Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)

CHATTANOOGA, SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1931. 32 THE CHATTANOOGA TIMES: MISS GREEN TO WED DR. M. D. SHEARER Etowah Girl to Become Bride of Tellico Plains Man.

Mrs. Murphy Elected Head of Junior High at Meeting Monday. Chattanooga Times Special. ETOWAH, April Mrs. N.

Knox entertained Saturday afternoon vita an announcement party, honoring Miss Mary Green, popular bride-elect, whose marriage to Dr. M. D. Shearer, of Tellico Plains, will be solemnized in the early summer. Heart dice was played at four tables.

Mesdames P. 8. Taylor and Willie Mae Denton won high score and Mesdames Robert Bonine and Pembeston, low score. The gifts were presented to the guest of honor. The guest prize was two handkerchiefs of yellow and green.

Each plate contained miniature marPlace license, which read: "Dr. M. D. Shearer and Miss Mary Green" and was signed by Mrs. W.

N. Knox, clerk, and Mrs. Henry Green, deputy clerk. Miss Green has been teacher in the Etowah schools for thirteen years and attended school at Athens, University of Tennessee, Asheville. N.

and Murfreesboro, Tenn. She is past president of the Bustness and Professional. club, past treasurer of the Grammar School ParentTeacher association and is state transportation chairman of the Business and ProSessional Women's club. After her marriage she will reside in Tellico Plains. Mesdames H.

o. Magruder and A. T. Fowler were hostesses. to the Monday Book club at the home of Mrs.

Magruder. Mrs. P. 8. Taylor presided over the meeting and roll-call was answered with famous prize and scholarship winners.

Plans, were made to organize a junior book club and Mesdames H. C. Magruder, T. P. Poindexter And A.

C. Shearer were appointed to perfect the organization. The following delegates were appointed to attend the general federation meeting, which will convene in Chattanooga 1n May: Mesdames A. C. Shearer, R.

C. Kincaid and 8. B. Glireath. After the business session a program on "Famous Prizes and Scholarships' was Riven, with Mrs.

A. C. Shearer as leader. Papers were read by Mesdames J. A.

Fowler. H. P. Ruggles and D. B.

Todd. Miss Hazel Gannaway, of Cleveland, was an out-oftown guest. The home economics department of the Etowah High school, with Misses Carrie Lou and Mary Grace Mahan in charge. entertained with a formal dinner at the high school cafeteria Monday evening. Forty guests were present and the dinner was served by the girls of the home economics classes.

The meeting of the Grammar and Junior High Schools Parent-Teacher association was held at the Junior high school Tuesday afternoon. with Mrs. R. A. Roberson in charge of the program.

Misses Lucy Frye, Dorothy Miller, Marjorie and Mary Abbott. Mary Dunn and Betty Garwood rendered the program numbers. During the business session officers for 1931 were elected as follows: Mrs. P. H.

Murphy, president; Mrs. R. A. Roberson, vice-president: Mrs. Frank Cantrell, corresponding secretary; Mrs.

J. O. Cunningham, recording secretary; Miss Ina Tallent, treasurer: Mrs. N. B.

Hammons. historian. Mrs. Willie Mae Denton's room won the prize 10r the largest attendance. Mrs.

Tom Cantrell was hostess to the So and Sew club at her home Friday afternoon. A "going away' shower was tendered Mrs. E. P. Fisher and her mother in anticipation of their visit in Texas.

Guests of the club were Mrs. Malcolm Kinset. Mrs. E. R.

Battle, Mrs. Frank Cantrell and Miss Evelyn Barker, of Cleveland. In a recent contest sponsored in the Etowah schools by the Monday Book club on the subject. "To Promote Health and Sanitation an Important Duty of A Citizen." Miss Mattie Gregory, student in the Etowah High school, was awarded first prize. Mesdames Sam W.

McKinney, T. E. Pittard. Jack Cantrell, D. W.

Lillard and Miss Irene McKinney entertained with twelve tables of bridge at the home of Mrs. McKinney Wednesday afternoon, honoring Mrs. Harry E. McKinney, of Fort Clayton. Panama Canal Zone.

Spring flowers furnished the decorations for the home. Mrs. C. H. Withers was high-score winner.

Mesdames King Dunn and Milner Sergeant received cut prizes and Mrs. Arlie Knox, consolation. Mrs. Harry McKinney was presented with the guest prize. Miss Ruby Long was hostess to the Monday Night Bridge club.

Bridge was played at two tables, with Mrs. King Dunn highscore winner. Mrs. Harry E. McKinney was guest of honor and was presented with A guest prize.

Mrs. A. E. Hicks entertained with three tables of bridse at home Tuesday morning. honoring Mrs.

Harry E. McKinney, a popular visitor of Mrs. Sam W. McKinney. Mrs.

Walter Nicholson won high score and Mrs. Harry McKinney was presented with a guest prize. Mesdames J. G. Williams.

J. Hill Campbell. John Hoskins and H. O. Miller were hostesses to the Wesley Bible class of the Methodist Episcopal church, south.

at the church social room Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. E. Hicks, secretary, presided in the absence of the president and vice-president.

Plans were made for a program for Mother's. day. Mesdames W. W. Moss and H.

E. Hampton were in charge of the entertainment and A musical program WAS rendered by Misses Willie Sue Wade and Maxine Smith. Mesdames T. Duncan, R. E.

Stone. A. L. Davis, J. Stewart, P.

H. Murphy and Lee Woodall were Joint hostesses to the T. E. L. class of the First Baptist church at the church Tuesday afternoon.

Those taking part on the program were Mesdames P. Lu Amos. G. L. Abbott.

C. C. Forrester, N. B. Hammons and Frank McKinney and Miss Sara Mullins.

The class planned to attend the commencement exercises of the Chilhowee institute at Seymour, on May 1. The Missionary circles of the First Baptist church held their meetings Tuesday afternoon as follows: Mary Northington circle with Mrs. G. L. Keith, Lottie Moon circle with Mrs.

Sam W. McKinney, Della Wauch circle with Mrs. Mollie Boone and Mae Berry circle with Mrs. J. C.

Cunningham. Election of officers of the Junior Girls' auxiliary of the First Baptist church was held at their meeting Monday afternoon at the home of Miss Louise White. Miss Elixabeth Moore was elected president: Dolores Cunningham. vice-president: Louise White. secretary: Ruth Long.

treasurer: Katherine Abbott. assistant treasurer; Mary Rule. chorister. and Mary Abbott, pianist. Miss Mary Abbott was in charge of the program And twenty-one members were present.

The Intermediate Girls' auxiliary held their meeting at the First Baptist church Monday afternoon. with Miss Dorothy Grayson in charge of the program. -Mrs. N. C.

Head has been called to Douglas, on account of the illness of her -Misses Eleanor and Margaret Sue Carter spent Sunday with relatives -Mra Arlie Creech has returned from London, where she has been In hospital- -Mrs. Ruth Stewart has returned to her home in Blue Ridge. after several weeks' visit with her sister. Mrs. J.

C. Stanbery, -Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cantrell spent the week-end with Mrs. Cantrell's mother.

Mrs. Rebecca Barker, in Cleveland. -Misses Myrtle Smith, Ines and Gladys Berry, of Blue Ridge. were the week-end guests of Miss Louise -Misses Jimmy Duffy and Grace Smith spent the week-end with Miss Lillie Mae Jarden in Dalton. -Miss Pearl Payne will leave Wednesday to enter State Teachers' college at Johnson -Mrs.

Mrs. L. 8. Campbell has as her guest this week Miss Hazel Gannaway. of Cleveland.

Harry McKinnes of Port Clayton. guests of Mr. and and family. Chattanooga Times Special, Bird-Leath. LA PAYETTE.

April The marriage. of Miss Ettie. Bird and Harry Leath. both of Rock Springs, was solemnized Saturday afternoon at the home: of Judge W. L.

Stansell. the latter officiating. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Lee Bird.

Mr. Leath is, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A.

Leath and is a farmer. the They are at home for the present with bridegroom's parents on the La Fayette road. The W. M. U.

of the First Baptist church met Monday afternoon at the church, with Miss Sarah Hacknes, president, presiding. Mrs. C. C. Gilbert, personal service chairman, appointed the following as chairmen of committees: Social, Mrs.

0. L. Stansell: sick. Mrs. Luther Cagle: flower, Miss Mamie Hackney: jail.

Mrs. W. C. destitute, Smith; Red Cross, Mrs. J.

T. Cleghorn, Mrs. C. M. Wheeler; home work, Mrs.

W. J. Jennings. Mrs. Clint Wheeler was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the secretary resignation of Mrs.

D. P. Pope. The program was in charge of Mrs. Luther Cagle and the subject was, "They That are Wise." Mrs.

R. A. Pledger save the devotional. duet was sung by Mrs. Luther Cagle and Mrs.

C. M. Wheeler. The members of the Presbyterian church entertained with supper at the school gymnasium Monday evening, when the guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs.

L'Heareux. Mr. and Mrs. Cartledge and Messrs. Marshall.

Thompson and Gillespie, of the Presbyterian Theological seminary, of Atlanta. Supper was served by members of the Ladies auxiliary of the church, after which a sacred concert was given at the church by quartet composed of Messrs. L'Heareux, Cartledge, Marshall and Thompson. Mr. Gillespie spoke of the work the seminary in Atlanta and the Presbyterian college at Clinton, 8.

C. The introductions were made by the Rev. Taylor Morton. pastor of the local church. recital was given Saturday evening the high school auditorium under the ausof the Aeolian Music club.

Blinn pices Owen. head of the music department of the of Chattanooga, was director and University accompanist of the program. Others taking part were Mrs. Blinn Owen, soprano: Miss Mayme Calloway Bird, contralto; Charles Pless, tenor, and James Verhey, basso. Miss Sara Green.

president of the Aeolian Music club, was in charge. Mrs. Homer Hill entertained her Sunday school class of the First Baptist church with social at the church Monday afternoon. Games were enjoyed, after which the party went on hike to the woods, where they picked wild flowers. The Ladies' auxiliary of the Presbyterian church met Monday afternoon with Mrs.

Hinton Bellah. Mrs. W. M. Scott, president, presided.

The budget was increased 5 per cent. this year over the previous year. Mrs. Robert Moore was enrolled as new member. The subject of the program was "Christian Education." Mrs.

Scott gave an outline of the story, "True to Colors." The Rock Springs 4-H club met Tuesday morning at the school building, with Miss Mary Fincher, county demonstrator, in charge. The members were given a demonstration on how to make a cap and apron. The West La Fayette school presented musical program at the school auditorium Friday evening. Music was furnished by local string band. A program was also given by the school faculty, with Prof.

B. D. Keown as director. Miss Eloise Arnold. of La Fayette, student at Georgia State College for Women, Athens, was one of the nine girls of the school to be named a member of the Dramatic club of the school because of her exceptional dramatic -R.

D. Love, C. W. Peaco*ck, W. A.

Dubberly, and W. E. Gear have returned from Macon, where they, attended a meeting of the Georgia Educational Mrs. J. F.

Stanfield. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stanfield and Misses Ruth. Nina and Roxie Stanfield were called to Atlanta Friday by the death of their aunt, Mrs.

Anne -Misses Mary Scott Phipps, member of the faculty of the school at Ooltewah, and Miss Laura Phipps. of Rome, were the week-end guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. E.

P. Phipps. -H. S. Lovern and A.

have returned from a trip to -R. M. Callahan, of Philadelphia, been called home by the serious illness of his father, C. H. -Miss Louise Shaw, of Atlanta, was the week-end guest of her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Shaw.

-Mr. and Mrs. John C. Knox. and daughter, Mary Glenn.

of. Chattanooga, spent Sunday with Mr. Knox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.

C. -Miss Lois Jordon, of Washington, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ralph ----Mrs. J. E.

Patton is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Paty, in -Mrs. Charles Chisholm has returned to her home in Knoxville after visit with Mrs. Mary and Mrs. Robert Moore, of Rome, have come here to reside and have taken apartment in the home of Mr.

and Mrs. M. A. Martin on North Main -Mr. and Mrs.

Luther Abney nounce the birth of a daughter, whom they have named Virginia W. E. Gray and children will return to their home at. Swainsboro, this week after a visit with Dr. and Mrs.

J. H. -Mrs. Seaborn Chapman and daughter will return Sunday from an extended stay with Mrs. Chapman's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Brock, at Fort Payne, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. J.

E. Cameron announce the birth of a son, whom they have named James Emory, Mrs. Mamie Collins, of Chattanooga, was the -end guest her parents. Mr. and Mrs.

W. A. Wardlaw. -Mr. and Mrs.

R. 8. Garmany and daughter, Miss Jennie Mae Garmany, are expected to return the first of May from Lake Worth, where they have been spending the -The Rev. Taylor Morton. pastor of the local Presbyterian church, attended the meeting of the Cherokee presbytery in Rome -----Mrs.

C. E. of Chattanooga, the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. W.

F. Kinsey. -Miss Lelia Greene, student at LaGrange college, LaGrange, was called home Wednesday by the death of her aunt, Mrs. J. A.

G. Smith is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith in Atlanta.Tom Turner, of Atlanta, is visiting his daughter, Miss Dorothy -Miss Eloise Nash, of Chattanooga, was the weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

T. J. ----Mr. and Mrs. Will Morrison, of Red Bank, were the guests Sunday of Mr.

and Mrs. W. M. -Miss Mary Nettie Gibson. of Summerville, was the week-end guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Chester Loach.Mrs. John Shaw has returned from 8 visit with Mr. and Mrs. C.

E. Venable at Rome. -Mr. and Mrs. E.

F. Padgett and children. of Rome, were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. E.

F. -Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blaylock and children have returned from visit with relatives at Cornelia, Ga. D.

M. Cornett. of Cedartown, spent the week-end with his family Mrs. J. E.

Shuford, of Chattanooga, is visiting her sister. Miss Mary Lizzie ----Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rhyne spent Sunday at -Mrs. E.

H. Wood and children spent Sunday with relatives at Calhoun, -Miss Ena Bryan, of the University of Chattanooga, the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W.

Bryan.B. B. Clonts. of Selma, WAS the guest Sunday of his brother. P.

R. Weynard Harris and children have returned from a visit with Mr. Harris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.

H. Harris, in Miami, ROSSVILLE. and daughter, Nancy, Panama Canal Zone, are Mrs. Sam W. McKinney LA FAYETTE.

FAYETTE. Chattanooga Times Special, ROSSVILLE, April marriage of Miss Ruby Shadrick and Kenneth Chadwick was solemnized Sunday morning at o'clock at the home of the Rev. J. L. Hall, at Ringgold, the latter being the officiating minister.

The attendants were Misses Agnes and Minnie Shadrick. sisters of the bride. and Miss Geraldine Brown. The bride was attired in costume of blue crepe with accessories of A corresponding shade. The bride is the daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. C. S. Shadrick. Mr.

Chadwick is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. Chadwick, of Lakeview. They will reside in Lakeview.

The Y. W. of the Baptist tabernacle met Monday evening with Miss Tommie McCall. Miss Clara Roberts presided over short business session after which a missionary program was led by Miss Willie Ruth McClure. A W.

C. T. U. was organized at the First Baptist church Monday afternoon. with the following officers: President Mrs.

R. E. Flegal: secretary. Mrs. Lee Mavity, and treasurer, Mrs.

M. F. McDonald. Mrs. Wheeler.

of Chattanooga, assisted in the or- Pimples Over Body and Face. Lost Sleep. Cuticura Healed. "I suffered for two months with red pimples that broke out all over my body and face. They itched and burned so that I scratched and caused eruptions.

For hours at night I could not sleep on account of the irritation. "I tried other remedies but without success. A friend recommended Cuticura Soap and Ointment so I sent for a free sample. There was a change after using it so I purchased more and in a few weeks I was Baltimore, completely healed." (Signed) Wm. Chandler, 1624 Jefferson Md.

Soap Address: 25c. ME and ,500. Talcum A Sold Sample each free. "Cuticura ETOWAH HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR CLASS Chattanooga Times Special. graduating class of Etowah High school (shown above) is the largest Powell, vice-president, and Marvel Akins, secretary-treasurer.

Misses Stella Caughron, Mildred Coram, Ollie Crittenden, Cora Croft, Avis Harris, Carrie Lou Hicks, Pearl Ingram, Sara Lou Leslie, Mary Loy, Imogene Robinson, Muriel Robinson, Bonnie Jo Rogers, Angalee Rymer, Marie Ware, Ona Wilson and Lillian York. Hoyle Carlock, C. T. Carroll, Fletcher Chaffin, John Chester, Cecil Charles Hudson, Charles Johnson, Allman Jones, Leon, Roy Stanbery, James Trotter, Frank Webb, Herman Woodall, George Woods Roy, HONOR STUDENTS IN M'MINN above Miss Miss Fanny Rudd Rena Allen Cooper Chattanooga Times Special. ATHENS, April are pictured the president and two honor students of the graduating class McMinn County High school.

A. B. Cooper is president. He is circulation manager of the school paper and was recently voted the most popular boy in school. He is the son of Mrs.

Emma Ferguson, of Athens. Miss Fanny Rudd is class valedictorian. She is exchange editor of the school paper. She plans to enter State Teachers' college at Johnson City next year. the daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. J. E. Rudd, of Athens. Miss Rena Allen represents the senior class as salutatorian.

She was president of the sophom*ore class and manager of the girls' basket ball team- in 1929-30. She will enter Riverside-Fort Sanders Nursing school in June. She is the daughter of Mrs. W. S.

Allen, of Athens. J. M. Shelton, were -end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. A. Shelton, at and Mrs. James Henderson. of Winchester, were week-end guests of Mr.

and Mrs. C. V. Henderson. -Mr.

and Mrs. J. M. Bryan were guests Sunday of relatives at -Atlee Bird has returned to the University of Georgia after 8 visit with his parents. Mr.

and Mrs. A. B. -Garnett, the small son of Mr. and Mrs.

Troy Bell, who was injured in an automobile accident Sunday, is -Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Kerr are their.

new home on the La Fayette road. LYNCHBURG. Chattanooga Times Special. LYNCHBURG. April 25.

The Wednesday Night Bridge club was delightfully entertained this week Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dance. The living room was attractive with flowers. The game Was played at three tables.

Miss Hazel Silvertooth making high score. Miss Esther Lee and B. H. Thompson were the only besides club members. A delicious guests salad course was served by the hostess.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Parks, entertained Wednesday night with a fish supper. Their guests were Mr.

and Mrs. Roy H. Parks, Miss Hattie Sue Waggoner and Jack Parks. Mr. and Mrs.

Ollie Price entertained on Saturday with dinner to compliment their sister, Miss Maud Price, of Tullahoma, who is their week-end guest. Other guests were Mesdames Aldon Tipps, Anna Lons. Henry Hudgens. Felix Evans. Ruth Allen, Misses Sue Evans, Hazel and Katherine Silvertooth.

Mrs. Lem Motlow had As her dinner guests Mrs. M. B. Reynolds.

Mrs. J. W. Reynolds, James Parkes, of Huntland, and Mrs. Bird Evans.

Mrs. Roy H. Parks, had as dinner guests Saturday, Miss Natalie Pearson, of Washington: Mrs. Musa Pearson and son. George Thomas, and Mrs.

E. D. Moore, of Fayetteville. Mrs. Maggie Ervin entertained at dinner Sunday for the following guests who motored from Chattanooga for the day: Mr.

and Mrs. William Martin and son, Miss Marjorie Martin, Mrs: Kate Hines, Joseph Martin and Wilson Ervin. Mr. and Mrs. Spriggs, Mr.

and Mrs. William Waggoner, of Mulberry, were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elder Hubert Nance. of Bellbuckle, and his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Nance, of Bellbuckle: Mr. and Mrs. Rome Ashley, Miss Arah Ashby, of Lois, were entertained at dinner Sunday by Mr.

and Mrs. L. H. -Mrs. Harry Dance.

Mrs. James Farrar and children, Nancy and James, and Miss Margaret Dance were guests for the day of Mrs. Hugh B. Douglas at -Mrs. Kate Ervin and Miss Roey Ervin, of Hurdlow, were guests this week of Mrs.

O. J. -Mr. and Mrs. Parks Hayes and Mrs.

Ervin Crutcher motored to Nashville for the day on last Wednesday. -Mrs. 0. J. Hobbs spent several days last week with her sister.

Mrs. W. W. Bunyan Thompson, of Nashville. is spending the week here with his brother.

B. H. -Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Ray.

of Shelbyville, were here Sunday to see Dr. and Mrs. J. D. McCord.

-W. T. Waddle and C. M. Waddle, of little friends were in attendance and out-ofdoor were enjoyed.

The Ladies' Aid society of the First Baptist church held their April meeting with Mrs. Iran Potts Tuesday. Mrs. Claude Cunningham presided over the business period, after which social hour followed and several contests were enjoyed. Mrs.

Eugene McKenzie, who has been the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B.

Kingston, for the past two weeks, has returned to her home in Chattanooga Miss' Sarah Farrar and Miss Catherine Lindsler, of Fayettville, were guests of Miss Jane Farrar Saturday and attended the Tate-Sewance ball game. Miss. Wit helmina Castleman, of Nashville, the guest of Miss Daisy Musgraves Saturday -Mr. and Mrs. John H.

Shoffner, of South Pittsburg, were guests over the week-end of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. L.

-Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Green have returned from week's visit to Mrs.

Green's sisters, Mrs. W. H. Marsh and Mrs. J.

M. Greer, in Petersburg. Mr. and Mrs. James Evans and Mrs.

George Goodall, of Nashville, and Mrs. Edwin Nance went to Gadsden, Tuesday and spent a time with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mr. and Mrs.

Peyton Glasco*ck and daughter, Jean, of Chattanooga, have returned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. W. S.

Tune is in Lewisburg spending several days with relatives and -Mrs. George Davidson, of Dickson, is visiting her sister. Mrs. George -Mrs. Hattie Covington.

who has been the guest of her niece, Mrs. J. J. Campbell, for several weeks, left Monday for Birmingham for visit before returning to Waynesville, N. her home.

Mrs. John Frost spent Wednesday In Murfreesboro with her sister, Mrs. Wright. -Mr. and Mrs.

Leonard Edwards and son were entertained at a recent dinner given by Mrs. Emerson Edwards in Bellbuckle. -Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sanders and little daughter, Bettie Dixon Sanders, were guests of Mrs.

Sanders' parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. B.

Harper, in Nashville recently. -Mrs. Sidney McGrew and little daughter, Anne, spent several days in Nashville recently, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jay -Miss Margaret Crowell has returned from visit to Bellbuckle Mrs.

G. H. Hulan was the guest of her mother at Dickson Friday and -Mrs. Edgar Landers returned Saturday from two weeks' visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Fulghum, in Nashville. JASPER. Chattanooga Times Special. JASPER. April Miss Freda Alder at bridge her home Saturday afternoon.

The came was played at three tables. Mrs. George Wampler VAS awarded the prise for top score. A salad course was served. Mr.

and Mrs. A. V. Havron were hosts to the Charity club Tuesday evening. Following the business meeting of the club, rook was played at five tables.

Refreshments were served. Woman's church met Missionary Wednesday union of afternoon the Baptist at the church. The president, Mrs. J. J.

Huggins, presided. About fifteen members were present. Miss Vesta of Ringgold, WAS the week-end guest of Miss Mary Chenault. -Mrs. John Myers has returned to Dunlap after spending the week-end with Miss Ida -Mrs.

T. S. Wood is improving from an -Miss Katherine Spears and Oliver Clark, of Chattanooga, were the guests Sunday of Miss Mamie Lou Hall.Prof. and Mrs. Hawkins have returned to their home in Louisiana.

Miss Freda Alder will leave this week for Knoxville, where she will enter the University of Tennessee. -Mrs. J. J. Huggins and Miss Mary Chenault are spending the week-end with Miss Ora Lee Bailey in Wartrace.

Miss Mamie Lou Graham will enter Peabody college in Nashville this week. Misses Claytie Hackworth and Gladys Hale have returned to Murfreesboro after spending the week -end with their parents.Mrs. W. B. Stewart, of Stevenson, 16 the guest of Mrs.

Samuel -Mr. and Mrs. Ed Turner announce the birth of a -Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kelly, of Chattanooga, were the guests last week of Mr.

and Mrs. Jake -Misses Ina and June Beene were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Price Tuesday evening at their home in -Mrs. Paul Kelly and son have returned to Chattanooga after a visit with Mr.

and Mrs. A. Miller.Miss Maggie Lankester has returned from A visit with relatives in Chattanooga. -Miss Mary Little Ray will leave next week for Knoxville, where she will enter the univer- sity. BRIDGEPORT.

Chattanooga Times Special. BRIDGEPORT, April -The white ribbon tea given by the W. C. T. U.

in the basem*nt of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, honoring the visiting national lecturer, Dr. Lem H. Huchins. Thursday afternoon was largely attended. Dr.

Huchins appeared before the high school. at the morning hour. She gave 8 lecture to the public in the evening. William Wales has returned from visit with homefolk in Austin, Leslie Quarles, J. E.

Harris, Lindsey Lively and Brophy Westmoreland spent last Sunday in Anniston as guests of the Rev. and Mrs. C. W. -Bridgeport Literary club will meet Wednesday with Mrs.

W. 8. Woman's Missionary 80- ciety met with Mrs. Marion Barham Tuesday Mrs. George Ford has returned from Wildwood.

after visit with her sister, Mrs. J. Deakins. Lysle Ford has returned from several days' stay in Chattanooga as guest of J. Henry Home has returned from Cowan.

where she was called on account of the illness of Mrs. Ed Mason. -Mrs. Hugh Earheart and daughter, Miss Lillian, have returned from Nashville, where they visited Mrs. B.

Koger, mother of Mrs. -Mrs. Sam McCrary, Miss Flossie Reagan, Miss Cora Morris left Monday for Florence to enter State Teachers' -Mrs. C. A.

Martin and Mrs. Robert Thaxton have returned to Chattanooga after visiting here with John Troxell and Mr. and Mrs. J. A.

Tolliver.Mr. and Mrs. James Tanner, of Newark. are guests of Mayor and Mrs. John Milt Miller, has returned home from Chattanooga, where he WAs patient in hospital for few days.Dr.

and Mrs. C. P. Freeman and son, Percy, of Atlanta, have returned home after visit with Dr. and Mrs.

E. L. Lee.Hettie Bolton has returned to Anderson. after visit with Mr. and Mrs.

Paul -Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Williams are attending the State Medical association meeting in Mrs.

Phil Sawyer has returned to her school at Whitwell after visit with her sister, Mrs. Harry Kelly. SWEETWATER CLUB ELECTS MRS. WEST Musical Group to Meet With Athens Club Monday. Miss Sara Fleming's Graduate Recital at Carson- New.

man Attracts Interest, in the history of the school. Officers of the class Winnie Hamby and Azalea Powell, teachers, are 1 the Dellinger, Jimmie Duffy, Ida Lou Erwin, Sherlie Inez Moses, Nona Moses Pickens, Thelma Louise Shaefer, Grace Smith, Edna Stewart, Edith Clark, Paul Ditmore, Sam Dunn, Ben Goble, Ross Lillard, Howard McTeer, Boone Powell, J. M. Reynolds, and Fred Yarnell. Fayetteville, spent the week-end here with their sister, Mrs.

Harry Mrs. Felix Motlow and Mrs. Milliard Smith. of Tullahoma. were guests Friday of Mrs.

J. D. and Mrs. R. B.

Parkes and daughter, of Nashville, were guests for the -end of Mrs. Parkes' mother, Mrs. Sallie -Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dance and son, William, were guests Sunday of Mr.

Dance's parents. Dr. and Mrs. H. Dance, of Miss Josephine Moorehead, of Tullahoma, was the guest her sister, Mrs.

Samuel Logan. -Howard Acuff, who is teaching at Old Hickory, spent the -end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.

-Miss Jane Haslett. of Shelbyville, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. W. L. -Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Tray, of Marble Hill, were here Sunday to see Miss Lucile Tray, who is in David McCord -Dr. John Dance has returned to his home in Lewisburg after a visit with his son, Lee Dance, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bobo were guests Sunday of Mrs.

Lillie Raby, of -Mrs. Jack Farrar and son. Wade, of Fayetteville, were here Saturday to see Mrs. Farrar's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel L. Haslett. SPARTA. Chattanooga Times Special. SPARTA, April Madge Cleveland.

Dorothy Williams and Carrie Lou Powers entertained jointly with four tables of bridge Saturday night at the home of Mrs. W. H. Burbury. Out-of-town guests were Misses Frances Potter, Carol Cox and Helen Dunn, of Murfreesboro, and Misses Lucile Peters and Bessie Duff Burbury, of Knoxville.

Mrs. Malcolm Hill won highscore prize, and Miss Carol Cox won high guest prize. The consolation trophy went to Miss Clyde Bain. Mrs. John D.

Young entertained. the Thursday Afternoon Bridge club. Mrs. T. K.

Potter was awarded high-score club prize, Mrs. James Tubb won hign guest prize and the consolation prize fell to Mrs. R. K. Young.

Mrs. E. H. Hull was hostess at a dinner Thursday night to compliment Mrs. John M.

Welch, of Chattanooga. Two tables of rook were enjoyed later. The Forum and Euphemian Literary cieties of White County High school held a joint banquet at the Lee hotel Saturday night. Dancing and games diversions of the evening. About sixty were present.

Mr. and Mrs. 8. K. Ware and sons, who have spent the winter in Miami, Fla returned their home here Tuesday.Frank Sutton.

of Chattanooga, visited Mesdames S. S. Dibrell and Prank: Dibrell -Mrs. Wilford Raines, of Dallas. arrived Monday to attend the bedside of her mother, Mrs.

Lillie Simpson, who is 111. Mrs. Wane Rhea, also of Dallas, accompanied Mrs. -Miss Bessie Mitchell, who is attending Maryville college, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

B. K. -Mrs. C. E.

Tubb, who has been seriously ill, is -Miss Lucile Turner, who is attending school at T. P. Cookeville, spent the -end with her sister, Mrs. Clyde Jenkins. Mrs.

Minnie Allison Welch. of Chattanooga, visited Mrs. E. H. Hull this week.

-Mrs. Kelly Potter, of McMinnville, visited her mother, Mrs. Frank Dibrell, Chattanooga Times Special. SWEETWATER. April The election of officers of the Sweetwater Music club was held Tuesday and Mrs.

Bernard M. West was named president. Other officers are Mrs. Murray McNeil, first ricepresident: Mrs. Fred Stevenson.

second viceMiss Stella Gallaher, secretary and treasurer: Capt. G. Sperandeo, choral director; Miss Blanche Smith and Mrs. G. 0.

Graves. accompanists: Mrs. G. Sperandeo, reporter. The local club will be suests Monday night of the Athens Music club at the home of Mrs.

Owen Mahery. An open meeting of the Sweetwater club will be held Tuesday evening and the story of life in music is the novel feature planned for the entertainment. Lullabies and other selection of childhood will be followed by selections appropriate to the various ages of life, closing with 'A Perfect Day." Early Kyker and his bride, formerly Miss Susie Odekirk, of Long Beach, have arrived in Sweetwater for visit with Mr. Kyker's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. S. Kyker. They were married at -Torrence, March 17-and spent their honeymoon on trip through the western and middle western states. Mr.

Kyker has recently received his discharge from the navy. where he served four years on the U. S. 8. New York.

Mrs. Eva Davidson gave a talk on Flowers of Tennessee and How We May Preserve Them' to the Woman's club Wednesday afternoon. She suggested plans for the organization among school children of campaign to create sentiment for preserving wild flowers. Miss Sara in Fleming, of Sweetwater, presented graduate recital on Tuesday evening at Carson-Newman college by Prof. W.

Powell Hale. of the expression department. "The three-act play, show. ins the character development of Simon Peter, was given by Miss Fleming. Helen Black celebrated her twelfth birth.

day with party Wednesday afternoon. Rachel Price and Gladys Chamice assisted in entertaining. Friday Mrs. J. H.

afternoon Patton, for her save mother, rook parts Charles Cannon. Mrs. 8. L. Burns complimented Mrs.

John Burns, of Asheville, with bridge party Friday afternoon. Charles W. Orr WAS called to Decatur, last week on J. account of the death of his sister, Mrs. H.

Thomasson. formerly Miss Ella -Mr. and Mrs. L. G.

Poster left Saturday for Huntsville. and Mrs. Jesse Callahan, formerly of Sweetwater, are now living at Brooksville, -Mr. and Mrs. W.

R. Mauney, of Charleston. S. have been guests of Mrs. Mauney's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. T. B. Young. en route to California for visit.

-Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Parker are expected home today after three weeks' visit in New York.

and Mrs. Oscar King, of Smithville, will visit the coming week with Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher. -The Rev. and Mrs.

O. D. Fleming, Misses Nema Kennedy, Elvena Galyon and Ethel B. McGuire went to Jefferson City to be present at the reCarl Hammer have returned from their cital of Miss Sara -Mr. and Mrs.

honeymoon and are spending the week here. Mrs. Hammer WAS Miss Miriam HutseH.Miss Dora Young. of Knoxville, has been visitor in the city the past two weeks.Miss Amelia Dender has been visiting her sister. Mrs.

Robeson Carter, in Knoxville. Mrs. Joe Wright returned Monday from Fort Sanders hospital and is rapidly -The Rev. And Mrs. J.

H. O. Clevenager are occupying their new home on Vonore -Miss Azalea Farnsworth recently visited in Mr. and Mrs. H.

M. Scott spent ten days in the Carolinas. -Miss Bess Gant. of Chicago, is the guest of her mother. Mrs.

Betty Gaut. -H. M. Scott is in Plymouth, Wis. after business trip to Chicago.

ROCKWOOD. performance by the pupils of the first grade. Will Ed Lawrence. Jim Lawrence Tarmi- Chattanooga Times Special. ROCKWOOD.

April -Sponsored by the Rockwood Business and Professional Women's club, benefit bridge was given Tuesday evening. Sixteen tables were in play. Mrs. J. E.

Wilson winning top-score prize. The public library, sponsored by the club, will. benefit from the affair. Under the direction of Misses Flora Kelly and Blanche Pickering. first teachers.

assisted by Mrs. Dave Smith, president of the Parent-Teacher association, Father's night was observed Thursday evening by ter. Jim Huff, and Hammond Fowler spent the past week-end in Chattanooga. where they attended a dinner party given Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley Warner. Mrs. Warner is the guest this week of her -Leland mother, Mrs. Hammond Fowler, here. Fritzsche and aunt.

Miss Annie Molyneauxs were visitors in Chattanooga the past week- -Mrs. Charles Hinds has TOturned from visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roe Waller in -Howard Brown 18 able to be out after tonsil operation at Chamberlain Memorial hospital. Miss Kate Bowling was called from Knoxville.

where she is attending school, by the serious illness of her Mr. and MrE: J. D. Tanner have returned from visit with relatives in Clarksville and Nashville. -Mrs.

W. Blair 18 able to be out after several days' -Friends here have received announcement of the birth of son April 9 to Mr. and Mrs. Billy Brown. of Dayton, formerly residents of Rock wood.

The baby has been named Warren -Miss Mildred Lamb spent the weekend in Chattanooga, guest of Miss Marion Chapman. -Mr. and Mrs. James Huff have returned from stay in New York City. Fate Mourfield.

of Houston, has been the guest of his sister, Mrs. M. J. Ward.Miss Anna Black returned the past week from visit in Chattanooga. She WAR 4C- companied home by Mrs.

Lillie Shadden. -Miss Gertrude Hearn visited relatives in Chattanooga -Mrs. Millard Ervin. of Knoxville, WAR the recent guest of Mrs. E.

T. James Chialds and daughter, of Knoxville, visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H.

H. Rummage, Junday and Monday. The Bowels Get Real Help from this Doctor's Prescription TRAIN your bowels to be regular; ly, thoroughly; do you to move at the same time every any harm. It just" cleans you. out day; to be thorough that and sweetens the whole digestive get rid of all the waste.

Syrup tract. It gives those over-worked Pepsin--a doctor's prescription- bowels the help they need. will help you do this. When you Take some Dr. Caldwell's Syrup take this compound of laxative Pepsin today, and see how fine you herbs, pure pepsin and other valu- feel tomorrow- and for days to able ingredients, you are helping come.

Give it to the kiddies when the bowels to help themselves. they're sickly or feverish; they'll Dr. Caldwell's Syrup. Pepsin is like the taste! Your druggist has big the sensible thing take when- bottles all ready use. ever you are headachy, bilious, sick from constipation.

When you have no appetite, DR. W. B. CALDWELL'S and a bad taste or bad breath shows you're full of poison. SYRUP PEPSIN Dr.

Caldwell studied bowel troubles for 47 years. His pre- A Doctor's Family Laxative scription always works, quick- G. by of ETOWAH, April 1931 Stanberry, president; Boone class sponsors. receive diplomas are: -Marvel Akins, Ima Barton, Everhart, Gwendolyn Fox, Elizabeth Robbie Lee Poindexter, Elise Reed, Stone, Willie Sue Wade, Eva Wallace, Boys--Fred Brown, Edward Cannon, Hampton, John Hansird, Harold Hayes, Raymond Rudder, Bill Snyder, C. B.

ganization. Ten charter members were enrolled and the next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Lee Mavity. Circle 1 of. the Methodist Episcopal church, south, met Monday afternoon at the church, with Mrs.

Mike Brewster presiding. The topic of 'Adult Illiteracy" was discussed by Mrs. Oscar Gattis, Mrs. W. M.

Hendricks and Mrs. J. E. McClain. Circle 2 of the same church met the same afternoon with Mrs.

Flora Funderburke, with Mrs. W. H. Stanley, chairman, in charge. The W.

M. U. of the First Baptist church met Tuesday afternoon at the church, with Mrs. Lee Mavity presiding. The program was in charge of Mrs.

Eugene Saunders, and the subject was "They Shall Lead Many to Mrs. Herbert Bell, Mrs. R. C. Alexander and Mrs.

O. F. Brown took part on the program. A feature of the meeting was a reception in honor of the Rev. R.

W. Selman, of North Chattanooga, who is assisting in a series of revival services at the church this week. The Willing Workers' class of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, met Tuesday evening with Mrs. Maude Underwood. Mrs.

A. A. Martin presided over the business session. Two contests were enjoyed and prizes were won by Mrs. Arthur Rogers and Miss.

Esther Flegal. The senior class of the Rossville High school presented the class play, "Out-Laws and In-Laws," at the school auditorium Friday evening. The cast of characters included Ovilene Pack, Carolyn Gayton, Pearl Liner, Margaret Ann Cook, Helen Bradley, Fannie Matthews. Wilma Justice, Pauline Foster, Elizabeth Myers, Hazel Cole, Evelyn Williams, Martha Wade, Cora Lee Sims, Ruth Wilson, Retta McAmis and Florence Cuthbert. A Negro "Axin' Her Father," was presented by John Fletcher, Ernest Williams, Carolyn Gayton and Fannie Matthews.

The plays were directed by Miss Vesta Elkins. The Junior class of the Rossville High school will entertain the senior class with a banquet at the school cafeteria Friday evening. Misses Clara and Mary Roberts entertained with a miscellanious shower Saturday afternoon, complimenting Mrs. James P. Roberts, who before her recent marriage was Miss Nell Lehman.

Two contests were held and prizes were awarded Mrs. Harry Dorman and Mrs. R. E. Flegal, who presented them to the honoree.

The honoree was presented a basket filled with gifts. The hostesses were assisted in entertaining by their mother and sister, Mrs. William Roberts and Miss Gladys Roberts. The Ridgecrest Garden club, met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. T.

Brown. Mrs. Marie Dixon, president, presided. A plant exchange was A feature of the meeting. The planting of flowers and shrubbery was discussed.

The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. George Fisher. A series of meetings will begin the first Sunday in May at the Baptist tabernacle, when the pastor, the Rev. G. McClure, will be assisted by the Rev.

Frank Grazladie, of Chattanooga. Mrs. W. D. Bishop, of Columbus, and Mr.

and Mrs. Eng Hooper and son; Martin Hooper. of Springfield. are visiting Mr. and Mrs.

D. M. Dixon.The Rev. and Mrs. J.

E. O' Quinn have returned from Alma, where they were called by the illness and death of Mrs. 'Quinn's father, A. F. Allread, of Los Angeles, is expected to come soon for a visit with his sisters, Mrs.

0. W. Lyle and Mrs. M. D.

and Mrs. Joe Dalton announce the birth of a daughter, whom they have named Fer.rell Thurman has returned from two weeks' stay at Columbus, Ga. -Mr. and Mrs. J.

V. Anderson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alexander at -Le Bron Alexander has gone to Lakeland, for a visit with his uncle, Guy Stotts. Mrs.

G. P. Willbanks is attending the D. A. R.

convention in Washington, D. Mrs. Leon McCulley underwent an operation for appendicitis at a Chattanooga hospital -Mr. and Mrs. J.

M. Howard and Miss Donnie Howard have moved to their new home on Signal -Miss Vesta Elkins spent the weekend with Miss Mary Chenaunt at Jasper, Martha Meadows underwent an operation for appendicitis at a Chattanooga hospital Friday. Wilford Wells has returned to his home in Nicaragua after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. C.

W. Jewett.Miss Rebecca Craig spent the -end with her parents at Readyville, Tenn.Mr. and Mrs. R. M.

Liner, Miss Pearl Liner and Herman Thomas were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas at The Rev. J. C.

Elkins, of Tracy City, spent the week-end with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rudd and children will spend this week-end with Mrs. W. E.

E. Cate Kerr spent at the -end -Mr. with and Mrs. Cate's father, G. W.

Cookson, at Palmer, Tenn, Misses Murl Smith and Viola Stedman entertained with 8 hike to Lula lake on Lookout Steward and mountain children -Mrs. Evelyn and Mrs. Samuel Steward. of Phoenix, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.

B. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. R. L.

-B. E. Durham, Fayetteville, was the guest Sunday of Miss Ora Louise -The junior stewards of the Methodist Episcopal church, south. will meet Thursday evening at. the church.

Percy Shinpaugh, chairman. will Mrs. Margaret Swann. of niston, is visiting her sister. Mrs.

AnLouella -Miss Dorothy Liner has after returned to her home at Charleston, Liner. visit with Mr. and Mrs. G. -Edwin Perkinson was the weekend guest of his grandparents.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perkins, at Riceville.

Tenn.Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Lyle and Miss Frances Lyle spent the week-end with Mr.

and Mrs. Sim Lyle in Atlanta. Mrs. Prank Knight has returned to her home at Dayton after visit with Mr. and Mrs.

John -Mrs. G. B. Leinbach and children returned Saturday from at visit Beaver with Dam, Mr. and Mrs.

G. B. Winter -Mrs. Bernice Williams. of Atlanta.

was the -end guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. L.

-Miss Wilma Shelton and brother, -Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lefkovitz, who have been in Nashville for some time with Mr. Lefkovitz' parents, have returned home. -Mrs.

Herbert Sparkman, of Chase, is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. R. F. -William Metcalf, of Maryville college, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Bery -Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Marchbanks, of Cookeville, visited Mrs. Frank Dibrell -Mr. and Mrs.

R. B. Tubb and Mr. and Mrs. J.

C. Brady, of Cookeville, motored to Athens, -Mrs. Hugh Bosson, who has been ill, is much improved. Miss Sheliah Officer, of Cookeville, visited Mrs. Clarence Hickerson -Miss Lucile Peters, of Knoxville, spent the week-end with Miss Madge -Misses Frances Potter, Carol Cox and Helen Dunn, of Murfreesboro, were -end guests of Miss Dorothy Williams -Mrs.

Belle Tipton is ill, KINGSTON. Chattanooga Times Special. KINGSTON, April the auspices of the Parent-Teacher association, a silver tea was given at the girls' dormitory Tuesday evening. Mrs. William Billings was hostess to.

the Monday club. A salad course was served. The arrangement of springtime flowers made effective decorations. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church spent Wednesday this week at the home of Mrs. Reese Allen quilting.

The following attended the Medical assocation at Knoxville last week: Dr. and Mrs. G. P. Zirkle, Dr.

and Mrs. John Roberts, Dr. and Mrs. J. C.

Fly and Dr. J. Y. The Rev. G.

W. Adkison, Prof. Elzey, Misses Margaret Crowder and Catherine Williams attended the Epworth league conference at Oakdale -Hugh Ladd, of Carson- college, and his guest, Ben Clarke, of the college, came for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. William B.

Ladd. -Mr. and Mrs. James Williams and Mrs. Roy Henry visited friends in Knoxville Mrs.

Asa Williams is spending the week at LaFollette with her sister, Mrs. Browder -Among guests of Miss Olive Martin at bridge Saturday evening were the Misses May and Eleanor Wyley and Chancellor Robert M. Jones, of Knoxville. -Miss Catherine Roberts and John Roberts, students at Carson-Newman. came home for a few days' visit this week with their -Mr.

and Mrs. Gilbert McCollum and daughter. Shirley, of Akron, are guests of Mrs. Joe Farmer -Mrs. O.

T. Tindell and son. Joseph, have returned from week-end visit with Mr. and Mrs. H.

H. Keener at Murphy, N. -The Rev. and Mrs. P.

E. Radford, of Bearden, were here during the week for visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Oran had as recent guests Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Rayder, of -Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armour were guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Oscar McCol- lum at Winchester for the week Miss Sam Rose Parker has returned from visit with Nashville -Mrs. Burton Spraker, of Johnson City, is guest of her parents -Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shields visited relatives at Williamsburg, this -Miss Alma Lee Ellis entered Tennessee Wesleyan college at Athens this -Mr. and Mrs.

Emmett McClain and family, of Chattanooga, came this week for visit with Mrs. Robert Allison and Mrs. M. E. -Mesdames Harvey Ward and Jack Armour and Misses Mary Kate Bailey and Elizabeth Brown visited friends in Wartburg last -Mrs.

Henson, of Knoxville, was the guest Sunday of Judge and Mrs. T. F. -W. J.

Smith has returned from Fort Sanders' hospital in Knoxville much improved. SHELBYVILLE. Chattanooga Times Special, SHELBYVILLE, April Mrs. Gladys Frierson was hostess Friday afternoon to her bridge club. High scores were made by Mrs.

Hattie Covington. of Waynesville, N. and Miss Rebecca Whitthorne won second high. Mr. and Mrs.

J. F. Boyd were hosts dinner Sunday in honor of their week-end house guest. Mrs. L.

T. Reagor, of Nashville. Covers were laid for eight. party of young people, chaperoned by Miss Ruth Reagor, went on A hay ride Saturday evening to Stone's cave, near Flat Creek, where they toasted marshmallows and wienies and enjoyed picnic lunch. Those on the trip were William Ross.

William Porter, James Hugh Caperton, Orville Fly, Paul Landers, William and Doyle Hawkins, George Thomas Himes, and Misses Dorothy Butler, Carrie Eakin, Shoffner, Emma Elizabeth Coble. Elizabeth McLean. Irma Dell Jackson, Joe Raney and Dorothy Gardner. Miss Sue Solomon gave a spend-the-day party Saturday at the home of her parents. Mr.

and Mrs. Will Solomon to compliment eight of her girl friends. Outdoor games and sports featured the entertainment. Miss Lillian Raby entertained the Tuesday Evening Rook club. Four tables of regular club members took part in the game and at its conclusion prizes for the highest scores were won by Mr.

and Mrs. Dan Parker. Mr. and Mrs. W.

8. Tune entertained with dinner Monday in honor of their spend-the-day guests. Seated with Mr. and Mrs. Tune were Mrs.

L. C. Parks, of Murfreesboro, and sister, Mrs. Berry Joyce, of Alabama, and Mrs. Tune's father, T.

J. McLean, of Canes Springs, and Mrs. J. M. Jones and Mrs.

Clyde Tune and little son, Billie, of Lewisburg. Miss Nell Moore was hostess to the Wednesday Afternoon Card club. Two tables were placed in the living room for the game, in which the high score prize was awarded to Mrs. Edd Thompson. Additional guests were Mrs.

John E. Moore and Mrs. E. W. Bearden.

Mrs. Ed Thompson was hostess at the meeting of her card club Wednesday afternoon. Eight guests enjoyed the bridge game, in which the club prize for high score was awarded Mrs. E. C.

Huffman. Mrs. George L. Evans was the club guest. birthday party was given Monday by Mrs.

Edwin Nance, in honor of her little son, Edwin T. from 3 to 5 o'clock. to celebrate his fifth birthdas. -two P' We and rest 18 bani hom few brot Mrs and side vice Yor! of 1 Mrs wife thre Barl offi He noo coln Don His B. I ber Tim writ has 11shi papi City He B.

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Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.