honolulu, 12, June 15. Harry Waichl f*ckul, Honotutu, 75, June 16. Tatsu Koizumi, Kaneohe, 90, June 16. Tsugi Murakami, Honolulu, 89, June 16. (Tetsuo Nakamiyo, Wahiawa, 69, June 14.

Harry Sakae Nawatani, Honolulu, 78, June 16. Donna Elayne Parsins, Kailua, 56, June 17. John Ernest Reinecke, Honotutu, 77, June 11. Peter Lin Sing Tam Hoy, Honolulu, 65, June 15. Kathleen Maier Churchill, Honolulu, 75, June 30, 1982.

James Kaululaau, Haleiwa, 65, June 29. Sina Veavea Tafeaga, Walpahu, 22, June 29. Anita Beth Burdett, Halawa, 23, June 22, 1982. Jackmen Cheng, Honolulu, 79, June 21. Marion Wilcox Hartman, Chula Vista, California, 93, June 22.

Frank Anthony Marasco, Laie, 65, June 21. John Wesley McCullough, Honolulu, 71, June 18. Manuel Vallesteros. Honotutu, 72, June 21. Thuy Bich Van Cleave, Hono(Tutu, 45, June 72.

CARD OF THANKS The Family of the Late Gladys Miye Shimata desires to thank its many friends, relatives and various organizations for the kindnesses shown, beautiful floral offerings and monetary gifts received during its recent I bereavement. The Family of the Late Mary Momoyo Chikamori desires to thank its many friends, relatives and organizations for the kindnesses shown, beautiful floral offerings and monetary gifts received during its recent I bereavement. The Family of the Late MRS. SUYE MATSUMOTO desires to thank its many friends, relatives and organizations for the kindnesses shown, beautiful floral offerings and monetary gifts received during its recent: bereavement. The Family of the Late JACK GOONGI NAGATA desires to thank its many friends, relatives and organizations for the kindnesses shown, beautiful floral offerings and monetary gifts received during its recent bereavement.

The Family of the Late Mr. Henry Kuniichi Kashiwamura desires to thank its many friends, relatives and organizations for the kindnesses shown, beautiful floral offerings and monetary gifts received during its recent bereavement. The Family of the Late MR. NOBUYOSHI TANNO desires to thank its many friends, relatives and various organizations for the kindnesses shown, beautiful floral offerings and monetary gifts received during its recent bereavement. FUNERAL NOTICE Nuuanu Memorial Park Mortuary AYAT, MRS.

HENRIETTA MALLU Age 65, of 1814 Poki Street, Apt. Honolulu, Hawaii passed away July 9, 1982 at St. Francis Hospital. She was born August 26, 1916, in Orleans, Louisiana. Survived by husband.


SERVICES WILL BEGIN AT 11:30 A.M. INTERMENT TO FOLLOW AT VALLEY OF THE TEMPLES MEMORIAL PARK. GRACE, MARY ALICE ULUMAHIEHIE Age 19, of Nanakuli, passed away July 6, 1982 in Honolulu. She was born August 18, 1962 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Ms.

Grace was the President of Agsons Agri-Grass Commodities and was also employed part time as a sales clerk for the Watamull concession aboard the Windjammer and was a member of the Hawaii Truckers Assoc. She is survived by parents, Abraham and Lilia Grace: 4 brothers. Abraham, Vance, Samuel and Michael Grace: 2 sisters, Lilia and Lily Grace: Maternal Grandfather, Samuel A. K. Apuna Paternal Grandmother, Alice M.


ARRANGEMENTS BY BORTHWICK MORTUARY 100-Lodge Club Notices ALOHA TEMPLE A.A.O.N.M.S. 1611 Kewalo St. PHONE 536- 9333 July 24, 1982 Dinner cruise 5:30 PM Kewalo Basin SCOTTISH RITE BODIES 1611 Kewalo at Wilder Ph. 533-2326 DARK DURING JULY 115-Cemetery Plots Buy or Sell Rity. Inc.

537-3728, 947-5245. From $300 Cemetery Plots (3) $600 ea. or best offer. Call Rodney 521-7563 Hawn. Memorial 2 companion plots.

2 vaults. 1 granite marker. 235-3703 VALLEY of the TEMPLES, 6 urn niche. Call Jim, 239-8998. 4 plots, Mililani Cemetery.

Can divide. Eve. 533-2155, day 949-7128. 120-Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Central Office 10 a.m.-10 p.m. PH.

946-1438 10 KAUAI. 245-6677 244-9673 BIG 329-6060 123-Lost Found AA $200 REWARD for return of '77 Datsun, yellow 4 (Lic ADX518) Ph. 955-7690 FOUND: Camera at zoo bus stop, Ph. 521-9036. FOUND: dark green turtle Nuuanu-Dowsett area.

235-6835 FOUND: Gold Hawaiian wedding band. 422-5988 Found: male, part Siamese Cat. beige eyes. Makakilo area. Call Robin eves.

672-4759. Found: Rabbit-Keolu Kailua, on Ph. 261-4614 Found sm. calico female dog. collarless.

Ala Moana Coral level Call 737-7288 Found: Wallet, Steven Mark Wong. Identify contents. 377-5037 Lost: brown zippered portfolio, Neal Blaisdell Park. Reward 637-7463 Lost: Hawaiian chain-link bracelet with "Jocelyn" on it, West Beach area. Reward.

Please call 455-3434 Lost: Irish setter, School, Maui tag, needs medication. Reward. 847-5441 Lost: lady's Seiko watch, King St. nr. Keeaumoku.

Reward. 732- 2546. Lost: Motorola portable radios Pageboy beepers. Reward if returned. Call Let 845-6676 Lost: Reward $500 for 3 mos.

old temale Pit Bull, red brindle, Kallhi-Wilson Tunnel 247-2576 LOST: Young, male Abyssinian cat. REWARD. Niu-5500 block Kalanianaole Hwy. 373-3479 Lost airport, red leather pouch beads. Reward.

533-7647 MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY! FOUND SOMETHING? PLACE A FREE "FOUND" AD in this column. Call 521-9111 125-Personals Knickerbocker, where are you? Please contact Don Brandt, 5355 Tip Top Mariposa, CA 95338 Player wanted for part time variety band. 847-1054 Bass singer is seeking to join or start working vocal group, soul rhythm blues. Serious minded individuals call only, Mark 247-5602 Honey, Lani Lehua. I'll always love you.

All My Love, Dad Juletta daughter of David K. Sarah W. twin sister seeking to reunite 677-4402, Pat Parker, daughter of Geo. Fanny LINDA-Happy 29th Birthday. May have many more years of Happiness Love, David, Michael, Monica Musicians wanted, versatile, contemporary band.

Sing, dedicated. 737-5615 Nudist Park Open House, July 17-18. Call 949-6230 Scuba Divers Exclusive boat club now forming 537-6437 or 949- 5279 To DEBORAH. I do love you, FOREVER AND ALWAYS, Dave WANTED Donations of grown cats guinea pigs for studying human animal disease. UH 948-8936 127-Personal Services A Prestige Kapiolani Area Address Phone for $18 mo? 942-3785 Dial-A-Stripper Gram: Tell us where off it comes.

922-8728 DIVORCE. DO YOUR OWN. Fee information. Ph. 941-2029 ENRICH YOUR LIFE Host an international student receive while doing so.

INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE SERVICES arranges for international students to come to UH. We are seeking suitable private homes in the areas around the university. As a host you will be paid $325 per student per month for providing their room board. Hosts may be married or single, without families. For more information, please leave your name number answering service: 524-3277 Join our dance group on a luxury dance cruise.

Oct. 17, '82. Kapahulu Dance Center 735-2435 "Learn to Meditate and Breathe Properly-946-1777" Mainland Bound? Call ERA MAGNUM PROPERTIES MOVING MACHINE 487-9925 NATURAL BORN SPIRITUALIST Reader Adviser helps you on all matters of life. Tells about your unknown enemies, insights Into your Past, Present Future. Bring your problems to Sister Tina today, get rid of them tomorrow.

No probiems too big or small. CALL NOW 947-2485 SPIRITUALIST ADVISOR Help and Advice on all problems of life. Revelations on your past, present and future. If you have looked for help for your problems, but have found no solution. Sister Nancy will help.

Call for Appointment 487-8905 Win cash, trips. List of 120-Notices ADVERTISING STANDARDS Advertising published in The Honolulu Advertiser and the Honolulu -Butletin is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to customers at the advertised price. Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards, we ask that you inform: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 521-9111 BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU 531-8131 Accounting Academy of Hawail Theory Practice 537-3473 AIRLINE CAREERS TRAVEL INSTITUTE Airline Ticketing Agent Travel Agent SABRE Computer Hotel Desk Clerk Nite Auditor Front Office Cashier CLASSES START JULY 19 CALL 531-2708 GRADUATE PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE Classes American Security Bldg.

1314 S. King Suite 1051 AUTO Mechanics Learn Auto Mechanics Be Ready for a Job with a Future in 1 yr. REGISTER NOW DAY CLASSES BEGIN JULY 8 EVE. CLASSES BEGIN JULY 12 LIMITED OPENINGS Call or write today! NEW YORK TECHNICAL Institute Building (Founded 1910) 19 years in Honolulu Hawaii's oldest private auto mechanics school 1375 Dillingham 841-5827 DOE LIc. BANK TELLER 60 hrs.

of intensive instruction to qualify as a teller eve. classes start Thurs. JULY 15 Limited enrollment HAWAII SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Licensed by D.O.E. 1111 N. King St.

524-4014 CANNON'S INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Since 1917 DOE Lic. 33 S. King St. 521-5333 ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE Since 1944 Electronics Engineering Tech with LAB Approved for Vets Foreign Catalog SEPT. -OPEN For Day Night Classes CALL 521-5290 DOE Lic.

1111 Bishop St. Room 6 GIRLS 14-30 Now screening girls for Photographic Fashion Model Training. Must be 5'2" or over. (For Japan New York). Call 521-4908 by app't.

only. John Robert Powers Language Inst. of Hawaii English Conversation Classes "Classes start July 6" Ph. 521-9084 or 536-9221 Learn Bartending The Professional Way Lic by DOE Day Night Classes Terms Avail. Bartenders Training Institute 830 Ala Moana, Suite 225 537-1869 MED-ASSIST SCHOOL OF HAWAII Medical career oppty.

DOE lic. 1164 Bishop Suite 612 524-3363 SECURITY OFFICE SCHOOL, PSI. Lic. by D.O.E. 523-6106 Summer Means More Trucking Jobs.

TRAIN ON DIESEL RIGS TYPE 7 assist. 836-0646, 536-0056 200-Bus. Oppty. (for sale) AAA Waikiki bar pizza $62,500. Sun Pacific Rity.

521-3044 Answering Service $225,000. Fee simple, downtown ofc. bldg. 000. 536-0056 Mr.

Evans Beauty Salons for sale (3) Kuilima Waimanalo Single or package Call 235-6427. Ask for Sam Country Saimin Restaurant. Offer. Komo Mai Rity 681-5488 456-9888 DISCO LOUNGE, $45,000 up Real Estate Systems 941-4402 Drapery bus. $80,000.

Call Maeda 946-3381. Metropolitan Rity 531- 2467 Established downtown location. Owner ret. $68.000 CERTIFIED HOMES, INC. 523-6445 Established Maui car rental agency, 54-car fleet volume record.

Jim Owens, Maui 877-6568 FUNERAL NOTICE Diamond Head Mortuary KIDO, MR. WENDELL FRANCIS Age 45. of 2185-C Ahe Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, passed away July 7. 1982, at his residence. He was born September 9, 1936, in Honolulu, Hawaii.

He is survived by his beloved wife, Mrs. Rozell L. Kido: son, Wendell Francis Kido, 6 daughters, Mrs. Mekiafa O. (Roxann Aso'au, Lurtine K.

Kido. Brenda Lee Kido. Raynette K. Kido, Georgette W. Kido, Daiphue N.

Kido: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hitoshi (Asayo) Kido: 5 brothers, John K. Swanson, Iwao Yamasaki, Sadao Yamasaki, Allen Yamasaki, Richard Yamasaki, 4 sisters, Mrs. Lillian P.

Kaimi, Mrs. Toshiko Yashido, Mrs. Helen Marquette, Mrs. Lillian Keisier; also 5 grandchildren. The family requests that casual attire be worn.


CREMATION TO FOLLOW. FATHER JOSEPH BUKOSKI WILL OFFICIATE. 120-Notices SAVE A FIST FULL OF DOLLARS when you advertise in the SERVICE DIRECTORY Call for more infermation today. Classified 525-7481 Family grocery store, terms, $25,000. Sun Pacific Rity.


BOB STURDIVANT (R) 947-1637 HUGH MENEFEE INC. 531-1302 First Class restaurant with 150 capacity in Waikiki off Kuhio. Liquor Lic. Excl. oppty, for the restauranteur.

Riki Watanabe Realty 947- 4030, 677-3512 Flower Shop. Excl. location. High volume. $30,000.

For more info call George (RA) Horita Realty Fully equipped LUNCH WAGON location. Ph. 668-7897 GAME RM. Kailua. Sm.

investment puts you in BIG cash flow business. Ph. Herb 261-3742; 262-9905 Have new, low cost, low rental underwater viewing device to use at beaches, Hanauma Bay, etc. Ideal for tourists. No lessons needed.

Used by Sea Life Park Sea Educational Programs. Need working partner with capital for expansion. Call Reef Bucket, 423-1874 3-10 p.m. daily Imports- -Gifts 1ge. unique retail outlet no competition, selling to outlet no competition, selling to locals tourists, must sell, excl.

terms to qualified buyer. 526-9308 ext 10 Just listed Waikiki gift shop $8,000. Sun Pacific Rity. 521-3044 Kapahulu Chinese restaurant 000 W.C. Rity.

531-7481, 737-9281 Liquor Store, corner location. Long lease. $80,000 396-6007 Little Egypt's Lounge- -leaving. open. 10 yr.

lease. George (RA) Banyan Rity 533-1825 Lunch Wagon, fully eqpt. Ph. 672-3115 Co. Excl.

reputation-inventory-vehicles. Jean, 526-0128, 395-4534 Maul muffler shop, 1 of a kind. Fully eqpt. Fantastic potential 487-7909 ON KAPIOLANI Restaurant in choice location. Fully turn.

NOW OFFER. TOM KUKINO REALTY 955-3770 Price dropped! Downtown restaurant $55,000. Sun Pacific Rity. 521-3044 Quick sale, Liliha liquor store. Call Dick (S) or Paul K.

(B). Real Estate Locators 944-5576. Restaurants available. Call us for details on three outstanding locations. Ideal for Continental Japanese food.

Fantastic prices. Exceptional appointments. Contact F. Haffner (R) 536-1902..

Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.